Chapter 1: We Arrive!

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P.O.V Kenza

We pulled up to the parking spot and I pressed my face against the window. It started to fog and I wrote on the window "fangirl doe". Kate turned to me and looked at me like I was crazy. "What the frick are you even doing?" She said putting on a confused look. "Fangirling..." I said with my face still on the window. "Ok, you really scare me." Charity said turning around,"But I get your fangirl feels right now." Morgan moaned and turned around,"stop being creepy!" She snapped. "Yes ma'am..." I said and grabbed my book bag and lunch box.

We all got out. Charity and I ran to the entrance. I slammed the doors open bridal style. I sniffed the air. "MY FANGIRL SENSES ARE TINGLING. I SENSE SOMETHING Y'ALL." I screamed. I grabbed Kate and Charity's hand and dragged them around the place. Morgan casually walked behind us. I stopped at every single door and peeked inside. It was absolutely gorgeous!

Morgan stopped. "Hey Kenza, come here." She said and stopped at a door.

I jerked to a stop almost flinging Kate and Charity. I ran back around and let their hands go. "ERMAHGERD YES. YES. YES, YES, YES. YUSSSSSSS." I gasped. Kate, Morgan and Me were starring up at the sign. It said in Japanese, "The Music Room".

Charity tried to run away but I flung my arms out. I wrapped my hands around her neck putting her in a head lock. "Nope." I whispered to her. She struggled to get loose.

I looked at Morgan and she looked at Kate. Morgan opened the door bridal style. Roses blew everywhere.

Charity and I swatted them out of our faces.

Morgan blew them out of her face and kept her arms crossed.

Kate flung her arms out and tilted her head back. Almost like she was drinking rain on a stormy day. "I'LL NEVER LET GO JACK!" She screamed.

"Welcome..." said a really familiar voice.

The roses cleared and we saw who it was.

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