Chapter Fourteen

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When we get home, like to my real actual home not Axel's home I'm kind of surprised to see it pretty much completely empty, there are no cars parked outside besides for the one we arrived in and there is no gardener attending to the bushes as he did every single day for the last ten years. It's weird and I don't know what to make of it.

"It's only noon and its a Wednesday, They're probably at work or school." Axel mutters behind me probably having the same thoughts as I did.

I turn my head looking over to him with a slight smile on my face nodding in agreement before moving into the garage, finding the key under the potted plant where we have always hidden it before unlocking and opening the door to the quiet emptiness inside.

Now when I say emptiness I don't mean it's empty of things, it still has everything just as we always had it, it just lacks the people, the noise, the warmth of the homeowners. I move inside removing my shoes as I always had calling quietly, "I'm home." Which just echoed a bit, the ceilings were way too high so it's understandable.

I could feel Axel's gaze on me as I said this hearing his soft sigh, kind of a tired sigh, or maybe disappointed sigh, either way it wasn't happy... can there be a happy smile? Never mind who cares anyway.

I smile slightly to Axel, "It's fine... we can wait for them to come back."

After a bit of silence I move to walk further into my kitchen before going the big dinning room type area where we have all of our parties and head upstairs to my room. Our footsteps echo as we walk through the room and up the steps, Axel walking pretty close to me as if he'd get lost, when he himself has a house with probably more rooms than the ours.

When we make it to the stop of the steps and begin heading to my room, I pause hearing a sort of whimpering coming from the two doors that lead to my parents room... It sounded as if someone was inside crying. I glance to Axel who was just standing listening, still being as quiet as ever.

I take in a deep breath mentally telling him just to stay out here, he nods as if he could read my mind before I step forward opening the door.

Inside the lights were off and the curtains were closed. There was so much space in the room which was taken up by a few boxes filled with old photo albums and empty boxes of tissues as well as used ones crumpled up were laying all over the floor. Between the sounds of sobs the sound of a book turning every once in a while hit my ears.

My parents has a canopy bed with a solid white curtain that hung around it. Shielding away any little light that could probably get in... and yet whoever was in there was looking at pictures in the darkness... okay, odd.

I breath in heavily before taking a step further into the room, moving to pull the curtain back, showing my mom and Penny both in bathrobes both, both with red puffy eyes. The only difference was that Penny was sleeping against my mother as she looked down at the photo album that was in her lap.

When the curtain was pulled back his mothers head lifted a bit. She blinked looking at me a few times before her eyes widened she quickly stood up letting Penny's head hit the bed with a soft thunk waking the child up.

"Winter." She smiled, quickly wrapping her arms around my neck almost choking me with her strength hugging and kissing my head repeatedly. "You're home, I thought you were dead what happened? Where did you go? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She questioned when she pulled away, looking me over, tears once again began to fall from her eyes as she looked me over.

I smiled in return looking my tired mother over. "I'm fine mom." I said softly. It was true. Of course where I was before returning to Axel's house was pretty scary but, I was never actually hurt or in pain at any point.

"Winter?!?!" I heard a loud noise come from the bed before Penny moved to the edge and jumped off grabbing on to me before she could fall to the ground. "You're home! I missed you so much!" She moved to kiss my cheek before hitting my head. "Never do that again. Don't you know you're not supposed to let your sister worry like that. TV said I could get lines on my head."

I pat her head, still smiling, "I'm sorry Penny. I didn't mean to worry you so much."

"No I'm sorry Winter." My mother says moving to grab my hand, "I've been so busy with your siblings that I haven't really be a mother to you." She looks down with sadness. "If I had paid more attention to you... this probably never would have happened." Tears once again roll from my mother's eyes heavily now.

I sigh and shake my head moving my hand to lift her head. "Mom. You have eight kids. It'd be hard for anyone to pay attention to that many. The important thing is that I'm fine."

She smiles slightly laughing a bit, "How did I get such a good kid like you?"

After that we just stood in silence, waiting for my mom to stop crying before she moved to grab her phone making a few phones calls. Penny and I sat on the bed quietly talking before there was a knock at the door.

Right.. I completely forgot about Axel standing out in the hallway if anyone else came they would think he was a burglar or something.

"Come in." I said taking the liberty of inviting someone in to my mother's room.

Sure enough the door opens and Axel pops his head in. "Winter? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah come in." I smile holding on to Penny's hand.

He moves in quietly closing the door behind him making his way over to the bed. Penny says nothing looking up at him holding on to my hand.

My mom who was previously on the phone removes it from her ear looking to Axel, who didn't seem to fit in the room at all standing out greatly even in his casual clothes.

"...Winter... Who is this?" She asks clearly cautious of him.

"He's.." I begin before Axel speaks cutting me off.

"My name is Axel, I'm in love with your son.." He smiles to her before breathing in. "And I'm also the one who kidnapped him."

I curse inwardly, yep that's exactly how you want to introduce yourself to my mom. Good job Axel.

"Excuse me, while I call the police." My mom says turning the sound of her fingers hitting the three numbers.

"Wait mom. No. I love him too." I say quickly which just causes her to drop her phone.

"What?" Mom asks dropping her phone.

"Really?" Axel asks smiling slightly looking at me with hopeful eyes.

Well this was going to take a lot of explaining wasn't it? Good things it's only lunch time.

[Author's note: Its been many a years since I posted. However I think this one is longer than most and killed me the most to get out because it's pretty sappy and boring. But don't worry. The exiting stuff will be happening in the next chapter! Thanks for reading!! ^3^]

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