Chapter Eight

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Axel smiled brightly like an idiot as he continued holding on to my hand leading me down a long windy road that lead threw the woods surrounding the beach on the island.

"How much longer?" I asked feeling as if we've been walking for a long time, and my feet were killing me. Not to mention I didn't even get to eat yet that morning, couldn't the author had waited until after I ate breakfast like geez.

He just smiled back again to me, "Just a little longer."

Mhmm very hard to believe right now but you know what? Whatever.

After what felt like forever we finally made it to the place he was imagining me to be so excited to see. It was beautiful I must admit. He brought me to a small waterfall with flowers and trees and such surrounding it but it wasn't really me. I mean I'm not a girl.

"Do you like it?" He asked eagerly.

"Yes..." I smiled lying to him... Well I mean I'm not lying. I like it but as I said it just wasn't me I don't know why he didn't take me to a library or something although that would have been pointless since we are only supposed to be here for a little while. I'm thinking its the best the author could come up with right now.

His smile grew. I swear he was acting just like a little kid right now I wasn't sure what to think of him anymore.

"Good." he said pulling me over to the edge. Then something made me think.

"Why are you wearing a suit to come here?"

He stopped on a rock and looked to me, "Well it's just because I thought this place would be special... I don't know, always hoping that you would fall for me and if you do I want to look my best."

I laughed lightly at his words, seriously he is a dork. "You're a dork."

He blushed slightly after I said this rubbing his neck and looking at the rushing water. Whoa. Wait he is blushing?! Why would he blush? He is supposed to be all cool and composed right? The readers will get confused if his character suddenly changes like that right?

He coughed, "Anyway, Winter. Hungry?" His blush had left his face and he seemed to go back to normal.

Almost like knew what Axel had said my stomach growled loudly. I laughed awkwardly feeling my face heat up. "Y-yeah I am."

He chuckled and took my hand again leading me up another path that lead beside the water. Just ahead I could see a small blanket that looked dazzling. I was actually kind of impressed to see it. It had all sorts of food sitting on it.

"Was this just brought here? I mean don't you think the animals would have eaten it?"

"I..." He paused his sentence and looked over to me smiling, "Well they didn't lets go eat."

We walked over and sat down on the blanket, he released my hand finally and I smiled at the feeling of having my hand back.

"Eat anything you like. I told them to make all your favorites." He took off the lids to a few plates he was right they were pretty much all my favorites.

"Who are they?" I asked picking up a fork beginning to eat.

"The cooks of course. I noticed you like their food so I decided to have them travel with me."

The food tasted better than anything I feel I've ever eaten but then again I'm pretty sure I said this about everything I ate when I was with him.

Not far off though the sounds of a helicopter was loudly hovering close by until it stopped above us.

I glanced over to Axel who had a worried look on his face.

"Whats wrong?" I asked confused as to why a helicopter would be that big of a deal.

He shook his head and looked back to me, he studied my face for a while then smiled.

"It's probably nothing." I said trying to make him look not so.. scared. It worried me when he was because if he was worried and had no idea what was going on it could be anything.

A great gust of wind blew around us blowing my hair, I looked up seeing that the helicopter stopped right above us.

"Axel?" I questioned looking over to him. He stood up quickly.

"Winter you have to run now." A rope landed beside me a man standing at the end of it grabbing me as I tried to get up to run.

The next thing I remember is darkness and the faint sound of Axel yelling and trying to hit the man before his voice faded away.

Great? Did I just kidnapped from my kidnapper? What is going on with my life?


I could feel the cold hard floor that I had apparently been set on beneath me. So Axel hadn't gotten the chance to save me?

I opened my eyes and looked around at the dark room I was set in, there were bars in front of me and I could hear the sounds of chains whenever I moved.

"More chains?" I sighed and sat up looking down at my leg. Yep there they were clear as day, rusty old chains digging into my ankle.

"Finally awake?" A man asked suddenly standing in front of the cell I was locked in. He fumbled with a key chain and opened the door walking in. "You've been sleeping for quiet a while Mr. Howe."

He walked over and squatted beside me lifting my head up to look into my eyes. Then smiled and pushed it out of his hand. Almost making me fall over.

"Where.. am I?" I asked suddenly feeling very very thirsty.

"It doesn't matter where you are but you aren't leaving." He laughed standing up and dusting his hands off.

He sounded like someone else I know, Did all kidnappers say this?

He used his foot to look at my face again. "All that matters is you'll never see Axel or your family again."

"So what you're just going to keep me here?" I asked moving my head away form him.

"Of course not." He smiled, "My boss wants to use you as a slave we just have to fix you."

He snapped his fingers and a few other men and a woman walked in. The men picked me up. I felt light headed as they did this and I could feel my consciousness beginning to leave me once more.

"Go ahead and sleep, Mr.Howe." The woman said to me smiling as they left the room still holding on to me.

I only got a small glimpse of where they ended up taking me before the light turned to darkness again. Seriously what is wrong with me? I can't seem to stay awake anymore.

((Author's note: So remember when I said I would be writing a chapter every 22nd? Yeah... Sorry about that I kind of worked on it and then yeah... But I most likely will be updating again next weekend because you know this is making me interested. Anywho thank you for reading! Even though it's short.))

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