Jealous Denki Kaminari X Gender Neutral Reader *Edited*

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"DAMMIT SERO YOU FUCKING TAPE MAN I AM OVER HERE!" You were playing a regular school activity for once with your class and that was Volleyball. You were on Bakugou's team considering that you weren't in the mood to be pummeled in the face by an over-the-top fire-cracker who had an excessive need to win and be number one in literally everything. You're pretty sure that if you or anyone else was to breathe before him he'll get pissed.

"IS THIS EVEN VOLLEYBALL?!" You turned to Mina who shrieked that as she dodged a sudden barrage of balls coming her way and accidentally burnt one when she lost control of her quirk for a second.

"Not in the slightest Mina! Since when does our class do anything remotely normal." Kirishima was 100 percent right. You and everyone else in this room were part of UA Class 1-A and from the class representative Iida Tenya to karate kid Mashirao Ojiro there was nothing normal about this class.

"BAKUGO QUIT IT. I WANT TO LIVE!" Mina decided the best place to hide from the onslaught of balls coming from your side- courtesy of Bakugo, isn't he just the sweetest?- to hide behind Shoji who had no problem catching or dodging the balls while protecting Mina and Toru who were hiding behind him. Smart choice, you would be doing the same thing if you were them.

"FUCKING L/N GET YOUR HEAD OUT YOUR ASS AND FIGHT!" How enthusiastic the little gremlin was. Who fights in Volleyball? There was no competition, there was nothing being won, no trophies no newspapers none of that shit that would explain the crazed look in Bakugo's eyes. Then again he is Bakugo.

"WE DON'T FIGHT IN VOLLEYBALL!" He opts to ignore you to direct his attention onto Deku who just got there on the minefield. Now everyone else was safe and this game of volleyball had just become a one-on-one match between grenades and bunny ears. Bunny ears didn't ask for this fuckery but Grenades insisted.

"KACCHAN WHAT ARE YOU- QUIT IT!" Aaaaaand that was everyone's cue to get off the gym floor as of yesterday. You all allowed the two to have it out while you guys went to the bleachers to cool down and talk to each other. You saw Denki talking with Sero and Kirishima so you sat down with them. You are allowed to miss your dunce face even though you were in the same class as him.

"Hey, Denki." You smiled at him as he stopped what he was doing and gave you a 100-watt smile.

"LOVE!" He grabbed you dragging you down to lay across his lap. He held you petting your hair while he continued his conversation with the other two. Whenever you would comment you felt him tighten his hold on you and always direct your attention towards him. You were about to say something to Sero when you felt someone tug on your leg. You and the others turned and that's when you saw Toru pulling you.

"L/N! L/N! COME COME COME!" She didn't give two fucks about you being in Denki's arms. She practically yanked you and out of the corner of your eye, you saw his face sour before he tried schooling his features and turning back to the conversation he was having with Sero and Kiri.

"What is it Toru-Chan?" She started waving her arms excitedly well if the flapping arm sleeves were anything to go by.

"I have something to show you and the girls! Come on!" She grabbed your hand and pulled you to where the other girls were sitting in a circle waiting for her to come back. "Sit! Sit!" You obediently sat down in between Momo and Asui all of you now paying attention to Toru who plopped right down in the middle.

"What's got you so excited Toru-Chan, ribbit." Tsuyu had her finger against her chin as she stared at Toru inquisitively. She tapped rapidly on her phone pulling up a picture to show. She gave it to Jiro first who commented and it went around the circle ending at you last. It was a boy that looked about your guy's age or a year older and he went to Shiketsu High with Inasa and Camie. That's actually pretty cool. He had what looked like a bear quirk considering the eyes, claws, mouth, and nose part. Is this the boy she's been talking to all this time?

"Who is he?" You had to know now! You were happy that finally, she was getting some romance. Granted you thought she and Ojiro or Shoji would end up together but you found out that, that wasn't the case.

"His name is Gajaza and me and he has been talking for over a year now and has met a few times! I really really want to date him! He's so kind and patient and smart and kind-" She went off on a tangent from there and honestly none of you had the heart to stop her. She always listened to your guy's love qualms and tangents and rants so why not listen to her and be happy right? While she was still talking you felt eyes bore into the back of your head. You turned to see Denki practically glaring at you as you raised an eyebrow at him. He said nothing but turned back around leaving you confused. "Y/N, what do you think?" You turned to Toru blushing lightly.

"I didn't hear the last thing you said." She huffed moving her arms around in that adorable flustered way that she does.

"I was saying that I'm going to say yes to dating him the next time I see him!" You smiled at her placing your hand on top of where you felt her hand on your leg.

"You have to do what makes you happy! Go for it! If he's mean to you we kick his ass!" You got affirmatives from the others before you all broke out in giggles.

"Playtime is over go back to the dorms" You shrieked along with half the class at the sound of Aizawa's voice. When the hell did he even get here??? You hurriedly grabbed your stuff and went towards Denki wanting to walk with him. You were almost there when you were picked up by someone and thrown over a shoulder.

"WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE LET'S GO L/N!" You didn't even get a chance to say anything as Iida sprinted out of the gym with you. You didn't even bother protesting because this was just so un-Iida like you didn't know how to act. Once by the dorms, he put you down, and before you can walk three feet you felt someone grab you and start dragging you away from everyone else. You looked and saw Denki stomping and dragging you away.

"If anyone else wants you they are going to have to fucking wait" First Iida acts like Kirishima and now Denki is acting like Bakugo. Was it something in the air? You allowed yourself to be dragged off not noticing the knowing looks of your classmates. It wasn't long before Denki had you in his dorm room with the door shut and spooning you. He was holding you close to his chest and tightly having no interest in letting you go.

"Denki-Kun....what's wrong?" It was quiet for a few before he sighed pulling you back a little to look you in your face

"I was jealous okay? Everyone had you today except for me! You are mine! My partner! But everyone wants to hang out with you all of a sudden every time I want to be with you! Well, they are all going to have to wait until I got my fill of you. My Y/N meter is dangerously low." He pouted not waiting for you to respond pushing your face into his chest. It was quiet for a few before you broke out in hysterical giggles! He huffed letting you get the giggles out and snuggled you more once you calmed down.

"You're so adorable, I swear." You felt him squeeze your sides making you squeal.

"Shut up."



BNHA X Reader One-shots *EDITED*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora