chapter 31 ALL OVER.

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I know that Jace saw him as soon as I had, and he screamed the s-bomb stomping on the break but suddenly changing his mind and gunning the gas. I screamed like I had never screamed before never letting up, never losing an octave, as Jace sped on trying to run Caspian down in cold blood... Trying to kill Caspian.

Caspian just stood there never moving never blinking, not making the decision to move I screamed at him, at Jace, at myself, "MOVE CAPIAN MOVE! JACE STOPPPPPP! PLEASEEEE STOP YOUR GONNA KILL HIM! JACE DON'T PLEASEEE! YOUR GONNA KILL US ALL! JACE, GOD PLEASE STOPPPPP!"

I screamed over and over pleading for our lives, but Jace never made an attempt to stop again, instead he shouted back, "YOU WANT ME TO STOP, WHEN HE TRIED TO HURT YOU? TO KILL YOU?" and he finished that with a cursed 'EFF NO!'

And then there was just no more space between us in the speeding car and Caspian I wanted to shut my eyes, I wanted to so badly I thought I did but I never stopped seeing him standing there, not moving illuminated in bright blue from the headlights of Jace's maxima. And then SMACK! CRASH!

Suddenly everything was in slow motion and my whole body flew forward in the force of the collision. The last things I saw was Jace and myself flying so fast but so slow forward faster, faster towards Caspian, his body being demolished by Jace's car his life, so wrongfully stolen, just as well as ours. Glass glittering in the air surrounding us entirely the front of the car crinkling up like a flimsy accordion. Crushing, crushing like stepping on a soda can the back end of the car flung up, with the nose disappearing into Caspian. And Caspian disappearing into pieces.

Everything in the matter of seconds was all over.





They had fled from my brothers it was time to stop them before things went from bad to worse. I saw the car approaching from an amicable distance, and there I stood waiting.

I could hear Samantha's pulse speedily beating and that of the driver-that boy. And suddenly just when I thought this would go over some what smoothly, the boy jacked on his breaks, leading me to believe he was coming to a stop, and then in no time at all he punched the gas peddle to the floor, aiming straight towards me. Samantha's piercing blood chilling screams filled the atmosphere, and never let up. And still that boy's determination shouting in his eyes, to end my life was all that mattered, not because he aimed at my life, but because he had Samantha's hanging in the balance as well. And that was something you just don't mess with.

And then if I had it already figured out, the boy states his reasons. He was doing it for her, because of my revelations of my trying to end her life. He believed he was doing good, and for the woman he loved, and even though it was a horrid jab at me I could admire that he was doing it for, as I would do myself. And we appearing out of nowhere must be the final nail in the coffin I suppose. If I were them at that particular time I would have done nothing different. And him taking a life like nothing right now, oblivious to what kind of being I truly am is something I am nay a stranger to myself tis' what I was built for.

The car crashed right into me breaking my step ever so slightly, but I reprieved it. And I welcomed the collusion let the destruction wash over me. I raised my arms and held them welcomingly before the vehicle's deathly intent. The force was insane, and I didn't falter not an inch, and the car-still with a screaming Samantha inside- crinkled like a cheap accordion. Glass suspended in the air all round them, I had slowed time, and if I hadn't they would have expired instantaneously.

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