Hitoshi Shinsou X Female Reader *Edited*

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A/N: WARNING! Physical abuse, verbal abuse, and Implied Sexual abuse!


You didn't have the slightest idea which direction to go to. Should you turn around and go back? Keep going forward? Make a right? Left? Up? The weather was dreary, wet, raining and grey mixed with black. It matched the inner turmoil you were facing right now. You never understood why you continued to go to that hell hole you called home with your parents. they didn't love you, they didn't care for you in the slightest. They saw your quirk as a burden since it was a wild card. Your mom's quirk is telekinesis and your father's quirk is Earth, however, you have neither of those quirks. Your quirk had to do with blood control. You were able to control the person with whose blood you came into contact forcing them to do anything and everything you wanted. It was similar to the Pro hero and also homeroom teacher of Class 1-B Vlad King but your parents didn't care for that. They were disgusted that your quirk wasn't one of their own, to begin with, and then it had to do with blood? That was the icing on the cake and now they make it their duty to let you know you are not welcomed in their home. The only one who knows of your situation is Aizawa, your boyfriend Shinsou, and the Principal. You wanted to keep it a secret because there are children out in the world that have it worst than you do or ever will have. At least that's what you keep telling yourself every time they hurt you whether physically or verbally. However, as you stared up to the sky the rain masking your tears, and looked down at the bags you have you knew they meant every word they said


"Oh look what the cat dragged in." You cringed at the snarky tone your mother used every time you decided to come home. Why did you even bother?

"Hi, mama." She snorted at you looking at you up and down disgustingly continuing to watch her TV. You noticed your father sitting on his recliner but he was watching you with a sickening grin on his face. You knew that look. That was the look he would give you whenever he was 'bored' and needed 'something to do' and it really depended on the mood or the time of the day. If he wasn't going to use his fists and feet he would decide to engage in....very unpleasant activities that you had no interest in being a part of. Of course, your mother knew all of this.

"Hello Y/N, how are you doing gorgeous?" You resisted the urge to recoil at the way he raked his eyes up and down and you simply averted your eyes keeping your head down.

"I-I'm okay dad." You didn't wait for further conversation as you made a beeline for your room. Well, that's if you can even call it that. Your bed had no sheets and one pillow and whatever little clothes and things you had were all in the closet. Your room was bare, you had no desk, no chair, no posters. Just a dripping ceiling where there were cracks and holes and holes in the corner of the room where the mice would come in and out scurrying across the floor. You had four duffel bags in your closet packed up already for yourself just in case something happened. You always had a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach every time you came home but for some reason on an impulse when you came home and your parents weren't home you went straight to your room and packed up everything in those duffel bags. You quickly stuffed them in the closet and when you heard your parents downstairs you quickly jumped out your window with your school bag and uniform still on. You weren't in the mood for a beating just for getting home before they did. That's why you waited and then rung the bell and now you're on this dingy mattress wanting to throw up and curl up in a ball at the same time. You looked at your phone- a privilege you paid dearly for and wanted to text one of your friends or even Shinsou but decided against it. They all had their own problems and you weren't about to add to those list of problems. You jumped as you heard the stairs leading to your room creak and you threw your phone into your bookbag simultaneously pulling books out to seem busy. You looked up when your door was slammed open and you swallowed audibly when you saw your father standing there smirking at you. He was wearing his combat boots and you knew what he was in the mood for. You gulped and you didn't even have time to move your stuff when he was already on you. He yanked you up by your hair into the air and your feet were dangling in the air as he brought you to his face

"You better be ready later for daddy's surprise." You held your tears at bay not wanting to upset him. You were frightened, you hated his surprises it was always something degrading, nasty, and downright wrong. He threw you on the floor and stepped on your back to keep you planted on the ground. You heard him take off his belt and that's when you froze in absolute terror, tears streaming down your face. No, no, no, no, no PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO! You squeezed your eyes when you felt your skirt being moved up and all you wanted at that moment was for a hero. You wanted someone to come and save you from this hell, from this man, from this fake family that didn't care for their child. Your eyes opened back up in shock when you felt a sting from the belt. He kept hitting you, the welts swelling and growing in size, blood splattering slightly from the strikes. With one last hit, he took his foot off your back and walked towards the door "Clean up your mess, and use that lavender wash that you know I love so much." He said nothing as he slammed the door behind him. You said nothing allowing the tears to flow down your cheeks in an endless river. What did you do in life or in your previous life to deserve this? You gritted your teeth as your legs protested at you when you moved them. You needed to clean them with alcohol and wrap them up to keep the cuts from getting infected. With all your willpower you sat up crawling to near your bed and pulling a loose floorboard exposing all your medical supplies. You pulled out alcohol and wipes to clean yourself first. You bit your lip hard enough to draw blood as you cleaned the wounds with the alcohol, put antibiotic ointment all over, and lastly wrapped them up with gauze and tape. You sighed pulling all your supplies out and stuffing them in your bookbag putting the floorboard back. You leaned against the bed taking a moment to just breathe. You rubbed your head where he tugged and yelped lowly at how tender it was. You heard their voices and for some reason, you were compelled to listen to exactly what was being said.

"...Why are we still letting that bitch live here?" You flinched at how your mother-if you can still call her that- was talking about you as if you were some unwanted dog. You guess you were in her eyes.

"Don't worry, after I do my nightly routines we tell her to get the fuck out of our lives." You heard them giggle kissing as you blanched trying to hold in your lunch.

"Can I watch and record? So we can have one last piece to add to our collection." You have heard enough. That was the last straw. You got up hissing at the protest your legs gave but you needed to get out, you had a purpose, a bitter determination to leave this place once and for all. You went to your closet grabbed your duffel bags and with some maneuvering, you placed them on the fire escape. You grabbed your bookbag that you put last-minute things in before turning to observe your jail cell and you decided you weren't going to miss not one part of this. You went onto the fire escape throwing your bags into the dry ground below before climbing down the ladder carefully. You checked to make sure that they didn't notice your departure before heading out not once looking back

*End Flashback*

You decided to leave yourself before they got their last-minute sick fun in. You had no idea where you were going to go. You had enough money to last you for about two months but clearly, two months isn't a long time. You're going to have to tell Hitoshi what happened...That was a conversation you weren't ready for but you will have with him eventually. Your only concern right now was finding a place to sleep since you weren't about to bother Hitoshi or Aizawa with your problems. Aizawa adopted Hitoshi and you know those two would have no problem having you stay and live with them but that's a huge burden you'll be placing on yourself. You didn't bother taking a train or bus just needed to walk to clear your head. You didn't even notice where you were walking until you took in your surroundings and saw that you subconsciously took yourself to Hitoshi's neighborhood. You groaned to yourself but it was too late, you were too far from any hotel and the fatigue you'd been fighting off was coming back with a vengeance. You dragged yourself with your 4 duffel bags and book bag towards where you knew the Aizawa residence was and with each step, your body dragged further and further and the usual 10-minute walk turned into half an hour with the number of stops you had to make. By the time you made it to the front door, you were nearly dead on your feet, your body swaying, black spots crowding your vision. You don't know how you managed but you rang the bell and waited to sway slightly, the world blurring together as you waited for an answer. You got one and judging by the sharp intake of breath they were surprised

"Y/N!" You don't know who grabbed you as you finally let the fatigue, pain, and hurt take you under for a much-deserved rest


Part 2 coming soon!

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