Chapter 3. "Oh, you're awake!"

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CHAPTER 3. " Oh, you're awake!" (The song above is The scientist by Coldplay, wait for the que to play)

"Hmm," I hummed as I awoke. At first, when I opened my eyes, all seemed the same. My eyes were a little blurry, still full of sleep from the sandman or the morphine, not sure which. When I remembered where I was, I promptly remembered who was here with me. " Oh! You're awake!" he said. I let out a short gasp, unable to control myself I snuck a scared peak over to the left, and sure enough, there he sat wide awake. And staring straight at me. "Hello," he spoke again.


There goes the damned monitor again. His voice rang soft, manly, yet almost like music. It was beautiful. His dark eyes screamed volumes of depth, hues of trust, honesty and still you could tell they held secrets. They were the color of melted chocolate, the kind you covered strawberries in.

His lips were a soft, light and fluffy rose petal pink- I had to stop myself then, my eyes were taking over. Pull yourself together woman! Snap out of it!

"Umm...I-I'm not really-"

-sure what to say to you... I finished but inside my cowardly brain.

"I'm sure, you have no idea who I am. Please don't be afraid, will you allow me to explain?" He said. His face wore a look of weary determination, he seemed.... nice. But this was all just out of control, I have no idea who this guy is, save for the fact of him hitting me with his registered death machine. I could pass no judgements further than that. What was I supposed to do? Really? But those eyes! Looking back at me, pleading to me, boring into me, searching for something...understanding? Well, when u put it that way.... no. Just kidding.

"Yes," I managed aloud. He exhaled with relief if only a little. I realized then I had too.

It was like he was up chucking the words "Well, you see I was on my way to work and I had just gotten a large hot coffee, which I might add is very VERY HOT! And because I work third shift-I mean I've tried and I just can't find any other way of staying awake-well anyways I was coming down the street and I saw the light changing to yellow, and I thought if I move a little quicker I could make it... Then my phone started ringing and I went to reach over with my left hand and plowed it into my right hand holding the very flame like coffee, and the next thing I know I'm covered in lava, and-"

-"Breathe Ok, I get it! Accidental car accident. Got it." I concluded out of, what felt like, a glass filled mouth.

He looked so ashamed, he put his head down and fiddled with his hands wringing them in and out like a facecloth. I watched as, around and around he wrung them. Then out of nowhere he jumped up like a jack in the box and said, "Maybe I should go, I'm not welcome. I'm very, very sorry. Truly, I am."

And just like that, he started for the door. "Wait!" I called after him. He stopped but didn't turn around, so I continued, "I'm alive, and..." I faltered then. What the hell was I supposed to say? I thought I knew how I felt-which was pissed, confused, hurt and in the most literal sense there ever was-but I couldn't be trusted! I felt entirely way too much at that moment, and honestly, I'm in the hospital on pain meds! I'm not myself.

I'm literally waging war in my brain trying to justify why it was I was feeling bad for this Asshat who very nearly killed me. Why the hell should it matter? But I knew why it did...

He stayed.

The moment he hit me, he could have left then. He was fine, fit as a fiddle. And sure, with that abandonment, welcome arrest warrants and felony charges with a hit and run...

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