Chapter Sixteen

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I look at myself in the mirror, a bit amazed at what I see standing in front of me. Issy is truly amazing when it comes to makeup. I honestly can't believe it's me...

Issy moves walking up behind me fixing my clothes a bit, "You make a beautiful woman." She smiles patting my shoulders a bit.

"Yeah well don't get used to it, this is never going to happen ever again." I say glancing back to her.

"Unless your new boyfriend wants you to dress up. I'm sure you'll do it for him."

"He is not my boyfriend."

"You both confessed to each other... you're defiantly dating. I mean from what you told me he kissed you too."

"So? My family kisses me to."

Issy looked at me a moment, clearly upset or annoyed with what I said, shaking her head quickly. "No. That is not the same thing and we both know it."

I breath and move looking back at myself in the mirror, touching the blond wig on my head,

"How about we just talk about it later or something? I'm more worried about what's going to happen when my dad gets here."

I can feel Issy standing there watching me not saying a word.

"Alright." She sighs moving away from the mirror, "After everything plays out then... tell me."

"I will." I smile slightly looking to her before she disappears out of the room.

What was I going to tell her? Honestly, I don't even know what made me say it in the first place... Do I actually love Axel? This might just be some sort of mind game. He was the only one I've seen in the past few months... and he isn't necessarily a good guy. He is actually a pretty bad guy.

Silence fills the room a while as I continue to think to myself trying desperately to understand my feelings towards this man.

"Winter?" A small voice chimes in from beside me, I look down to see Penny standing there looking up at me.


"It really is you? You look like a girl." She smiles walking around me a few times. I don't know why but with her there and saying that. for some reason I become flustered.

"I know..." I mumble moving away from both the mirror and her.

"Why are you dressed like that? Is it for daddy?"

I blinked looking to her for a nine-year-old she sure wasn't some absentminded child... I feel like she always knows more than what she lets us believe.

"I mean yeah..." I mumble sighing slightly, "You have to help us, okay Penny?"

"Okay." She smiles moving back over to me. "With what?"

"Well... You have to make sure daddy doesn't know that I am me."

"Huh? Why?"

I look down to the innocent little girl's face, I mean sure our dad is a total tool and everything but what he did isn't prison worthy... besides I don't know what mom is going to do and I don't feel like being the one to crush the little girl's dreams... I can't let her know dad is a jerk... She'll figure it out on her own as the years go by.

I take in a deep breath and bend down to her level. "It's a game." I smile placing both of my hands on her shoulders, half to make this seem like a serious conversation and half just to make sure I don't fall on my face. These shoes are hard to balance in.

"A game?" She asks tilting her head kind of like a dog does when it's confused.

"Yes. A game. A pretend game. We're going to tell dad some things that aren't true, but that's

okay because It's all a part of the game okay? You have to play along too. Pretend I'm not here."

She looks at me for a while, my guess is trying to figure out why a bunch of adults are going to be playing a game, before she smiles brightly and nods moving to take my hand.

"Okay! I won't tell. Let's go out now."

I smile glad that she understands what I'm talking about moving out of the room with her still holding on to my hand.

Outside the door Axel was sitting on a chair, knowing him he was probably there this whole entire time. Although I'm dressed as a woman so who am I to judge?

As soon as the door opens he stands to his feet looking me over, with him it's a lot different from when the girls were doing it. I was embarrassed with Penny but I can feel my face being coming a tomato as he looks me over.

"Wow." I can hear him say under his breath, not that loud if you weren't paying attention you probably would have missed it. "Winter... you look... amazing."

"Thanks." I smile slightly, "Although I don't care if I look amazing, do I look like me?"

Axel glances to me then turns his head shaking it quickly. I wonder what is going through his mind because I can see a small blush on his face....

Whoa wait, hold the phone. Axel blushing?! No way. Unreal. I mean I expect a lot from the man but I never expected him to actually blush. This is amazing, I wish I could have gotten it on camera.

"You look pretty Winter!" Penny smiles letting my hand free. "I'm gonna go find mommy." She smiles before moving down the hallway towards the kitchen.

I glance to Axel a moment smiling slightly, "Dad will be here soon... maybe we should get in our places?"

Axel is quiet a moment more before turning his head back to me taking my hand into his. "Yeah... But you have to promise me something."

"...What is it?"

"You'll never dress like this again unless it's only for my eyes to see. Understand?"

I smile at his request before beginning to laugh which seems to make him a bit upset.

"Axel. I will never dress like this again for anyone else to see." I say trying to get it out without messing up every single word.

This seems to satisfy him as he begins leading me outside to the car where we move driving to parking lot not far from the house waiting for mom's text.

[Author's note: So there was more and there is more. Remember when I said this was going to be the last chapter? Yeah? Well you all already know I'm a liar. So there will be more to come not sure how many more could be one chapter could be two but probably not that many and probably a bit far apart. I already have the next chapter started and I told myself I'd update today so here is what I have that is worthy of uploading. Thank you for reading and sticking through with me and my lies!!]

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