Hitoshi Shinsou X Female Reader Part 2 *Edited*

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A/N: the aftermath


When you came around you were laying on something soft and you were warm. Your body felt cold but the blanket that was placed on your fatigued frame made you feel so much better. With a little difficulty you opened your eyes and the migraine you had was very thankful for the curtains blocking out the lights save for the kitchen light casting a soft glow across the floor. You felt a cold compress on your forehead sighing at the relief the coolness brought to your hot skin. That's when everything hit you like a freight train. You left your birth-giver and sperm-donor house to escape the abuse with what little belongings you had and you managed to make it to Aizawa's house before collapsing into one of their arms. You strained a bit to look around and that's where you saw 'Toshi laying down next to you on the pull-out couch you two were on. His arm was around your waist and his face was right next to yours. You smiled at his peaceful look turning your head to see Aizawa in his recliner that he pretended he didn't love but was always sitting in it whenever he was home. You noticed something that made you frown and bring tears to your eyes. Your boyfriend and his father treated you more like family than your own parents ever did. They didn't act like you didn't exist until they were 'bored' and used you and then threw you back to the 'room' like an old used toy. That's what they saw you as. An old beat-up used toy. You hissed at yourself angry that you allowed them to get to you and you dare shed a tear after everything they did to you. Then again it wasn't like you can shut off your emotions completely, it's hard, it's really hard but for those two monsters? You will make an exception, or at least try your hardest. You shifted again to face Hitoshi and to your surprise, he was awake his eyes half-lidded a concerned frown on his face. You wanted to wipe that look off of his face

"You scared the living shit out of us." You frowned at him trying your best to shift but gave a light cry when your body protested. You heard movement and out of the corner of your eye, you saw Aizawa moving and stretching. He was always a light sleeper especially when he was worried.

"I see you're finally awake. You've been asleep for 14 hours" You didn't bother moving anymore just laying on your back as Aizawa came to you and you felt so at ease. You didn't feel the need to cower or hide, you felt safe with him. A feeling that you never felt at home-well what was once your home. You felt 'toshi move his arm pulling the covers slowly from your frame giving you time to stop if you were uncomfortable. You fought the urge to flinch as the cold air hit your heated body and fought the shudder as Aizawa slowly and deliberately prodded your wounds looking at you every time to make sure he had your consent. If you even made a noise he would retract his hand quicker than you can blink. It was endearing and something you craved in a father. You never said it out loud but Aizawa is the dad you always wanted to have. Yes, he acted tough and always went by logic but even he never was rigid and cold. He would only act that way to cover up his worry especially if one of his children got hurt. Also what man takes in cats and nurses them back to health before finding them suitable homes or taking them to a top-quality vet and always checking in to make sure they were doing well and being adopted? A very sweet kind-hearted man like him.

"I'm sorry." You weren't sure why you were apologizing. They didn't blame you for anything, they never did. They always took care of you, never pushing you to charge and to leave, but this time the aurora around them was different. You felt that they both-especially Hitoshi- had enough of seeing you hurt at the hands of people who were supposed to love you unconditionally.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. None of this is your fault, I don't blame you and neither does my dad." Hitoshi's words were raspy from sleep and emotion but they rang strong and true bouncing in your brain as you tried to absorb them. It really wasn't your fault, right? You didn't ask to be born to parents who hated you. You didn't ask to be born to be used as a toy for their sick games and pleasure. You never asked for any of it. It was just unfortunate that you were dealt that hand, that you weren't as lucky as the other children who had beautiful homes and beautiful families.

"I can't keep ignoring this Y/N. I respect that you don't want to but this is just too much and-" You cut him surprising them both and yourself

"I'll do it." It was completely silent as they both stared at you trying to figure you out. The intensity of their gazes made you want to squirm and hide but you did your best to hold both of their gazes switching between them. They were making sure that you were serious because once everything starts there is no turning back from it. "I had enough...They were going to kick me out anyway." You felt the hackles rise on both of them. A paternal instinct coming from Aizawa and a stronger feral protective one from Hitoshi

"Is that why you had all those bags?" You nodded your head and Hitoshi gave an audible growl

"She was going to record him having...fun with me one last time for their collection." You couldn't look them in their eyes as you admitted this out loud. You can feel the tension thick enough to cut with a butcher knife and you just knew there was murder in their eyes.

"You said record and collection in the same sentence." Hitoshi looked at Aizawa and they seemed to have had a spoken conversation with their eyes. Aizawa nodded turning on his heel and walking towards the kitchen you were so lost in thought that you jumped at the feeling of a head butt on your hand. You glanced down to see their tabby purring at you before wiggling and jumping onto the bed with you. He quickly got comfortable snuggling up to you and not minding in the slightest that you used him as a cuddle buddy.

"Hi Reese's, I really missed you." You gently played with the tabby who lavished the attention listening to the soft murmurs of Aizawa talking on the phone and enjoying the soft caresses of Hitoshi's hands. He was always so gentle and tame with you, he always asked for your consent and never got mad at you or upset when you said no to something. He always understood and never over-stepped boundaries you had or do have.

"It seems he missed you too." You grinned a bit at that as the Tabby meowed at your one-second head stroke pause. You continued your ministrations as Aizawa came back into the living room plopping right back into the recliner

"I hope today is not too soon." Your eyes widen and in your surprise, you jack-knifed up startling the tabby who protested loudly but calmed down as you rubbed him

"T-today?" You were in utter shock. Today? How was that even possible? Do they have a warrant? How is this going to work?

"Detective Tsukauchi was already looking for that man for robbery and his wife as an accessory. I just told him about their little collection. I hope I didn't step over any boundaries but I did it for your safety." You were speechless. You were so overcome with emotions that the tears cascaded down your face in a waterfall as you lifted both your arms shakily.

"C-can I-I get a hug?" Aizawa said nothing as he got up and embraced you softly cradling your head to his chest and that's when the dam broke. You screamed, garbled, and ugly cried. Snot and tears mixed getting onto his shirt but he didn't say a word as he rocked you gently rubbing your head and smoothing your hair back. You couldn't believe how much your life was changing in so little time for the better.


The whole process was quick actually. Your birther and sperm donor was so cocky that when the police came in they were watching one of the videos with their collection all out on the table. All of their electronics were confiscated and they both had so much evidence against them it didn't make sense for them to even plead not guilty. They both pleaded guilty and she got 20 years in prison and he got 30. You would be a liar if you didn't want them to go to jail for life but you were satisfied that they were both off the streets for a very long time and you were proud to say that you no longer carried their last name.

"I really like your last name. It suits you so much." You couldn't help but smile at 'toshi planting a kiss on his cheeks. Ever since the police took over the house, Aizawa decided to take you in and you couldn't have been more grateful.

" Toshi! Miracle! Dinner is ready!" You smiled at Hitoshi the both of you getting up and making your way to the kitchen table. That's right, your name was now Y/N Miracle because you are a survivor. You have a story to tell.


That's the ending! I hope you guys enjoy it

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