Kirishima x Mute Gender Neutral Reader X Bakugo *Edited*

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You were cowering under the nearest building covering your ears in an attempt to block out the loud noises and explosions. Curse your drawback! It made your ears sensitive to everything loud and the two objects of your affection happened to be loud noises and explosions. You chanced a peek over the piece of cement that was in front of you only to shake and duck back down quickly to avoid getting your face crushed in by flying rocks.

"DIE YOU BASTARD!" Despite the fear and adrenaline that was coursing through your system you couldn't help but smile at Bakugo's mannerisms. He was always so brash and said die and fight to someone. You had to admit though that he was tactical, smart, and way more observant than most people give him credit for... You smacked your cheeks pulling on them to make yourself focus so you don't cause more trouble than needed to be. You needed to get out of here while Bakugo and Kirishima were working on subduing the villains until the pros showed up. They were fighting to stop them, protect the civilians and to protect you as well. It was two against three and it was supposed to be a fair fight but one of the villains used her quirk called "Immobile" which rendered Bakugo and Kirishima completely useless. You knew that both of their egos were severely bruised and at that moment the second one was going to use his quirk "cut" which allowed him to cut anything he wanted into pieces. Since you didn't get hit with the first villain's quirk you were able to use your quirk space jump to get all of you far enough. You grabbed both of them and with strength that surprised you, you high-tailed out of there each step 10 feet in between. You managed to get them far away to allow the effects to wear off and judging by the hardening skin and little explosions going off it wasn't long lasting. Before you knew it Kirishima was pushing you to follow Bakugo who was already blasting off leaving the two of you to catch up which didn't take long. The fight began and you were able to take out the first villain since she had no defense or fighting skills whatsoever. Now Bakugo and Kirishima were fighting the other ones which allowed you to evacuate any remaining civilians who may have been left behind. This is when shit began to hit the fan since the third villain went undetected and was aiming for a family until you jumped in. You were toe-to-toe with him until you felt your energy draining from you suddenly and he was getting stronger and stronger by the minute. You noticed that he was inhaling deeply and the deeper he inhaled the weaker you got. That had to be his quirk. He feeds off of the energy of others. You became uncoordinated and were slammed sideways passing by both Bakugo and Kirishima's vision. You landed awkwardly behind the boulder you were currently hiding behind as Kirishima and Bakugo continued to fight. Kirishima managed to knock out the draining guy by sheer force and willpower of his unbreakable but, now that left them to fight Mr. Cut Mcspeedy who wasn't giving up in the slightest pissing you and the other two off.

"STAY STILL DAMMIT!" Kirishima smashed a crater a second too late and the guy started laughing and mocking them.

"YOU CALL YOURSELF HERO'S YOU CAN'T EVEN CAT-" That momentary distraction was enough for Bakugo to blow an AP Shot at him throwing him off balance. His confusion allowed Kirishima to grab him and body slam him knocking him out. It was just in time too as Kirishima could no longer harden his body and you took notice of the twitch and spasms in Bakugo's right arm. You deemed it safe enough to get up and even though you couldn't hear from your left ear blood coming out of it, you tried your best to walk towards them. You must have been more uncoordinated than initially thought since the ground kept getting closer with every step.

"L/N!" You assumed it was Kiri and when you felt a pair of arms around you and saw red you knew your assumption was right. You allowed yourself to be picked up and carried to safety aka an ambulance as the pros finally took care of the problem. "You're bleeding." He was stating the obvious and you disliked the worry clouding his vision so you did the best you can do in this predicament to try and ease him. You smiled the best you can patting him lightly on the cheek. He frowned deeper feeling the blood smudge on his face. Why did you always end up getting hurt?

"Hurry up shitty hair and get them to the ambulance." That was his defensive tone to not be seen as weak and for potential villains to notice that he has a distraction in the form of you and said red-head carrying you.

"I'm trying not to jostle them anymore than they have been!" Thank the lucky stars he was carrying you and not Bakugo. You never doubted Bakugo's abilities and you knew he would have carried you if absolutely necessary but, he wouldn't have been as gentle as Kirishima is being right now. Finally, after what took forever you made it to the ambulance where you were swarmed and Bakugo and Kirishima were swarmed to another ambulance. You wanted one of them to be with you, you hated being alone, especially in a hospital setting. If anything was to go wrong you couldn't exactly alert anyone you were unable to produce a sound, not even a scream. It was a quirk accident that happened when you were little with another child and ever since you weren't able to speak. You had moments where you thought you could but, it never happened. You were told it will take years or it could be permanent. You've been like this for 8 years now convinced it was a permanent thing now. Once at the hospital you allowed yourself to be poked and prodded with no resistance in the slightest and all you did was give a slightly annoyed sigh when you were told you'll be monitored for the next couple of days. Maybe this stay wouldn't be so bad if Bakugo and Kiri were here.

"What room are they in!" You turned your head to the door surprise etched on your features. They were here? How did they know what floor or hospital you were even taken to? You thought for a second before mentally face-palming. Of course, they'll know what hospital you're at, they would have asked! You turned your head sharply at the sound of footsteps and smiled brightly when you saw a grumpy Bakugo and a happy-go-lucky Kirishima trudge in. You sat up wincing when Bakugo closed the door and pulled the curtain a bit for extra privacy before making his way to you. He wrapped you up in his arms climbing into the bed and pulling you into his lap. He leaned back onto the bed with you leaning back onto his chest. You smiled happily when he pressed a kiss to your neck and then your cheek. Your attention was brought back to Kirishima who was sitting in front of you with his hands on your hips. He leaned in to rub noses as you had a thought. It didn't make sense to keep referring them to their last names in your head anymore, all three of you were dating!

"How are you feeling kitten?" You maneuvered your hands for both of them to see as you signed that you're just sore but, they're monitoring you for a couple of days due to your quirk's drawback. You felt them both crowd you more protectively not that you minded the attention. It was rare to get affection from Bakugo like this so you were going to lavish on it.

"Eji-Kats" You were so lost in thought not paying much mind to the way both of them froze and pulled back to look at you. You looked at Eji concern covering your features at the tears gathered in the corner of his eyes.

"You said our names." You were lost until your eyes practically bugged out of your head. YOU SAID THAT OUT LOUD! You frantically signed needing to know and when you got an affirmative grunt from Kats who had his face buried in your neck you allowed the tears to flow. Eji wasted no time in bringing you back in for a hug and the only sound in the quiet room was light sniffles and a brand new feeling was beginning to bud in your heart. Hope.


I don't know

BNHA X Reader One-shots *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now