Chapter Six

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I woke up a few hours later laying in the bed alone. I sit up and look around and spot the back of Axel's head along with spotting him I can hear the sounds of typing. I push the covers off and climb out of bed. I guess he heard me because he stopped his typing before turning around.

"You're up." He said looking me over then he closes his laptop and sets it on the table standing and walking over to me. "I was planning to wake you in a bit but since you're up now lets go get dinner."

"Dinner?" I ask looking around. I guess I had slept for a long time. It was morning when we got here.

He laughs lightly. "Yes dinner." Then he grabs my hand. "Come lets go."

Honestly, I didn't want him touching me. But I mean I had the just waking up feeling where I could be burning alive and all I'd be thinking is, 'My bed is so comfortable'.

He took me to the door still holding my hand only letting go so we could both put our shoes on. I rolled my eyes when he grabbed it happily once again. Was it me or was he acting really really strange today? Usually he would have that tough dark guy aura around him but to day it's weird.

We headed outside and down the path to a gazebo that was surrounded by water. It had a small path that seemed to float on the water leading up to it.

"When you said dinner I expected a restaurant not this. How do I know you wont drug me again?" I asked walking carefully along the path before stepping off onto the floor of the gazebo.

He laughed leading me to my seat. "Winter, What reason would I have to drug you? Last time we had to leave quickly and I knew you wouldn't go without a fight." He pulled out my chair which lead me to roll my eyes before sitting down.

He moved to the other side of the table and sat down with the same smile he had when we left the room still painted across his face. I swear something is up. What if he is planing to drug me again? I look over and see a small women in a flower covered dress walking over with two trays in her hands. She set one down in front of me then the other in front of Axel.

I looked down at the food spaciously poking it with my fork. Then glance up seeing Axel watching me leaning his arm on the table resting his head on it.

"Well, eat." He says smiling.

"No." I say setting down my fork. You can't tell me that something is not up with the look he's giving me.

"No?" He questions lifting his head up. "Winter, I did not drug your food."

This leads me to look over at my drink that was sitting right beside my plate. "Then you drugged my drink."

He sighs, "I honestly did not drug anything."

"You had someone else do it."

"I didn't." He says leaning back. I can tell by the sound of his voice that he is getting annoyed but who would trust someone after the first time?

I glance over to him then down at the plate that sat in front of me, "Fine you take a bite of my food." He blinked and raised an eyebrow.

"Fine, I will as long as you eat the food no questions asked after this."

"I will." I say watching him reach over the table to reach my plate getting some of the food on his fork then carefully putting it in his own mouth. He smiled to me.

"See I told you it wasn't drugged."

I glance over at him watching him chew, then I look down at my drink. "What about that?"

"Huh?" He asks lifting up his own taking a sip.

"The drink."

He huffs, "Fine you want me to take a sip of that to?" He reaches over and picks up my cup. "You're very paranoid Winter." He says as he places the cup back.

"What you think I would just trust you? Sir, you've given me so many reasons to never believe anything you say or do."

He sighs, "I understand that. But I mean. I'm trying to gain your trust. I wont do anything further to you with out your consent. I will try to make you a very happy person." He lifts his left hand and puts the right on his chest.

"Then let me go home. That'll make me a really happy person."

"Will it really, Winter?" He asked looking at me. "You were happy when you were home? From what I recall you were a very upset under loved child. But with me I can give you... most of my attention. I wont let you go home, so please stop asking."

I sigh and look down at my food growing silent. He was kind of right. I mean I wasn't completely happy at home but I wasn't miserable either. I had my sisters and brothers. The only person I didn't see was my dad. But its understandable right? He had eight kids. He can't make time to see every single one of them. Especially the one who does nothing with his life. I mean I'm not special at all.

I look up at Axel who is sitting back looking at the water while he sips the liquid from his cup. I mean I know I'm not special, so he must have something he wants from the family. He doesn't really want me. Maybe he wants to marry my sister or something. Or maybe he wants someone to give something to him? That's probably it isn't it? Thinking about it if I played along with his little game, He'll soon realize he is wasting his time and wont get anything out of it. Then take me home and we can forget anything ever even happened.

"Fine." I say looking back at my food.

"What?" Axel asks looking over to me.

"I wont ask to go home anymore."

He smiles once more setting his glass down. "Really?"

"Yes, really."

"I don't know if I can believe you." Axel said looking me over, "But while we're here you don't have to wear the chains."

"Well that's not fair. I trusted to you with the food. You don't take my word for it?"

He laughed. "They are not the same thing, Winter. They aren't the same thing at all." He looked down at his food eating.

"How aren't they?" I asked still not eating.

"You running away is just a lot different from me drugging your food. Just think about it, You're smart Winter I shouldn't have to explain it."

I huff and go quiet. Looking down at my food. Picking up my fork to get some food on it. I examine it before putting it in my mouth. A burst of flavor seems to explode on my tongue. Just like last time except the world is still full of colors and I'm not fading into the blackness. where did he get a cook this good? I mean I'm rich and all but it's like this stuff is magic.

I look up to see Axel smirking at me. "Good isn't it?"

"I-it's okay." I say putting down my fork.

He shook his head. "You don't need to lie to me. I know it's good. I have my cook join me everywhere I go because his food is to die for."

I look down, Wondering why this scene is taking so long. I mean we've been eating dinner for the whole chapter. It's dragging on. Is anything actually going to happen?

Just as I think this Axel stands up smiling down at me.

"Come on. Let's go to the beach."

"The beach? Why?"

"Why?" He repeats still smiling. "The sun is setting. I thought it be nice to walk on the beach hand in hand with the person I love."

I can't help but laugh as I stand. "Axel you don't know me."

He shakes his head. "I know enough." He takes my hand in his again before pulling me along off of the gazebo.

[Author's note: Okay, So I just wrote this all today instead of doing my math homework. You are welcome. Also sorry if it's kinda boring. I was kinda stuck. But next chapter will have more of them doing stuff than one thing like.. eating you know? Any who Thank you for reading! (Although it's short.)]

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