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          a very excruciating month has gone by. draco was in france, helping his mother and harry couldn't help but feel a tiny bit lonely. the longer draco was away the stronger their bond got.

          harry could feel sad when he wasn't, meaning draco was sad. he would've asked, but maybe draco didn't want to talk about it at all, who knows?

          draco felt lonely a lot but he soon realized that these weren't his own feelings, but harry's. he was so happy that their bond was getting stronger. as concerned as he was for harry, he would be home in two days.

          which meant in two days, he would be able to hug his soulmate and never let him go. he really missed the raven haired boy. especially when he was falling asleep. he had no one's waist to sneak his hands around, no one's cheeks to kiss with such affection as he did kiss harry's.

          harry was now sitting at the table in school with ron and blaise. hermione and pansy have tutoring right now with their teacher mrs. hooch who teaches history of literature.

          even if pansy took criminology, they still had the class and hermione didn't need tutoring at all but pansy insisted that if hermione didn't go, she wouldn't either.

          ,,so, mate." ron started as he eyed his best friend. theor relationship has increased over this month. ron was a very nice bloke. he was taking criminology as well while his boyfriend took maths.

          ,,yeah? what's up ron?" harry looked away from his phone and eyed the couple. they were the most unlikely couple to happen but as long as they were happy and soulmates, it was fine.

          ,,we've been hearing all about you having a soulmate, but you never told us about him. so, since we have a free class after this, why don't you start telling tales?" ron smirked and harry chuckled. yeah, ron was great at saying things poetically.

          ,,well, his name is draco malfoy-"

          blaise cut him off rudely.

          ,,draco? i mean, i had ma' suspicions but i never asked." blaise laughed. ,,sorry for cutting you off like that mate, 'right continue."

          ,,draco mentioned you and your dad blaise, yeah." harry nodded to himself as if he was confirming the information. ,,well, he is very elegant. tall, handsome. he also knows how to speak very well, like he's all proper and stuff." harry laughed.

          ,,believe me, he used to be a git when we were younger. anyway. draco deserves to be happy and so do you, potter. if you two are happy together, than best of luck to you." harry nodded.

          ,,thank you, but we're not together yet." harry rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed maybe?

          ,,i bet it won't take long until you two are." pansy said, as she sat down next to harry.

          ,,why so early? and where's hermione?"

          ,,don't you like to see me? you're hurting me potter." pansy laughed and so did harry. ,,well, i've finished the paper she assigned me with but hermione decided to stay longer and discuss the next chapter with her." everyone at the table rolled their eyes and then burst out into laughter.

          ,,jeez. you fags really are loud." a man who goes by vincent crabbe mumbled and since harry was in a very bad mood today, he stood up and went to him.

          he wasn't having any of his bullshit

          ,,you prick." harry mumbled before punching the homophobe in the jaw. he was pretty sure he heard a bone crack.

          everyone was quiet. vincent's friend greg escorted him to the nurse and not even a minute later a very angry professor mcgonagall stormed into the cafeteria.

          ,,my office potter! now!"

          and so harry went, bidding his friends his last goodbyes as he wasn't too sure he'd make it out alive.

          in mcgonagall's office, he was asked to sit down and so he did.

          ,,so you've punched vincent crabbe." mcgonagall stated.

          ,,yes but-"

          ,,because he was insulting you ?"

          ,,me and my friends too."

          ,,what did he say?" mcgonagall's gaze softened.

          ,,he called us "fags" again."

          ,,ah." mcgonagall was quiet for a while.

          ,,have a biscuit, potter."

          and that was the day that mcgonagall became his favourite teacher.

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