Chapter Five

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A few hours later, or what I think was a few hours, I woke up sitting on a plane. Yeah, an Airplane. That flys. I was leaning against the window and I could see the tiny land that was under me.

I groan as I push myself away my head felt as if it had been hit by with a bat just a little earlier. I rub it and hear the clanking noise coming from my wrist. I look down and follow the chair to my chair. Great so if the plane was to crash I would have no way of escaping. Good idea, Axel. I look at the chair next to me and see Axel sitting there with a content expression typing away on his computer.

"You're up." He smiles not looking away from the screen once.

I think about flipping out about the whole not being able to escape thing oh and the fact that he DRUGGED me, but my head hurts to much, so instead I jump right to the point. "Why are we in a plane?"

"We're flying to an island I own."


He sighs as his typing stops, "Someone got suspicious and they thought of me as a suspect so I decided to flee of course I wont let them have you back."

"People are looking for me?"

"Don't sound so relieved they wont find you." He mumbles before turning back to his computer to continue typing.

"What are you doing?"


"Oh." I say quietly turning to the window.

I guess there is no point in fighting right now. I'm a thousand feet above the ground where am I gonna go the bathroom?


About what I believe was three hours later Axel finally closes his laptop standing up. He holds out a hand to me with a smile.

"Stand up. We're here."

"But I'm chained to the seat." I glance down to the chain.

"Chained?" He asks looking over. "Right I forgot." He bends over me doing something I can't see. It didn't look like he had a cut either once he came back up. These clearly weren't the normal chains. I look up to him with a confused face. "What?"

"How did that happen? Everyone else had to cut themselves for the blood."

A smirk grew on his face. "I'm not everyone else. Now stand."

I do as he says with a sigh feeling my legs wobble under me. He quickly grabs my arm.

"Don't want you to fall sweetie."

I roll my eyes. "Don't call me sweetie. I hate you."

He laughs, "I know you don't. You'll never hate me because I love you and you are mine." he then pulls me down the isle to get off the plane.

There is a long line of people standing to greet him. What is he the president? They all smile and say 'Welcome master' everyone one beat off from the one before them.

I glance up to Axel who has a soft smile on greeting everyone back with a slight nod of the head.

Soon we made it to a small beach house where he closes and locks the door behind us. He takes off his jacket throwing it on a chair. Then plops himself down on the big couch. I turn around seeing a giant bed placed against the wall.

"I told Marc to keep this all a secret." He huffs to himself looking over to me. "Well come sit with me." Axel pats the empty space next to himself in which I stand blinking at him.

"You could say please."

He laughs shaking his head. "Please, come sit with me."

"Yeah. But I don't want to."

"Why? Don't you want to cuddle. " He says still smiling.


"Awe, Why not?"

"Let me think. I mean how do I ever begin this. You kidnapped me, You kept me locked in a room that freakishly is exactly like my own at home, You sexually harass me telling me you love me, then, and this is the best part, you take me on a 'date' where you drug me and transport me to some random island in the middle of, yet another random, ocean. So excuse me if I do not want to 'cuddle' with you." I breath after saying this so quickly.

Axel looks me up and down then chuckles standing up to walk over to me. "Oh, Winter." He laughs touching my face. "I'm doing all of this for you. I want you for my own and what I want I get." he bends down and places a soft kiss on my lips.

"Although I will not fuck you until you've fallen for me, I will do other things." He smirks picking me up. He takes me towards the couch as I struggle to be put down. "Don't fight Winter, I'll drop you."

"Then put me down."

"I will. As soon as we reach the couch." He glances down to me with the same smirk then back up.

He gently lays me down on the couch then lays down on me wrapping his arms around my waist leaning his head on my stomach.

"W-what are you doing?"

"This is a form of cuddling." He says turning his head to look up at my face. "Or where you expecting something else." He smirks yet again.

I blush lightly, because in truth I kinda was. Weren't you?

Axel chuckles. "All I will do is kiss you. For now, that is." He lays his head back down on my stomach. "And I'm to tired to make sure you stay in this room safe and sound."


"I worked the whole plane ride. I'm still a boss you know." He smiles with his eyes closed.

I just nod and the room goes silent for a while.

I lay there quietly looking up at the ceiling allowing Axel to relax. Hey, I know he's a kidnapper but even they need to sleep. I gently place my hand on top of his head feeling his soft hair in my hand, I listen to his small breaths, then look down at his content sleeping face, and smile to myself that someone so mean looking can sound and look so peaceful.

[Yep, I know it's been forever since my last chapter. And it was left on a cliff hanger. I sincerely apologize but with school and my new obsession with role playing it's hard for me to write. Anyway did you guys see that it's over a thousand views?! I suck at writing what are you all doing? Stop. But thank you anyway, ^-^ Sorry for the shortness.]

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