Chapter 21: Ignorance

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*Sarah's POV*

Lying on my bed and thinking about what just happened at the brunch Did I really make a mistake by telling him about my feelings? I know it has only been 3 months since we met each other but I have felt the connection between us since the day I met him. He also said that he liked me a lot, then, why he reacted this way today. That reaction and behavior of his were hurting me a lot because I was expecting him to say something in return, whether he would accept me or not. But his silence left me in pain. Now I didn't know what to think. Since I got home, the tears have become unstoppable. Thank God mom and dad were not at home; they went to a friend's house.

After sometime, I felt someone stroking my hair and
"Wake up, Sarah!" I slowly opened my eyes and saw Ziya looking at me worriedly. I didn't even know when I fell asleep because I only remembered shedding tears. I woke up and sat facing her. "Were you crying?" She asked and my eyes widened. But then I realized that she might have seen my tear stain on my cheeks and now that she saw it, I couldn't even lie to her.
"Spit it out!" She asked, looking directly at me. There was no escaping now. I told her everything that had happened and started crying again.
"I'm sorry, Zy. I broke my promise to you but I have feelings for him. Please forgive me!" I said to her, lowering my head. She didn't say anything but hugged me tightly.
"Shhuushh stop crying now. I understand you." I looked back at her and she nodded and gave me a small smile.
"I was like you when I had my first love. When you truly fall in love with a guy, you tend to do everything you can to make him happy, whether it means breaking a promise or whatever. And when the same person ignores your feelings, then it hurts so damn much. I've gone through this, Sarah, so I understand you." She said and my tears came back again.
"I don't know what to say to you right now but let's just wait. Maybe he just caught off guard and was scared. He will probably come around, okay?" She said trying to cheer me up. I only nodded at her. Maybe she was right!
"But for now, you need to clean yourself up since mom and dad will be home soon. They can't see you in this state. Just go and take a shower, then come help me in the kitchen. I'm going to cook for dinner." She said while going out of my room.
'Ziya is the only one who understands me in whatever situation I am in. She may not show any concern in front of me but deep inside, she worries a lot about me. I feel blessed to have at least a sister here with me in everything when my own parents refused to believe me when I needed them to listen to me in time. I can't even hate my own parents because, despite everything that has happened, they are still my parents, no matter what!'

I got up from my bed and looked at myself in the mirror. 'Gosh, I'm really a mess!' The mascara has smudged under my eyes, making it look worse. Ziya was right; I really needed a bath. So, I went to take a hot shower to relax myself a bit. After the bath, I felt myself feel a bit better than before but with these puffy eyes, what was I going to do with them? Oh, yeah, right! Ice would make it better.
I put on grey sweatpants and a white crop top and went to the kitchen downstairs.
"What are you cooking?" I asked Ziya while entering the kitchen.
"Baked chicken and rice." She replied without looking at me.
"Ohh great!" I said going to the fridge to get some ice.
"Need something?" She asked when she heard me opening the fridge.
"Just ice. For these puffy eyes!" I said while taking out the ice. I placed them in a towel and pressed it on my eye. 'Ouchh, it's cold!'
"Better?" She asked after a few minutes.
I nodded at her.
"Everything will be fine." She said and patted my head. I gave her a small smile.
Later on, mom and dad came back home and we had dinner together. I did my best to pretend like everything was normal in front of them.

After dinner, I went back to my room and checked my phone to see if Aaron had sent a text or something, but nothing. A disappointment came up to me and I, myself, sent him a text.

S: 'Aaron, I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I shouldn't have done that; I'm really sorry. Please talk to me!'

I didn't care if I sounded desperate or what, but I just wanted him to talk to me. Just once! When no response came in. I felt my heart breaking. But then I convinced myself that maybe tomorrow he would talk to me. With that hope, I fell asleep. But the whole Sunday, I waited for his texts. I even sent him multiple messages but still received no response. My eyes started to tear up again. His silence and ignorance were killing me now. I didn't mind him fighting with me or anything; I just wanted him to talk to me at least. But he was neither answering my calls nor replying to any of my messages.
'I'm going to meet him tomorrow and ask for his forgiveness and tell him to forget whatever I said and did.'
I couldn't take that anymore. I tried one more time to call him; his phone was ringing and kept on ringing but he didn't answer. I would talk to him tomorrow and whatever he said, I would wait for him. I really loved him a lot and I just couldn't stay away from him.

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