Chapter 28: WHY?

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*Aaron's POV*

When Addy told me that Anna had come back and was looking for me, I couldn't believe it. 'Why has she come back now? She fucking left me for someone else; then why is she looking for me?' I reminded myself not to give a damn importance to Anna or to the reason why she was searching for me. Right now, I needed to find a way to talk to Sarah. I knew she was very disappointed with me. I had to find ways to convince her. Knowing that Sarah had a great heart, I knew she would forgive me but I still had to do something. I fell asleep thinking about Sarah but somewhere the fact that Anna was looking for me kept on bothering me at the back of my mind.

Anna was my first love so no matter what she has done, I have loved her and somewhere she still holds a part of importance in my life. Those were the thoughts that kept me awake the whole night, and in the morning, I got off the bed earlier than usual. I went to the office and as I reached there early, I grabbed a coffee and thought of starting work but my mind kept wandering back to Anna and Sarah.
'For now, I have to focus on Sarah only. I have to find a way to talk to her and be able to convince her.' Then Addy's party for tomorrow clicked in my mind.
'Maybe I can ask her for the party?' I thought to myself. But then, after acting like an asshole to her, I didn't really think she would want to go with me. I heard Addy say that he invited her, so I hoped that she would come and I would get the opportunity to talk to her.

Friday night came and I had to go to Addy's party. I so wanted to stay back at home and relax, but I also didn't want to be alone; otherwise, I would start overthinking again. I dressed up in a black pair of jeans with a black buttoned-up shirt and white sneakers. I chose black in case Sarah came, and I knew she loved black. I applied some gel to my hair, grabbed my keys, and went out. I reached Addy's house in 15 minutes and went inside, only to be welcomed by a huge crowd of people dancing wildly. I spotted Addy, and he told me to go upstairs; there were some close friends there. So I went up and met them. I was talking to one of my old colleagues when my phone rang. It was from a private number. Since the music was too loud inside the house, I went to the balcony to receive the call.
"Aaron, its me!" That's her! That was her voice.
"Anna?" I asked, wanting to confirm if I heard it right.
"Yeah, Aaron, can we meet?" She replied in a whispering voice.
"Why do you want to meet now? I don't want anything with you, Anna." I said irritated.
What does she think of herself? She thought she would come back and I would welcome her with open arms like nothing had happened. That wasn't going to happen.
"Aaron, please! I need to see you."
Was she begging me right now?
"No Anna!"
"Aaron I'm sick. I'm really sick and I need to ask you for forgiveness before anything happens to me. Please?" She said and I heard her sobbing.
What did she mean by sick?
"What'd you mean by sick?" I asked her, starting to be a bit worried.
"Please meet me and I'll tell you everything."
"Okay. Where are you at?" I asked and started to descend the stairs and rushed out.

I reached the hotel and went to the reception to ask for her room number and went to the floor. I knocked at her door and she opened right away. She looked different like she just changed herself; different hairstyle, wearing her bathrobe which she have worn in front of me if I remember well. 'But then who am I kidding? She has a fucking double face for her to cheat on me.'

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" I asked her straight forward, showing her no emotion on my face.
"Com'on in.. I'll tell you." She moved to the side and I entered the room. It wasn't a luxurious hotel so the room said it all.
I turned to face her because I wasn't going to waste my time here if there wasn't anything serious.
"Tell me?" I was trying to keep my anger at bay because every time I see her face, it reminded of that awful night.
"I'm sick Aaron.. I'm really sick that's why I wanted to see you once again." She said sobbing.
"What you do mean?" I frowned at her.
"Aaron, I have leukemia. I found out about that a month ago that's why I wanted to meet you to say I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Aaron for cheating on you like that. I realized that I only love you Aaron. The other guy did not mean anything for me, you're the one who I really love Aaron. I love you Aaron." She came closer to me while speaking.
I could not help but become emotional hearing that she has such disease. Without thinking, I hugged her and she kept on whispering how much she loves me. I was caught up in the moment with all these emotions that I didn't realize what I was doing until I heard a loud noise at the door, only to revealed Sarah who was standing there, shocked. It took me a moment to understand whatever just happened and I quickly dressed myself up.
'Shit! Why did I do that?'
'I messed up again. Damn it'

But my eyes were only glued to Sarah's face. Her face showed all the emotions she was feeling right there. And these were tearing my heart. 'I broke her heart again. She saw everything.'
And when Anna told her that 'she was my girlfriend', that look on her face said it all. 'I was losing her! I have to do something.'
I went after her as she was running away from me and that hurt so much. I tried to explain myself to her but she was not ready to listen to anything and by the way she was talking to me, I was shocked. She has never talked to me like that before. She was always so calm and soothing with me. But today, there was only anger and disgust in her talks and eyes. I hated the way she was looking at me, I hated myself for doing all these to her. When she turned to leave, I knew that I had lost her... I lost her for real and my tears started to fall down. It was hurting.. so much.

I started looking for my phone to call her but I realized I left it in the room. I went back to get it. I was about to open the door when I heard Anna speaking
"Yeah, she was here as we expected. Our plan became successful mom. Now that this stupid girl is out of our way, I can easily get Aaron under my spell and soon we'll get the money that we are in need..."
'Mean she has used me again... for money. She did all these on purpose and made Sarah parting away from me.'
I opened the door loudly that she startled. She looked at me, afraid. My face has already seething with anger and she knows that I heard her. I took my phone which was on the floor and before I left, I told her:
"Do whatever you can, this time I'll destroy you for what you just did!"

I kept on calling Sarah continuously but she was not picking up. 'Damn it'
I should try to call her tomorrow because it was obvious that she did not want to see my face right now. I broke her again! I couldn't sleep at night, her broken and crying face kept on haunting me all night. I didn't want to lose her but I knew, I already did. And now everything I was going to say to her, she would not believe me. And I guessed she would never forgive me this time. Every time she has forgiven my shits and moved on from them but this time, I lost her for real. And this was hurting a lot but I gave her more pain that I was feeling right now. I've hurt her that much; but she has never said nor complaint anything about. She didn't deserve someone like me but I still wanted only her.
'I love her! Yes I love her and it took me so much time to realize that. And now I might not be able to tell her that too.'

I've been trying to find her for the past weeks but didn't find anything about her. She hadn't come to work for a whole week and when I asked her colleagues about her they say that they didn't know anything. I went to her house at night and tried to look out to her at the window of her room but it was only dark. I got frustrated that I couldn't find a single clue to where she was. I've got the habit again to drink since the face and memories of her keep on haunting me. She was the only one who changed me for good and now she wasn't here herself, I felt useless. I hated myself for hurting her like this. I wished she could give me a chance to explain myself. I knew I didn't deserve it but I just wished.. one last chance..
'I need you'
'I love you... so much'

Earlier, when she proposed me, she told me for the she would give me the time I was going to take to accept her. But what did I do?? Only breaking her trust! She confessed her love and I ignored her and betrayed her. I did worst to her. I LOST HER!


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