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          ,,so harry." draco set the food onto a table and harry eyed the heaven in front of him. except for caviar, harry loved everything draco presented. sushi, farro and sausage stew, chicken parmigiana, beef stroganoff and fajitas all in front of him.

          ,,what do you think about my choices of food?" draco eyed the boy and couldn't help but notice a look that resembled uncertainty.

          ,,they're bloody amazing, draco! but i doubt we'll be able to eat all of this." harry laughed and opened his diet coke.
          ,,do you have a glass or something, somewhere?"

          ,,what do you have me for, of course i have a glass." draco chuckled and stood up. he opened a cabinet and picked out two very expensive, rose gold glasses and set them on the table.

          ,,pansy mentioned you just moved here. where did you get all of this stuff?" harry pointed at the furniture and draco shrugged.

          ,,having money does have it's privileges." he smiled and watched harry as he poured the coke into the glasses. draco couldn't help but notice the veins that were decorating his skin. he was a sucker for a man who had visible veins unlike himself.

          ,,now that we have the food, shall we watch a movie?"

          ,,absolutely." harry smiled as he digged into the fajitas.

          after the movie ended, both men were full and pretty tired. it wasn't even eight pm though, they couldn't go to sleep just yet.

          ,,harry, i have to tell you something." draco mumbled, making the boy shift his eyes from the tv that wasn't really playing anything, to his soulmate.

          ,,i'm leaving the city for a month." draco mumbled, awaiting a reaction that he never got. he eyed the raven haired boy but he saw no signs of anger.

          ,,okay, yeah, and?" harry chuckled. ,,it's not like i won't miss you but we have yet to get to know the other and we can always text."

          ,,you aren't upset?"

          ,,why would i be? i'm assuming you're leaving for work," harry waited for a nod and once he received it he continued speaking. ,,work is more important than a soulmate you just met. don't worry, draco, we'll be just fine. i promise."

          harry truly did have a point, they just met. but draco felt so drawn to the other. if it was possible he would honestly drag harry with him, whether or not his mother likes it. it was just the fact that his soulmate was a student that prevented draco from kidnapping him.

          ,,wait, draco. how old are you?"

          ,,i'm 22, born on 31st of october." draco smiled and stood up once again, placing the dirty dishes into his dishwasher and then coming back to harry.

          ,,so you were born on halloween." harry sighed.

          ,,is that a problem?" draco quizzed. did harry have a problem with his birth date? astrology sign?

          ,,my parents were killed on halloween." oh.

          ,,i'm sorry harry, i didn't-"

          ,,it's fine, you couldn't have known." harry smiled widely and draco could do nothing more than hug the boy and hold him tightly.

          after a moment, draco showed him the guest room where harry would be sleeping. it was far too luxurious for harry's taste but he wasn't complaining.

          ,,or you could sleep in my bed, with me." draco suggested and harry thought for a minute. he wasn't going to see draco for a month.

          ,,as much as inappropriate that is, i'd love to." harry smiled and he could swear draco's cheeks reddened.

          soon, the duo was in draco's bed, five feet apart, 'cause they're not gay.

          draco however decided that he was going to give the words "invading personal space" a new meaning. with harry's back turned to him, he sneaked his arms around harry's waist.

          harry, of course helped draco and lifted himself so that draco could put his hand under him. he felt few soft kisses on his neck and he turned to draco, shyness making him look away for a while.

          draco's hand found it's way to harry's cheek and he gently caressed it, making a smile appear on harry's face. oh he would kill for that smile.

          harry's bond to draco was making him feel very light-headed. not in a bad way though. harry just felt the need to be near draco.

          soon, harry found draco's lips on his own and he felt as if he was high. draco's hands moved to harry's shirt and when harry opened the distance between them, draco explained.

          ,,i'm not trying to shag you, harry. i wish to see your tattoo."

          ,,only if i may see yours as well."

          the rest of the time they were awake that night was spent by touching the other's tattoo, the best thing that ever happened to them - it brought them together.

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