Chapter 28

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The weekend is over now and now I'm back on my daily routine. Each day went exactly the same way as it used to be.

Sleep, class, study, eat, sleep, class, study, eat.

Laura and Luke have been hanging out in my room every day for our assignments and group study which hardly happened. Whenever we end up together, we talk more than we do something productive.
Like hasn't asked me anything about whatever happened at the bonfire. Neither do I mention. Honestly, I don't know what was that or how to explain it to anyone. So, I keep my mouth shut.

It's been five days and I haven't seen him, not even in our Literature class. What is his problem? Where would he disappear all the time and then come back again whenever he pleased. Everything about him makes me more curious. It's like I'm unable to take off my mind from him. Something about him always gave me strange vibes but I don't know what?

In class, Luke took his seat next to me. He was continuously talking to me but I stayed quiet only nodding and humming in acknowledgement of his remarks.

"Monday we begin our weeklong discussion of all Ancient words I teach you till now" Professor announces as class ends.

I grab my bag and went out of the class. Luke and Laura are talking about upcoming Saturday night, this is something in which I never like to participate. So, I excuse myself and walk off the corridor. I notice Dorian's friends on the ground floor. But he is not there. A slight disappointment crept inside me. Without any second thought, I walk to them.

"Hey," I say. And they all stop talking and shifted their gaze at me. 'It was a bad idea' I curse to myself.

"Hey... Alice? Right?" Leo replies while smiling. Besides him must be Edwin because he seems uninterested to reply to me. Rude jerk, just like Dorian. While the third one looks quite like a kind person because he at least notices me and nods in response.

"Yeah, that's me," I mumble.

I don't know how will I ask them without showing my curiosity. Finally, after collecting my courage, I speak "Umm.... where is...where is..". I'm trying my best but nothing come out of my mouth. Leo arched his eyebrows, waiting for me to complete my question.

But instead of that, I say "It's good to see you all" and walk away from them as fast as possible. They must be laughing at me right now. Oh god! Why would I do that? Stupid me.


I sat down on the bench and tried to avoid everyone. The air was heavy and it wasn't just a promise of rain. Where is he? Is he with Gloria, chatting and laughing with each other? I don't know why I'm thinking about this. This is not me, prying on someone else business is not my style, so why the hell am I doing this?

I was so caught up in a stream of anxiety, trying to come up with the right thing to do that I didn't notice when someone come and stands beside me.

"Alice Stewart, fancy meeting you" a voice interrupted my thought. I turned my head and was surprised to find Edwin. I must say, he is the last one whom I expect here.

"So," Edwin said. "You were asking about Dorian, right?"

My mouth falls open when I heard him. But I keep my mouth shut. He crossed me and sat next to me and put both elbows onto his knees as he slightly moves forward. But not looking at me.

"He's on vacation" he continued. "And he's fine".

"Where is he?" I ask

"Somewhere far away" he replied. He slightly tilted his head to me "And it'll be better for him if you keep your distance".

"What are you saying?" I gasp.

"He's doing his best but you keep distracting him, so stay away from him" his voice turned hard.

My breathing hitched. I can feel a painful tightness in my chest "What the hell I've done to distract him? We barely even meet" I snap.

He got up "I'll not going to repeat myself, I think you got everything" he pauses, I imagined frustration drawing his brows together "Don't you dare to come in front of him ever again".

I didn't answer as he walks away.

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