Chapter 25: Following him

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*Sarah's POV*

It has already been 2 days since Aaron came back into town and I didn't text or call him at all. And what was most irritating was that he didn't even bother to call me back or even send a message. Didn't he care for me like he used to? Didn't he have any feelings for me at all? Didn't he miss me like I do? If he did not have any sort of feelings for me, then why was he so persistently trying to convince me when that drama occurred, saying all those sweet words that made me fall for him? He shouldn't have done all that if he didn't feel anything for me. 'GOSHH, I'm going crazy with all of these!'

I need to find out now. I can't bear being ignored like this, especially after knowing that he lied to me by avoiding me. Addy texted me earlier, inviting me to one of his parties, saying it was a celebration for him and Aaron. Well, I didn't want to go but I also wanted to know what Aaron was up to. So I guessed I needed to be there. I wouldn't let him know that I was going to be at that party too. I told Addy that I would think about it and haven't confirmed my answer yet so I could still go.

It is Saturday night and I asked for help from Ziya on how to sneak out of the house late at night. I wore a pair of black jeans with a burgundy camisole top. I chose an outfit like this because it would be easy for me to sneak out of the house. I paired it with my black boot, a curf in my hand and a cream-colored cardigan, as it was quite chilly outside. I was not going there to enjoy the party; I was only going to talk to Aaron. I grabbed my keys and went out, trying to make as little noise as possible. Thank God my car wasn't in the driveway; it made it much easier to drive off.

 Thank God my car wasn't in the driveway; it made it much easier to drive off

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Arriving at Addy's house, loud music was pounding into the house. I instantly regretted coming here. I was sure that I was going to leave this place with a huge headache. But for Aaron, I would do anything. I locked my car and went inside. I was greeted by Aaron's few friends that I met earlier at one of Addy's parties. They offered me a glass of champagne. I hesitated to take it at first but then I needed it to gain courage to face Aaron. So I took it and gulped it down. One was enough, though.
"Hey, you made it!" Addy said coming towards me and gave me a side hug, which I returned politely.
"Yeah, I did. Aaron's here?" I asked him since I couldn't spot him anywhere.
"I saw him upstairs; he was on a call. He will be down any minute." Just as he said that, Aaron was downstairs and quickly went out of the house without even looking at anyone, even when Addy called him out. He seemed to be in a hurry. I've been wondering if everything was fine. I went outside too, hoping to be able to catch up with him but he drove off hurriedly. He looked worried. I quickly got into my car and followed him.

What might have happened? He looks so tense. I hope everything is fine. I stopped behind his car at the red traffic light and tried to look at him but he seemed to be busy on his phone. He sped off when the light came green. I was unable to move immediately, right after him, as another car came in between. 'Gosh, this couldn't get any worse.' I started getting annoyed by the car in front of me. "How can someone slow down the car when the road is cleared? What the hell?"
'Dammit, I lost him! Where did he go now?'

After searching for a few moments, I saw his car in the parking lot of a hotel. 'What is he doing in a hotel at this hour? I thought something serious might have happened.' I parked my car a bit far from where his car was and went into the hotel carefully, making sure no one I knew was there. I was about to reach the reception when I found him talking to the receptionist. I quickly hid behind a partition that was just behind me. I peeked out and saw him taking the staircases. I quietly followed him from a distance, making sure he didn't see me. This hotel was not a luxurious one but more like an affordable one. On a way-trip, it looks like a motel, to be precise.

He stopped on the third floor and started searching for a room. I kept following him from a distance. 'What is he up to? Who has he come to meet at this hour?' He knocked at a door and waited patiently. He looked around to see if there was anyone. I quickly hid behind a wall, almost bumping my head into the wall but making sure he didn't see me. 'Bmmff, that was close.' I peeked out again and saw that he had already gone inside. I quickly tiptoed to that room and waited outside of it. 'What now? How will I know who has he come to meet?'
I looked at the door and turned the knob, trying my luck, and hell! It opened! 'They didn't lock it. Yass!'
But I can't just enter the room like that. That was inappropriate! I should wait outside and when Aaron comes out, I will talk to him.
'Yeah, after following him till here. What will he think of you? Spying on him, you idiot!' I pushed that thought away when I knew it was not right.

I nervously waited for him outside. I could hear the shuffling of things inside the room but I could not understand what they were saying. I knew that there was more than one person inside.  After a moment, I heard the moan of a woman. 'Wait what? Did I hear that right?' I pressed my ear to the door to be able to confirm my doubt and this time it came out a bit louder.
'Wait, what the hell? Have I mistaken the room?' I checked again and it was the same room that Aaron entered earlier.
My heart dropped when I heard these moans and cries. It was unbearable. I needed to find out if Aaron was really inside and what the hell was going on. I mustered courage, turned the door knob and went inside.

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