Chapter Four

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I spent the next few hours doing nothing but sit around in the room. The walls had been covered and I didn't have any paper I could write on. I sighed and laid on my bed looking up at the ceiling when there was a knock at my door then someone entered it was neither Marco or Axel but a girl she smiled to me.

"Hello." She said quietly looking at my walls.

"Hi." I reply sitting up.

"T-the master said that I have to help you get ready."

"Ready?" I tilt my head looking at the girl.

"Y-yes." She stutters as she makes her way to my closet pulling out some clothes.

"I am already dressed." I tell her looking down at the clothes I had picked out earlier that day.

She takes out a white dress shirt and holds it up in font of me and closes one eye then puts it back. "He is taking you somewhere and you have to dress nicely." She reaches in and pulls out another nicer looking shirt.

"I don't want to go anywhere with him." I flop myself back down on the bed with a sigh.

"But you have to!" She wails grabbing the pants to the top she had just picked out then walks to me. "He really is very kind please go with him please. He'll be very mad if you don't anyway and you wouldn't like that would you? Would you?"

I ignore her. Why would I want to go anywhere with him?.... Wait if I go with him somewhere, then maybe I can get help! I sit up with a smile and look at her. "Alright. Fine I'll go." I stand up and take the clothes from her. "The pants are going to be a little tricky."

"Oh don't worry." She bends down and cuts her thumb letting a small drop of blood leak in then sticks it in her mouth.

I smile happily at her and walk into the bathroom taking off my clothes that I had just put on earlier and get into the ones she had picked out for me.

I glance at myself in the mirror. It looked pretty well. She would probably get along with my sisters. I think smiling to myself then I walk out from the bathroom.

"There, I'm dressed. Now what?"

She hops off my bed and walks around me. "Perfect." She says clapping her hands together. She then runs to the closet and takes out a pair of shoes handing them to me. "These will be the last thing."

I take them from her with a smile and sit down to put them on. "They're the last thing correct?" I ask standing up to see how they feel.

"Yes." She smiles happily. "Now wait here for the master." She says quickly before exiting the room.

I sigh and sit down on the bed waiting for Axel. I move my legs around and look down. Wait she didn't put the chains back on! I also didn't hear her lock the door. I smile brightly standing up and trying the handle. It works! The girl forgot!

I pull it open and peak around the corners no one down either of the hallways. I step out on the green carpeted floor and begin to walk. I chose to go right because right is always right am I right?

The place I was in seemed to be like a giant maze. I walked for a while not seeing any doors at all when I heard a man shouting in the distance for me. They must have discovered I was not in my room. I quickly began to run and saw a corner up ahead of me and turned running into something and falling to the ground.

"Well hello." The voice said bending down to me. Great the one person I didn't want to see. "Going for a little run, are we Winter?" Axel smiled picking me up.

"Uh well you know... I just needed to stretch my legs a little." I smiled at him. I was wrong don't go right, right is wrong.

He laughed lightly setting me down to stand. "I'm sure."

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