Izuku Midoriya X Blind Reader *Edited*

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Being born blind came with complications especially when your quirk came along. You were blind 100 percent but the infrared quirk you got gave you a new form of 'sight'. You couldn't tell what anyone looked like, you didn't know what color blue was, what color yellow was, what a car looks like, what does the hair look like, you were unable to put a correct definition to anything really. Your quirk allowed you to see the heat signals that everyone gave off whether they had an ice quirk or no quirk at all. That didn't stop the bullies though, it was almost as if you were quirkless. You would use your infrared to try your best to avoid people who would 'accidentally' bump into you. You knew none of this was an accident, this was just their way of trying to pick on you for being different. The animosity and isolation you were forced to go through made you want to train harder than anyone you know. You were still nice to people because being bitter never got you anywhere in life, always keep your morals and kindness. Those are the kind of qualities to look for in a hero. You kept these to heart as you trained relentlessly to get into the hero's department at U.A. Despite all the negativity you got from it, your parents never gave up on you and Izuku always was there for you despite being quirkless and bullied himself. It came as a surprise when it was announced that you, Izuku, and Bakugou got in. The boy wasn't happy in the slightest and made it clear that he wasn't. You kept training though and when you got to U.A it was so surreal. You have never seen so many heroes in one spot and it was overwhelming and made you more determined to prove your worth that you got what it takes to become a hero. Once four months in so much had happened. The League of Villains raided twice, once at USJ where Aizawa got seriously hurt and All Might came to the rescue and destroyed that regenerative Nomu, and then during the Kamino Ward incident where the League of Villain's boss made himself none and was defeated but at the cost of Japan's symbol of peace. That was a depressing moment and it must have been hard on the hero to have to deal with retirement so early, so soon. Then you also found out that your best friend was the successor of All Might after you caught them both, but you understood that the secret behind All Might's quirk needed to be kept a secret.

"Y/N-chan! Y/N-chan!" You jumped at the sound of a voice so close to your ear and when you turned you figured it must have been Midoriya judging by the way he was fidgeting like crazy and the way the heat signals in his face increased

"Yes, Mirdoriya-kun?" You are always patient with him since the boy always got flustered so easily and any wrong move or wrong word would send the boy into a frantic frenzy of mumbles and limbs. Something you found amusing but the boy didn't in the slightest.

"I w-was wondering if you know....wannagoouttoeatafterschool?" He said the last bit in a rush the end finishing in a high-pitched squeak as he hid his face behind his arms. It didn't make sense it's not like you can see him anyway.

"Can you repeat that one more time for me?" You understood him but you needed to be sure that that's what you heard coming from his mouth. He took a few steadying breaths which calmed his accelerated heart rate and to your relief, he seemed to have lowered his arms into a more calm position on his sides.

"I wanted to know...if...you would want to go...out to eat after school?" The ending was only slightly rushed but he slowed down significantly and you felt yourself grinning in his direction. He must have been flustered since the heat signals raised in his cheeks again

"I would love to, it sounds like a date!" He began stuttering before he just chose to stay quiet and turn back around to eat his pork cutlet bowl before he can make a fool of himself. The rest of the day went by without many incidents and that was a record considering you guys are class 1-a who have faced more shit than some of the 3rd years in this school. It was a miracle any of you guys were sane but then again, maybe y'all weren't since you guys were a special kind of crazy.

"Y-Y/N" It was the end of the day and you were packing up your recorder and stuff before you turned at the sound of the timid voice and to your amusement, it was Izuku shuffling back and forth on the balls of his feet. At least you assumed he was judging on the squeak of his shoes.

"I'm almost read 'Zuku-kun, so then we can both leave and get ready!" He nodded and once you were ready he walked with you to the dorm and you were surprised to not see or hear Uraraka and Iida with him. "Where's Uraraka and Iida?" You turned to where he was standing beside you so he will know that he has your undivided attention.

"They went on ahead of us to go on a little date on their own." When you found out that robot boy and Kirby were dating you were shocked. You were convinced that she was going to be a rival for you for Izuku's relationship status until she admitted she just saw Izuku as a brother that needed protection. You were amused at her declaration but, relieved at the same time. It was safe to say that you had no competition for the boy's attention in that sense and you wanted to keep it that way until you made your first move. You already accepted the fact that if Izuku did like you, he would never have the courage to admit it for fear of rejection and losing a bond. You'll do it instead and if he didn't like you back in that sense you can just pretend that none of it ever happened. You guys continued to chatter before separating and agreeing to meet in front of the dorm outside. You went to your room to freshen up and change into a dress. You knew where all your clothes were, the colors included thanks to Mina so you grabbed what you presumed was a cotton blue sweater halfway tucked into a grey skirt, black stockings, and a pair of boots. You never took anything out of your bag so you picked up the whole thing and left your dorm room ensuring it was locked. You made your way downstairs passing a few classmates before waiting outside for him. You didn't have to wait long

"Is that you Izuku?" You're pretty sure he flinched but that's beside the point

"It's me Y/N...y-y-you look r-really p-p-pretty!" He managed to squeak it out and you turned to aim a smile at him

"Thank Zuku, I bet you look handsome yourself." He managed to stutter out a thank you before calming down. You both continued talking making your way to a busier district. You felt his hand grab yours ignoring how warm and right it felt

"Follow me, it's crowded and we don't need to get separated." You didn't deny his logic and you found yourself enjoying the attention. He insisted on paying for everything and as the day went on you both decided to grab dinner at a quiet little diner and you couldn't feel so much lighter. This date was going really well and you made sure to praise him for it

"This is all so nice Zuku, thank you so much." You looked to where the boy was in front of you but you didn't get a reply in response. You tilted your head in confusion. "Zuku?" That got a response out of him

"I wish you can see how beautiful you look every day." You have no idea why he said that but you liked it and you felt the blush on your cheeks and you took advantage of the rush of adrenaline

"Why when I have someone like you to tell me every day?" You both were silent not daring to address the elephant in the room. The fact that you both sort of kind of hinted at your not so friendship interest in each other.

"I want to end our date with a question, Y/N." You waited patiently your heart racing with anticipation. You felt like you were going to explode if he didn't say something "Will you go out with me?" You thumped your feet excitedly and not trusting your voice you nodded enthusiastically making grabbing motions at his hands which he let you grab with a relieved laugh.

"I will love to be your girlfriend!" You both were excited giggling happily while holding hands and it felt so good. So natural. A feeling you didn't want to go away.



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