Chapter 8: Habitual

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*Sarah's POV*

I was getting ready for work. Yes, I've got the job but for now, I was on-the-job training first since I had no working experience at all. But whatever it was, I was happy that I finally got in. I made a few friends who were also in the training session like me. I was applying my eyeliner when my phone beeped. It had to be Aaron.

A: 'I'm leaving for work!'

S: 'I will leave too in 15 minutes.'

A: 'Ok, sweetheart! Have a good day and see you at lunch. I'll wait for you!💕'

S: 'Yes, see you! And you have a good day too💕'

I smiled, replying to his texts. Aaron and I have gotten a bit closer since our date. He would send me random sweet messages during the day, asking how I was doing. He would say he was bored and missing me. Since I had told him that I got the job, he was more excited than I was, saying that he would get to see me every day. He was crazy for sure. I didn't understand how he could be so attached to me in such a short period of time. Every day, he would wait for me at the café where we first met to have lunch together. Since I didn't really know the environment around me, I accepted his offer. He worked in the building next to mine so it was easy for us to meet. At first, I got lost looking out for him because every building looked the same to me in this business city. But then he helped me out and now I have started getting used to it.

I quickly finished applying my eyeliner and did some final touches, then headed downstairs for breakfast. I was eating my sandwich, and listening to my mom's talks every morning was like a normal thing. But if she was quiet, then one should understand that she was beyond angry.
"We'll have a family dinner this Saturday with Zac, Mary, and her family. So you girls better clean up the house in the morning." She said and I looked at her since Zac's name made me remember Aaron. I nodded at her with a small smile, finished my food, and left for work.

The time flew by so quickly that it was already lunch break. I quickly got off the building and went to the café down the street. Entering the place, I saw Aaron already sitting at a table, looking at his phone, waiting for me. I walked over to him and sat down.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." I said quickly.
"No problem, sweetheart!" He answered with a smile.

"Let's order first; I'm starving." He said and called the waiter to take our order.
I looked at him, frowning, then asked:
"You missed breakfast today also?"
He looked at me, then smiled.
"Yeah, I got late."
Just in time, the waiter came, and we ordered our lunch.
"You know that breakfast is a very important meal of the day. You shouldn't keep missing it like that." I said to him and he looked at me, chuckling.
"I know, but I can't wake up early in the morning. You know that you come in my dreams so they are precious." He said and winked at me, then burst into laughter.
"That was cheesy!" I stated, shook my head at him and started laughing as well.
"I know, it came out in the wrong way but I did try to sound romantic." He said laughing.
"You're crazy. But it's serious; you shouldn't miss breakfast like that every day." I said, looking at him, and at the same time, our food came and we started eating.
"Okay. I won't miss it tomorrow. Happy?" He said with a smile.
"Very much!" I replied sarcastically
"So, how's work today?" He asked, then put some French fries in his mouth.
He was really hungry since he was eating like that.
"Been busy but going great. What about you?" I replied, biting my sandwich.
"Same. They have been discussing moving to L.A for a project soon but we are still working on that." He said sipping his juice.
I looked at him and smiled.
"Well, that's great news." I replied, feeling a bit sad that he might move to L.A soon. But I masked it up before he noticed. He just stared at me but did not say anything further.

We were eating in silence but I had to tell him so

"Zac and Mary are invited to my place this Saturday for a family dinner."

His head jerked up as he looked at me. I lifted my eyebrows, asking him what happened but he smiled hesitantly and said
"That's great! Will there be Mary's family too?"

"Yeah, of course! And I'm going to cook too that day." I replied smilingly.

But Aaron looked a bit tense.
"Aaron, what happened?" I asked him since I saw his facial expression change all of a sudden.

"Nothing at all. I just remembered a task to be done; that's it." He said hesitantly.

I knew he was lying because his facial expressions were telling otherwise but I didn't force him to tell me. Maybe its personal or not ready to share.

"So yeah, when will I get to eat your food cooked by yourself?" He asked by masking his expressions and became back as before, smiling.

"Whenever you say though." I replied laughing.

"Great then. Gonna organize something special soon." He said and winked at me. I smiled at his comment.

When Aaron said special, his special meant extra special. Just like our first date, I didn't expect a first date that way at all. Normally people went to a restaurant on a first date, just to know each other a little bit more but with Aaron, he really did everything special.

"Aaron?" I called him out since he was trying to take out an ice with his straw.
"Yeah!" He replied with his attention still on the ice.

"I told mom about you." I told him and he stopped whatever stupidity he was doing and looked at me surprised.
"What did you say to her?" He asked lifting both his eyebrows up.
"I only told her how we met and that we talk on WhatsApp but I didn't tell her that we already went on a date and that we meet daily. I just told her that you work across the building of mine and that we met a few times." I said looking down at my juice, playing with my straw.
"So what did she say then?" He asked nervously.
Seeing him like that, I wanted to laugh but I restrained myself. I decided to play a little with him.

"She said that I should stop talking to you since I shouldn't trust any guy that soon." I said with a straight face but laughing internally.

His facial expressions changed to sadness. He started to say something but couldn't form any sentence.
"But Sarah, we knew each other quite well now. You can't just stop talking to me. You can't do that." He said with an irritating voice like he started tensing and he was like trying to convince me something. I started feeling bad so I quickly said:
"Hey hey relax. I was just kidding. She didn't say anything like that at all.
On the contrary she was happy that I found someone to date, she just told me to be careful first."
He looked at me with his eyes big opened and then he sighed in relief.
"Gosh Sarah! Don't play with me like that. I started stressing out." He said shaking his head.
"Sorry to freak you out like that. I just wanted to mess up with you a little bit." I replied laughing.
"I gonna go now, my lunch time is nearly over. I see you later." I said paying my bill and got up.
"See you and take care." He said kissing my cheek. I nodded and left to the office.

*Aaron POV*

After Sarah went out, I sat back and started thinking about Saturday. I just hoped Elena wouldn't say anything about me at Sarah's place. I didn't want Sarah to find out about me like that. I was waiting for the right time to tell her. I just hoped Zac and Elena shut their mouth up. If Sarah found out about me like that, I didn't know what would I do? I couldn't lose her at any cost. No, not because of my past. And I wouldn't let anyone do that either.
Sarah is mine, only mine!

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