Jelsa: Chapter 27

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I was sitting atop a tree in Arendelle. Ever since Elsa died, everyone was a bit depressed. Even Merida, which surprised all of us. But I decided to pay Arendelle a visit, pay my respects. It was then that the moon spoke.

Jack, he said, save her. Her second death will take place soon if you don't believe. So believe. In her.

I pondered what that meant. Then it hit me. "Elsa...?" I whispered. No, I thought, Elsa's dead. But I couldn't help but believe. An unexpected joy welled up inside of me. "Elsa!" I shouted. Then, I saw her. She was a sickly shade of green, splayed across a rock. She was barely breathing, and looked sort of like a statue. I reached out my hand, touching Elsa's arm. I wanted to make sure that it was real. "Elsa?" I asked.


My sight came back. I could see, and hear. Though I still felt incredibly weak, I stood up. Everything was so vivid and colorful, even if it was nighttime. I looked around, and spotted none other than Jack Frost, who looked dumbfounded.

"H-how are you- what did- when did-?" Jack asked. I wanted to run up and hug him, because I somehow knew that he saved me. But I took on a regal posture, and said, "Don't stutter, ask me what you want." Jack blushed a crimson red, and replied, barely a whisper, "You were dead."

"You were dead! YOU WERE DEAD!" Jack shouted, for some reason outraged. "You didn't leave a sign, or a note, you just ignored us! You didn't tell us about your EXISTENCE, AND EXPECTED YOUR LIFE TO BE FREAKING FINE! YOU-!" Jack yelled, but it was too late. I had already run away, my tears of ice shattering behind me.


Gone. Disappeared. All because I was stupid enough to yell at her.

I paced around the forest, hoping to find Elsa hiding behind a bush. I knew it wasn't going to happen, but I hoped it did. I looked around every nook and cranny, only to be greeted by an unsettling emptiness. A pang of guilt hit me straight in the gut. No, that wasn't guilt, that

The blade withdrew from my chest, and I fell to the ground, suddenly drowsy.

But the strange thing was, no blood came from my wound. I just felt the need to sleep, which I hadn't had in years, when a harsh, malicious voice rang out, "Sweet nightmares!"

----------JACK'S DREAM------------------

I stand in a valley. A stream runs through the middle, and flowers of various colors are scattered across the ground. The sky is a bright blue, not a cloud in sight.

Then, something appears far off in the distance. It comes closer to me, and I see that it's Elsa. The sunlight makes her look even more beautiful than she already is, and for the first time in forever, she looks genuinely happy.

But it changes all too fast. The sky turns a dark, ashy gray, and the flowers wilt. The grass dies under my feet, and then something even worse happens; Elsa grabs her chest, and cries out in pain. "Elsa!" I try to scream, but my voice simply does not work. She takes her hands off of her chest, blood trickling down her torso. I try to run to her, but my feet are rooted to the ground. I can't move; instead, I have to watch a person die in front of me.

"Why?" Elsa shouts in agony. "Why did you do this to me Jack?" Her last word, the haunting sound of my name, is barely a whisper. Elsa's sobs die down, and I hear a laugh echoing all around me. But it's not a pleasant laugh you give when you are having fun; it's a laugh that has no humor in it, and will send a shiver up your spine.

Elsa seems to change; shadows engulf her, and for one terrifying moment I think that I've lost her. But then, the darkness merges together to make a shape. At first it's an indistinguishable shape; at one moment it's a square, the next a circle. But then it takes form into a human, a human that looks a lot like Elsa.

The darkness, or what I think is Elsa, has gray skin. Her dress is a mix of gray and black, not the shimmering blue it was before. Her once platinum blonde hair is now midnight black, but nothing disturbs me more than her eyes. They are a glowing yellow, eyes clearly meant for a demon. "Jack?" Elsa's voice echoes, and is hollow. "What's he done to me? Everything is getting darker. Do you know why?" There is such innocence in her voice, and I can't help but pity her. She doesn't know a thing, but to be honest, neither do I.

"I don't know, Elsa," this time my voice is fully functional, and I'm glad for that. But my moment of triumph vanishes all too soon.

"Jack! He's coming for me! Help!" Elsa yells, confusing me. "Who?" I ask, but Elsa is already gone.

-------------------END OF DREAM-------------

I woke up, breathing heavily. At first I didn't pay any attention to my surroundings, but then I saw her. Crying at the corner, with ice shattering right beside her. Wait, how did I got here? I just shook my head, and quickly run towards her, with guilt and sadness in my eyes.





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