Hizashi X Female Reader *Edited*

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How? Why? That's all you can ask yourself as you calmly watched him talk animatedly to Midnight and All Might. Midnight was practically matching him in volume and zeal as All Might politely answer his questions and let out quiet chuckles in between replies. You were sitting next to Aizawa since he was quiet and only talked when spoken to or when he had something to say. You and he were very much alike. You both were quiet and very introverted keeping to yourselves but unlike Aizawa, you would engage in a conversation but only if that person initiated it and you wouldn't be crass or rude like a certain sleeping-bag lover did. Your object of affection had finally taken a breath to eat some of his lunch and you were in bliss at the silence as well as a little disappointed. You loved his voice as much as he loved his quirk which ironically was 'voice.' You were smitten since the day you met him honestly even though the volumes and pitches his voice can reach made you cringe and want to plug your ears you still adored him. The only problem is, how the hell was someone as outgoing and loud as he was going to fall for someone who was quiet and shy as a mouse? Then again he was somehow friends with Aizawa proving that introverts don't make friends they get adopted by extroverts. Despite the banter between them, you knew Aizawa cared for Hizashi deeply even if he would never admit it, to keep from inflating the blonde's ego. You also admired Hizashi for his hard work, dedication, and for being responsible even if his personality never showed any hints of him being described as responsible. He's the only person you knew who held down three jobs and never complained about any of them, he was a teacher, a pro hero, and hosted his own radio show that played every Friday night which you made sure no one found out. You both were close but you weren't as close to him as Midnight and Aizawa were. You didn't go to UA with them so you didn't grow up with him.

"YO Y/N" You flinched hard your late lunch/dinner flying out your hands straight into the garbage. You were surprised that you made it but a bit annoyed now that you don't have lunch. You looked over at Yamada as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. Midnight slapped him upside the head.

"You know she doesn't like loud and unexpected noises!" Funny that she said that because you like none of that but yet the man you're infatuated with is ALL of that.

"Sorry about that little listener! Here eat the other half of my food!" Before you can even protest he already pushed the other half of his bento towards you looking at you expectantly. You sighed and dug in without much protest not wanting to make him feel bad. You inwardly smile when he beamed at you and continued with his conversation with Midnight. You finished up the lunch he gave you watching Aizawa grade papers besides you since you finished your stack already. Midnight got up and went towards Aizawa and you watched them interact curiously.

"Come on Aizawa, you can finish up that back at the dorms" She pulled at his arm and he glared at her seeming to have an unspoken conversation with her before sighing heavily packing up his things. You looked at him as he got up with his stuff but before he left he ruffled up your hair.

"See you in a bit." With that said he glanced over to Hizashi and then gave All Might a pointed look. All Might got the hint real quick and left the room promptly with Aizawa going after Midnight. When the door closed you realized something; You were left alone with your crush and you had absolutely no idea how to act but you tried schooling your features to keep from making an utter fool of yourself. That's when you remembered he was going to ask you something before he got sidetracked.

"Yamada?" You waited until you got his attention, he was looking at you over his glasses tilting his head a bit with a 'hmm' "What was it that you wanted to ask me?" He looked at you a moment making you tilt his head which caused him to cough lightly turning away from you.

"W-well, I was wondering if you just wanted to walk together back to the dorms?" That was odd of him to ask but then again he was usually with Aizawa so why not take advantage.

"Of course Yamada, let me pack up my stuff and we can leave right now actually." He didn't protest as you both packed up your stuff and left together. He was great at making conversations and you found yourself giggling at him and talking more. It may have been your imagination but you noticed that every time you giggled he tried a little harder to make you laugh and it worked. By the time the two of you made it to the dorms, you both were giggling like teenagers and you were holding on to his arm tightly enjoying the fact that he let you be this close with him. Eventually, you both calmed down even though you didn't let go of his arm and you weren't about to let go until you both made it to the teacher's floor and had to go your separate ways. Your room was down the hall on the right and his room was down the hall on the left. You both stood there a bit awkwardly not entirely sure what to do. You were about to say something but he beat you to the punch.

"Y/N" Your mouth dropped a bit when he said your first name "Is it okay for me to call you that?" His voice was uncharacteristically soft as he gently pulled you to face him fully.

"As long as I can call you Hizashi." His eyebrows rose slightly when you said his name. He couldn't help himself as he pulled you into a hug. You were shocked but you hugged him back before he got the wrong idea.

"I never knew how nice my name would sound coming out of your mouth." A light giggle came out of you as you snuggled into his arms more, loving how he tightened his grip on you. "I love your smile and your laughs. They're so soft...and precious like you are." This side of him was surprising as a soft blush spread across your cheeks as you glanced up at him. You were surprised once again at the gentle smile on his face and when he took his glasses off. Your eyes widen in awe, his eyes were gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. yes they weren't a normal shape, they were concentric and green with specks of yellow but you absolutely loved it

"Your eyes are gorgeous." You felt yourself grin at the blush that crossed his features as he averted his eyes. You had a sudden urge to kiss him and that's what you did, you leaned up and gave him two kisses; one on the cheek and one on the corner of his mouth as he stood there flabbergasted looking at you. You used one of your hands to rub the side of his face lightly before dropping it. "Goodnight Hizashi" You made to pull away and only made it two steps before you were pulled back into his arms.

"Well, that's no way to say goodnight." Your eyes widen before sliding close at the feel of his lips on yours. His was soft as expected and the kiss lasted for only a few seconds but it was the best few seconds of your life at that moment. "That's how you say goodnight, my little listener." Your eyes opened looking at him with all your suppressed adoration for him and were pleased to see the same feelings in his eyes. "Sweet dreams Y/N" With one final kiss for the day, he let you go turning around and throwing a smile over his shoulder towards you winking. You couldn't help but giggle at him waving before turning to go to your room where you can be excited in peace with no interruptions.


This was a page shorter than the first one.

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