Izuku Midoriya X Jealous Gender Neutral Reader *Edited*

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A/N: Thank you for 2k Reads!

You felt the blood in your veins thump in sync with your heartbeat. Thump. Thump. Thump. You were rivaling Bakugou when it came to explosiveness and anger, now that was saying something. Typically your temper didn't flare up this badly but every time you see Izuku with Uraraka or Hatsume your blood just boiled. Logically Uraraka was the first person to meet Midoriya and even told him that the nasty 'Deku' nickname Bakugou gave him to be mean actually sounded like 'dekiru' which means 'you can do it.' It was endearing but did nothing to cool down the jealous streak buried deep in your bones. Were you going to let your jealousy get in the way of his friendship with her? Hell no, you like Uraraka and you like Deku a whole lot more but feelings and emotions can't be helped. Hatsume was just a nutcase who could care less for anything except her 'babies' and being a part of the support system with Power-loader so your emotions didn't flare as bad with her as they did with Uraraka.

"Yo L/N, you're alright?" You turned your head sharply to stare at Kaminari whose eyes widen at the look that you felt was on your face.

"What?" That came out a lot harsher than you intended but then again, what you were thinking wasn't exactly helping your mood.

"Don't chew my head off but, can you help me with my homework? Bakubro can't help me, he's helping Kirishima and Sero already." Before you can answer a notebook was chucked at his head and he winced turning around to look at the culprit "What was that for!" You saw Bakugou's smirk.

"For being a dumbass." You smirked at that.

"Should have been a textbook." You grinned when Bakugou barked out a harsh laugh before continuing with Kirishima hitting him over the head when he got a question wrong for the third time in the row.

"Why do you hate me." You chuckled at the dramatics Kaminari was displaying before opening the textbook you had and ordering him to open his notebook. That's how you spent the next 40 ish minutes until you heard Midoriya's laugh joined by Uraraka's laugh. There goes your blood pressure.

"Iida is so stupid." Your lips curved up without your consent because it is true. Iida is so academically smart but lacks common sense when it comes to the outside world.

"It is not my fault that they did not request my help even though I kindly offered it! I respect their decisions!" You grinned a bit but it came out more like a grimace since you were holding it back.

"Are you okay?" You glanced up at Kaminari who raised an eyebrow at you. You simply shook your head causing him to shrug and go back to his work. You were about to continue yourself until what Uraraka said had you crushing your pen in your hand.

"You should come to my room Deku." Did you just hear her right? Why was she asking him to come to her room? Were they dating? Were you too late and she got to him first? Your eyes moved on their own accord and looked at them before you forced yourself to look away.

"How come? You need help with something?" Yeah Uraraka, what the hell do you need help with? It sure isn't English you guys did that yesterday.

"Hmmmmm." Why did she have to make that sound so sexual? "You'll see when you get there." Your pen broke in half. There goes your self-control. It's slipping through your fingers and you refuse to start exploding stuff but, you were going to have to leave any time now if this continues or you will set the fire alarms. You looked up at Kaminari who was now staring at you but leaning a bit back in his chair. You glanced over at the others and unsurprisingly the only one to take notice of your mini-jealous rage just now was Bakugou. You were glaring at him, but not really. You were willing him with eye contact alone to fucking help you before you lost the little shred of patience you have and start setting fires. He knows very well how hard it is to keep your temper in check.

"U-Uh, sure I guess." Yep, that's it. You got to go now. You stood up gently as possible and told Kaminari that you would be right back you just needed some fresh air. You didn't even notice Bakugou following you until you felt an arm wrap around your waist. You froze up and would have tripped if it wasn't for him.

"B-Bakugou?" Usually, you didn't stutter, but this was just so bizarre. He never did this before, yeah you two playfully bantered but this was a whole different level and you had no idea how to act.

"I'm coming with you, do you mind?" You were puzzled but shook your head no. You turned back around trying to understand him completely missing the shit-eating grin he threw at Deku who was watching both of you intensely. Once outside that's when Bakugou finally lets you go. You turned to him placing a hand on your hip and tilting your head at him curiously.

"What was that for?" He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked around but all of this was just so odd. He was already a strange one but this was just beyond him

"Look listen, I'm only going to say this once, I like you and I want you to date me." Your brain has come to a halt as your stomach flipped flopped in a not-so-good way. What does he mean? You laughed chalking it up to him being an ass

"You're a dumbass Bakugou." You laughed some more but it dwindled down when he didn't make a peep as he continued to stare at you while occasionally glancing at the door. You looked too and you could have sworn you saw movement but maybe it was your imagination.

"I'm serious L/N, me and you got a lot in common. We should date." You squinted at him confused and a little scared. Kats knew about your crush. Why was he acting like this all of a sudden?

"Kats, you know I like 'zuku-kun-" You were cut off with a yelp when your world was suddenly thrown upside down as you were placed on someone's shoulders. You looked down to see familiar red shoes a blush taking over your face. What was going on?!

"You heard them. They are not interested." What kind of tone was that? You never heard Izuku speak like that let alone to someone like Katsuki. You looked up to see Kats's reaction and to your surprise, he was chuckling with that maddening grin on his face

"It's about time you fucking do something shitty Deku." WHAT DID THAT EVEN MEAN??? You knew what he was talking about but you refused to get your hopes up high. Once you were back inside you looked to see everyone still there with Katsuki following close behind. To your amazement, you saw Uraraka and Bakugou high-five each other.

"I see the plan worked Bakugou-kun." Plan? Those little shits planned all of this?

"Fuck yeah it did, I told you cheeks!" Your jaw fucking dropped when he kissed her on the cheek and she grew red floating towards the ceiling. SINCE WHEN WERE THEY A THING??!! Why that bastard didn't tell you!! Why did they try and succeed in making a pissed, jealous and confused mess??

"He pissed me off." You jolted back to reality forgetting momentarily that your crush was carrying you upstairs. Once on the second floor that's when he put you down and closed you in with both hands on either side of your head crowding your personal space. You were so happy and confused. "I'm glad that Kacchan and Uraraka did what they did though. I may have never found out that you liked me back." What was he saying?

"What are you trying to say 'zuku?" You knew what he was saying but he needed to say the words specifically

"I like you Y/N...A lot...and...I was wondering if we....can date?" He ended it with a question looking up finally from the ground but was caught off guard when you threw yourself on him. If he wasn't fit he would have fallen but he didn't move from his spot.

"I always thought you liked Uraraka...but now?" You broke off with a little laugh "I would gladly date you Izuku." It took a second for the words to register before he was laughing wrapping his arms around you firmly. You both were a giggling mess but, that's all okay. You finally got your dream boy.



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