Chapter Ten

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I follow Henry back to a small bundle of houses that were located on the edge of the land with a small fence around it.

"This is where the servants live." He smiles looking back at me. "Some of our families live here too... But only some." He turned his head back ahead leading me to one of the bigger homes.

As soon as the door is open I see that the house is a lot nicer than it looks on the outside. I walk inside to see all the cozy looking furniture and girly decorations hanging up around in the first room we entered.

"I'm home!" He called before listening to silence, "She must not be back." He said looking back at me. "My wife, that is. I happen to be one of the lucky ones. However she also works here." Henry moved over to sit on the couch. "So we can't eat until she gets home."

I just nod. What am I supposed to say to this guy? There is pretty much nothing I can do to have a conversation with him.

I move and sit down on his couch next to the other man before I remember I am still dressed in woman's clothing. "Um.. Do you maybe have anything I could borrow?" I ask looking over to Henry.

"Oh right." He stands up. "Of course I do. Just wait here I'll be right back." He moves out of the room and to the stairs.

I use this opportunity to look around a little bit more. I stand and walk over to a fireplace looking at the pictures that were set on top with makeshift frames. They are all pictures of Henry and a very pretty young woman with pretty blond hair. I traced my and along them for some reason, before jumping as I heard the door open.

"I'm home!" A high pitched voice called from the doorway before quick footsteps were heard making their way down the stairs.

Henry handed me clothes before running towards the door. I heard a few giggles and small mushy talk. Throw up in my mouth.

Soon he returns with the same short blond haired woman that looked just as happy as she hugs her husband walking into the room as she does in the many pictures surrounding the room.

"Hello!" She smiles happily moving away from Henry and over to me. "Awe, Henry. He is just so cute." She moves a hand up to pinch my cheek. "I'm Kassidy ." She moves her hand away from my cheek and holds it out for me to take it.

I rub my cheek listening to her introduce herself before looking down at her hand and taking it into mine, identifying myself as well.

"Winter?! That's such an odd... and adorable name!" Kassidy squeals pulling my hand hard forcing me into a hug. "Oh darling." She looks to Henry, "Oh can't we keep him?"

I see Henry's lips move into a half smile as he chuckles moving over to the two of us... You know why is it that every guy I meet seems to chuckle? Like a lot... weird.

"I would love to fulfill your wish, Kassidy, but I don't think he want's to stay here. Do you, Winter?" He moved looking down to me.

I laugh awkwardly moving myself away from Kassidy, "Well... Yeah I would like to get back to home..." I blink thinking to myself a bit more. "My uh real home.... not where I was before please."

Kassidy let's me go and tilts her head, resembling a puppy, furrowing her eyebrows. "What do you mean? You weren't at your home before?"

"Well... No.."

"Wait wait wait." Kassidy says quickly, I feel like this is going to be a very long story... how about you tell us over dinner?"

I nod realizing now at the mentioning of food that I'm actually really very hungry seeing as I haven't eaten.. what? All day maybe. I don't remember the last time I've eaten but who cares my stomach wants food now.

When dinner is done and we are eating sitting around the table I begin to tell them all about what has happened, with the party, meeting Axel, the island, then about what happened in the house.

"Wait. You were kidnapped from your kidnapper?.... And she thought you were her brother? I don't understand... How would she know where you were and why did she think it was your brother?" Henry asks from his chair on the other side of the table.

"I have absolutely no idea what so ever." I breathed. "I'm kind of worried for my brother too... I mean she is going to try to kidnap him too."

Henry moved standing up and looking at the time. Then moves looking back over at his wife.. seeming to have some sort of... wordless conversation. Before she to stands up picking up the plates, taking them over to the sink. Henry moves his eyes from his wife to me then smiles.

"Why don't you go to bed and we'll help you to get home in the morning? It's when the mansion is the least guarded... and we're trusted so don't worry about it."

He steps towards me urging me to stand and follow him up into a small dark room, which had a small bed in it, and pretty much nothing else. The room was very empty and boring giving off a kind of cold atmosphere making me shiver slightly.

Shiver.. That's kind of funny... I mean my name is Winter.. Shivering happens in the winter... I guess shivering happens other times too... not as funny as it was at first...

"Goodnight." Henry smiles to me before moving closing the door and leaving the room.

I listen for the footsteps to move down the hall before quickly going over to the door to try the handle. Thankfully it opens... I know it seems a bit.. odd but I don't want to take chances.. I'm too easy to trust people.

I shake my head closing he door and moving over to the bed laying down with a inward sigh. I glance out the tiny window that is right beside the bed. I hope they are able to get me home... if not.. my only hope is my first kidnapper... and then I'll just be back where I started.

I shake my head once more as the memories of the Axel enter my mind.. he isn't a good person... not truly.. Why would I hope for him to save me? I keep pondering this in my mind as my eyes grow heavy eventually giving in to the darkness, allowing myself to slip into sleep.

[Author's note: Hey guys! It's been a while... And I'm super duper sorry about not updating for so long and for the chapter being so short as well... BUT! I'm going on vacation next week so I should be able to update chapter eleven maybe even twelve? But seriously I've been working a lot lately so much so that I hardly see my family even. So please bear with it for now. Thanks for reading!!]

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