Chapter Thirteen

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The loud sound of my alarm clock woke me up from my blissful dream, I was dreaming that I was home again, home with Pennie, Raed, Jewl, Dara, Tate, even Omar. It was nice while it lasted.

I sit up rubbing my eyes as I look around the all too familiar room. It wasn't the room I've always been staying in it was one I found quickly after running out of Axel's office. I never gave him a chance to answer.. but I have the right to not listen to him. He lied.. and now even though I wanted to go home I couldn't.

I just shake my head and move to stand up walking into the bathroom, looking myself over. I was loosing almost all the body fat on my body and it's only been a few days, probably because along with my not eating, everytime I get upset my body reacts by vomiting everything inside of me. I could forgive him... But I don't know how to talk to him anymore.

I push my hair off of my face and glance over the door hearing a knock, so quiet and hardly autoble. Just like Marco's.. However I know exactly who it is.

"Winter... Please answer." I hear Axel's voice come through the door. He hasn't stopped this for a few days. I'm not even sure if he leaves the door.

I close my eyes, I have to leave this room soon or I will die.. and maybe he did mean well. The letter said that my dad knew of Axel's interest in me.. was it real? That's my only question, as soon as I start to trust him I find this out. Which probably sucks for him as well.. I shake my head the thoughts are starting to give me a headache anyway.

Moving out of the bathroom I lean my head against the heavy door my hand moving to the lock. I pause for a moment thinking to myself about why I was mad at him before opening the door seeing Axel sitting on the floor trays of food sitting around.

He looked awful.

"Winter!" He smiled looking up to me before quickly standing. "I-"

I hold my hand up to cut him off before stepping out of the room looking up to him now.

"I'm not going to forgive you Axel... for many reasons but... You're not the only one at fault so... Let's just go get something to eat and then you can shave your face."

Axel stood there for a moment his smile faded from his face before he nods and moves taking my wrist.

"Okay." He mumbles looking me over before leading me into the kitchen. It was quiet just like it was before.

"Where is everyone?" I move slipping away from him and over to the fridge.

"I told them to go home. Until further notice. They're still getting pay but.. I thought for now it could just be us."

I went silent and move opening the fridge door looking at how empty it actually was. The food was either too old or just looked very unappetizing.

"There isn't anything here to eat." I breath and move to close the fridge again heading back over to Axel.

"Yeah... no one went shopping while we were away and I haven't had the chance to send anyone."

Axel looked down to the ground moving over to sit at the table sighing heavily before laying his head down.

"Can we talk?" Axel asked after a while. "I want to talk with out you getting upset though... I want you to listen."

I sighed and moved to grab a box of unopened before cereal plopping down at the table and opening up the box. I didn't say anything and just gave a silent nod as I began to eat the dry cardboard like food.

"Listen.. The letter.. I know what it said and I know that you're hurt. Mostly by your father and I understand that it was very... not nice for him to do but I want to know why you're mad at me."

I blink listening to his words, what does he mean he doesn't under stand? I take in a breath before looking back over at him.

"Axel.. It's about trust. You could have told me about this. You could have explained everything to me about my father about everything, yes I would have been hurt but you didn't need to lie and say you kidnapped me... because you liked me. He paid you."

"I do love you! This isn't exactly what I wanted to do but would have really talked to me any other way?"

"I don't know... I was going to, I just aimlessly trusted you to take me on a trip. While I admit it was dumb of me but I still didn't think you were shady I was going to give you a chance."

"Well.... you have a point but I was nervous and about the money, do you think I need it? I built a model of your bedroom. I think I'm more than financially stable."

I sigh and shake my head again looking down at my hands again, I don't know what to do anymore I'm confused. On one hand Axel is a bad guy he did kidnap me but he does actually act as if he cares about me. I mean who would wait out a door for days because of someone like me being mad if they didn't care. Besides do I really want to go back home? My dad doesn't want me there. The letter said it all. But what about my siblings? Don't they miss me... or mom.

"Fine. Axel. I believe you. But I do want to go back home."

"What? Why? You can't."

"Listen you'll be there you can be there the entire time and I'll leave with you but... I need to talk to my sisters and my brothers and my friends."

Axel paused before his head slowly began to nod and he moved to his feet.

"Fine. Alright. I'll take you... But first a shower and we need to get something real to eat... Cause I'm sure that cereal is well past expired."

I nod and smile moving to throw the box away. This is okay. It'll be fine right? The rest of my family has to miss me.... They have to.

((Authors note: So yay I got this done. I've been having a bit more free time to push some chapters out of my brain. Hopefully I can write more now often with my graduating and my classes being more laid back I can just write in class. Thanks for sticking by me! Maybe for those of you who read both I can continue writing Our Secret.. But that may be just wishful thinking. We'll see!))

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