Mina Ashido X Female Reader *Edited*

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"DAMMIT PINKY" You were chasing Mina all across the gym while yelling profanities at her. You were in the middle of practicing your object hardening skills when she came out of nowhere and shot a string of acid towards all the hard work you just did so, yes you wanted to kill her. Just a little bit.

"Catch me if you can Y/N-chan." You were trying but, it seems she was once again more fit than you when it came to tracking and you were getting tired already. She took notice of your slowly decreasing pace "Getting tired already? Come on! You're going to be a pro-hero!" You knew she was just trying to push you to be better but your brain took it as a taunt. Something snide that Bakugou would say and for some reason it lit a fire under you. With brand new vigor, you hauled ass gaining on her and before you knew it, you were directly behind her reaching for her. Of course, the little pink menace decided to flip over you catching you off guard before putting her feet on your back and slamming you to the ground. The air rushed from your lungs your arms being pinned behind you with her laughing. Usually, you loved her laugh but, right now? You really wanted her to choke.

"You have to teach me how to do that" You didn't want to show your anger since really, she was too cute for her own good and you couldn't stay mad at her for too long.

"It's easy Y/N-chan. You just got to be flexible." Easy she said, just be flexible she said.

"What the fuck is so easy about being flexible Ms. Break-dancer?" She giggled finally getting off of you so you can get up. You rolled your slightly sore shoulders turning around to face her. She was standing confidently and proudly with her hands on her hips and that big beautiful smile that made your heart flutter.

"Not everyone has the perks from dancing for so many years as I have." That infuriating smile of hers was what made your day, no matter what mood you may be in.

"Yeah yeah go gloat somewhere else." You playfully rolled your eyes at her walking away from her but she followed you.

"Don't be like that Y/N-chan! How about this, I will teach you how to dance on one condition." You turned to her fully to see her face really close to yours. You had to seriously fight the blush that wanted to take over your face at that very moment.

"What's the condition?" Thank fuck you didn't stutter. You refused to make a fool of yourself in front of her.

"Eat dinner with me and help me with English, please!" She hugged you tightly and honestly how can you say no? You were going to eat with your crush in her room and help her with homework in a confined space. A confined space. Her room. Where she sleeps. "Oi Y/N-chan!" You came back to Earth taking notice of the concern swimming in her eyes

"What happened?" She pouted putting a hand on your forehead

"You're really hot and seem flustered. Something wrong?" Fuck, fuck she noticed.

"N-nothing is wrong. It's a deal. I'll see you later at 7." With that said you sped walk away from her not noticing the happy look on her face nor the smug looks of Bakugou and Kirishima. Once you were out of earshot she turned to the former

"I swear to fuck this better work." Kirishima threw an arm around her shoulders squeezing a bit

"Of course, it's going to work! She really likes you!" She pouted but looked hopefully at him before turning to Bakugou

"She got the hots for you Raccoon eyes. Don't fuck it up or I'll kill you." Such a typical Bakugou response but she simply smiled giving a thumbs up.

"By the end of the day, she will be my girlfriend!" She was pumping herself up while fist-bumping with Kirishima. Now that, that was over it was time to continue training and get the rest of the day over with


It was the last class of the day and you were fidgeting more nervous than anything. You were going to be alone with Mina for a few hours and it was more than your heart can handle.

"Y/N-chan? Are you okay?" You looked up at Uraraka who was looking at you before glancing down at you. You followed her line of sight and saw that your leg was shaking a mile a minute shaking the table along with it. You stopped flushing embarrassingly before giving her a sheepish smile

"I'm just worried and excited about later on..." She smiled encouragingly at you nodding her head in understanding. She was supportive about your crush on her as you helped her get with her now girlfriend Asui. They were such a cute couple, they got along so well.

"There's nothing to be worried about. It's Mina. Just act the way you always act. Besides you can possibly use this to make your move on her. You'll be surprised by the outcome." She winked at you smiling a bit deviously. You had a sneaking suspicion that she knew way more than what she was letting on, but that was for another day to figure out.

"I'm going to try Ochako-chan." You turned back in your seat focusing on the last lecture of the day needing it to be over with so you can steel your nerves. Your wish came true when the bell rang and with swiftness, you packed up your stuff and made a bee-line for the dorms. You rushed upstairs slamming your dorm room closed behind you. You tossed your bookbag in the corner changing out of your clothes. You went to the bathroom to freshen up putting on shorts and a t-shirt with your slippers. You sat down to do some homework for the next hour-ish until it was dinner time. At around 5 ish you went downstairs to see if dinner was ready and it was. You grabbed a plate and got a serving of soba turning around when you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"Let's go upstairs." Mina didn't let you answer as she grabbed your hand dragging you to her dorm. You looked over to Ochako and Asui who winked and gave a thumbs up. Well here goes nothing. You let her drag you into her dorm as she closed and locked the door. You stood there awkwardly until she took a seat on the bed and pat the seat next to her. You walked lightly towards her bed and sat down. You both talked idly finishing your food quickly. She grabbed the plates and put them outside of the door before coming back in and re-locking the door. You waited patiently as she took out her English homework and gave you a pitiful look

"You're lucky I like you." She looked so happy when you said that, that it brought your own grin out. For about an hour you two both worked on her homework and soon enough it was complete and she gave a happy yip.

"Ready for that dancing tutorial?" You gulped but nodded as she put on some upbeat music and started dancing around. With no warning at all, she grabbed you and started twirling you around. You were trying your best to keep up with her but you were really struggling "You're so cute Y/N." She beamed as she brought you closer nuzzling your cheek before pushing you back out and dancing while still holding your hands. You know what. Fuck it, you were going to let go. You decided to stop being so stiff and just dance. No one but Mina is going to see you and you doubt she's going to make fun of you. Before you knew it she let go of your hands and stepped back just watching you with a gentle smile. You had your eyes closed spinning before you lost your balance and tripped going forward but a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. You opened your eyes to see Mina just staring at you with the softest smile you have ever seen on her face. You both looked at each other and you had a strong urge to kiss her, one you found extremely hard to ignore. She seemed to be on the same boat as you since she leaned in and you met her halfway. The kiss was light and a bit unsure, but when you wrapped your arms around her neck she tightened her grip around your waist deepening the kiss. Thank god this worked and you were going to have to thank Ochako and Asui for giving you confidence. You both pulled away and you went to pull away but her arms didn't budge

"Mina?" She hummed studying your features a bit

"I've waited so long to have you in my arms. You don't understand how happy I am Y/N." She was talking in a whisper and despite the background noise, you were able to understand everything she said.

"I'm happy to Mina." You buried your face in her neck taking in her natural smell.

"Does this mean we are girlfriends?" You pulled away to see Mina looking at you both nervously and hopeful.

"Of course it does. I waited a long time to finally be able to call you mine." To your pleasure, her cheeks turned almost purple which was the equivalent of her blushing. After the shock wore off she laughed loudly and you quickly joined her. You were so thankful for saying yes to dinner and homework.


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BNHA X Reader One-shots *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now