Chapter 5: Job interview

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*Sarah's POV*


I got up early today since I had a job interview at a marketing firm. I went to the shower and tried my best to take less time. Coming out, I blow-dried my hair and did a proper ponytail. I did my makeup, a simple one—just compact powder, a little bit of nude eye shadow and eyeliner. I wore a white button-down shirt tucked in black dress pants and a black blazer. Black and white are the safest colors to wear to interviews. The classics were the best. I wore a pair of black pumps, took my handbag, which I prepared with all the essentials and rushed downstairs. I took a quick breakfast so that dad would be able to drop me off before he headed to work. And also, in this nervous state, no food was ready to be gulped through.

Walking into the luxurious building, I started feeling more nervous. With courage, I walked to the receptionist and asked where the job interviews were being held. She guided me through the doors and told me to wait for my turn. Before she left, she wished me luck. I thanked her with a smile and sat down. I noticed that there were around six candidates for the same interview. 'Come 'on, Sarah, you can do it. Just be confident!'
Hours passed by when they called my name. I did my best in front of the interviewers, according to me; now let's hope for the best. They said they would email me in a few days. Let's wait!

Entering the elevator, my stomach growled loudly. I was hungry since I didn't eat much for breakfast. I better head to eat something, then I would go home. Coming out of the building, I saw a cute café, so I went over there. The café was beautifully decorated, with colorful decorations adding to the modern structure everywhere. It had a cozy atmosphere. Perfect for a break from office work. I ordered a chicken sandwich and an iced coffee. I was admiring the surroundings when my phone vibrated on the table and I saw a text message from Aaron. We've been texting each other for the past two days. He seemed like a pretty nice guy and he was funny too. He made me laugh so much with his stupid jokes that even my mom noticed me laughing at my phone. I had to lie and say that I was watching some funny videos.

A: 'So how was it?'

S: 'Pretty good, I think. Now I have to wait for their answer.'

A: 'I'm sure you'll get the job.

S: 'I hope so.'

The waiter came to serve me my food and I immediately dug in. I was starving.

A: 'I'm sure so😉'

S: 'Aren't you supposed to be at work?'

A: 'Its lunch time, sweetie, if you didn't notice the time. And I'm heading out for lunch.'

S: 'Oh right. I'm sorry I didn't pay attention.'

A: 'That's okay😂 You already reached home?'

S: 'No, I was having lunch at a café. Now I'm heading out.'

A: 'Ah, okay. Let me know when you reach?'

His words were sweet, I thought, smilingly.

S: 'Yes, I will☺'

A: 'Take care 💖'

S: 'You too🥰'

I put my phone in my bag and walked towards the door. I opened the door to leave when I bumped into a hard chest. Ouch! My head hurts. Was that a rock or something? I looked up to see whoever was there. That face! I've seen that somewhere.
Wait! Is that him?
"Aaron?" I asked. "Yeah, that's me." He said.
"Oh hi, sorry about that," I said while trying to get my posture back. I looked at him; he was wearing black jeans and a black shirt with a grey blazer on top. Wow! I started feeling hot all of a sudden.

"Back to earth, Sarah," he said while waving his hand in front of me.
"Sorry, I was actually looking to see if that was really you or am I mistaking you for someone else?" I said with a smile. He definitely saw me checking him out and I was sure he was doing the same as well. 'Wait! Again, he was wearing shades. Gosh, I wanted to see his eyes.' I came out of my thoughts when I heard his laughter.
"Well, that's actually me. Aaron Parker Miss beautiful." He said and extended his hand for a handshake. I smiled and shook hands with him.
"I'm sorry Sarah. I won't be able to keep up long because I've to get back to work soon. I hope we meet soon?" He asked. I could see his eyes piercing mine waiting for an answer.
I smiled and said: "of course we will."
He smiled. Gosh that's beautiful!
"Well, I going to get going too so I see you later." I said.
"Yeah sure. Be safe." He replied with a smile. I nodded and said bye.
I could feel his eyes still on me while I was walking back. God he's handsome yah.

I took a taxi home. I said hi to mom and chit chat with her a bit. She asked about the interview, I said it went well now let's hope I get the job. After sometimes I went to my room. I plopped on my bed thinking about my encounter with Aaron. He was definitely something else for sure. But I shouldn't hurry in trusting him. I jerked from my thoughts by the ringing of my phone. I saw Austin's name flashing on the screen, I received it immediately with a huge smile.
"Hey Austin" I said happily.
"Hello stranger! Glad to see you alive!" He replied chuckling. I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic reply.
Austin Scott was my cousin brother, he was 2 years younger than me, completing his high school soon. He was very dear to me like a real brother, and we shared everything with each other. He was part of my small group of favorite people. Actually, his elder brother, Ryder Scott was also dear to me but not as Austin. With Ryder, it was most of the time teasing and irritating each other which was always fun to have him as company.
"How are you?" I asked him.
"I'm fit, getting back in shape. What about you? Haven't heard of you since a few days now, I was wondering if you are okay?" He said in one go. He was very protective for me. He looked after me like his little sister when I'm elder than him. But these small habits of him were very sweet.
"Glad to see that you're taking the gym sessions very seriously." I said laughing. I heard him chuckled on the other side.
"Yeah, I'm fine too. And I'm sorry about not texting you, actually you knew Mary was getting married so was busy with that and then after that I had to go for an interview." I replied.
"Well, that's okay. In fact, I'm in town today. If you're free, can we hangout? It's been long since we saw each other. Please say yes?" I could literally see his puppy face in front of me right now.
"Okay sure. Text me the address and I'll see you soon." I answered laughing.
"Yes, okay see you." He said happily before hung up.

Now what should I wear? Big problem for girls, Ughh.
I headed to take a bath and then started browsing in my closet. I heard a bing on my phone and saw Austin's message:
A: 'Watching a movie at the mall near your place, already booked our seats and an early dinner at our favorite place😉😂 Movie at 3 so don't be late💕'

S: 'Okay see you in 30 minutes💕'

I took out a pair of black skinny jeans, with a white crop top and a black leather jacket on top since it had started to get a bit chilly outside in the evenings. I did a simple make up and let my hair down in its own wavy curls. I wore my white sneakers and took my cute black backpack and went out. It took me around 15 minutes to drive there.
I saw Austin waiting patiently for me near a flower shop. He was wearing a black hoodie with black jeans and his favorite white Gucci sneakers. He has a secret obsession with the Gucci brand. He was looking cute but when he saw me, he smiled showing his beautiful dimples which can make any girl go crazy.
I hugged him and we hurriedly went inside the cinema hall since we didn't want to miss the beginning. We were discussing about the characters of the movie. It was a comedy movie and here we were making our own code words with the funny dialogues from the movie. We kept on laughing so hard.

It was around 5 o'clock when the movie ended, and we went to Burger king. It had always been our favorite place since both Austin, and I love burgers and we had a lot of memories at that place. We placed our orders and went to take a seat. We were talking about basically everything when I realized that I had to tell Austin about Aaron since we shared everything to each other. Our food came in and we started eating and I told him about Aaron, about his personality, our first encounter and so on. At first, he was confused but then I told him that Aaron seemed to be a nice guy. He just stared at me for a few minutes and then he only said:' Just be careful! I've known these types of guys so be careful.'
His words confused me, but I just nodded with a smile.
We chit chatted for a few hours more, it seemed like every time we met, our talks never seemed to end. We promised to meet sooner before we parted our ways. On my way back, I realized that I needed that little fun time off. Actually, I needed to start having some in my life now since all these times I was only focused on my studies. I really needed to have some fun now.

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