Chapter Eighteen

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The man blinked looking from me to Axel. "You said he was kidnapped... and dead."

"I did you're right. But I'm a business man. I lie. You know that right Mr. Howe. You lie an awful lot."

Father looks to Axel then back to me frowning. "You found out then... before this I would only assume."

I nod slowly, "Yes, Father... I mean Thomas. I read the letter... I just needed to hear you say it."

"Well... What are you going to do now then?" He asks looking from me to Axel.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Well Winter, there really is nothing you can do. First of all, you can try to say something but who is really going to believe you? Your siblings won't believe you over me and neither will your mother. The police won't do anything either, you're unharmed and I didn't sell you I paid someone to take care of you, like a babysitter. I've done nothing illegal."

I go silent when I realize how right he actually is. What is there that we can do? We can't do anything. My father is a horrible person and won't get punished for it. Although mom already knows about this whole thing she loves the kids too much to get a divorce and change their lives. I'm stuck.

Axel frowns moving over to me placing his arm around my shoulder. "You're an awful man who deserves nothing good in your life."

Dad looks at me before smiling and laughing. "I may not deserve anything but guess what? I have everything. Having one child hate me or go missing is nothing big in my life, I have children at my disposal. We just have to keep this out of the press." He moved over to touch my shoulders. "You wouldn't want to ruin your siblings' lives now would you, Winter?"

I moved stepping back letting his arms fall back down to his sides. I look to Axel a moment; I have no idea what to say... or do. I know I want mom to see this but... I never thought about anything other than getting my father back, if I do anything to him it'll affect the whole family.

Axel looks at me a moment before frowning stepping between my father and me.

"We don't plan to make anyone else snuffer the consequence of your actions. Just you."

Dad took a step back looking to Axel before smiling and turning quickly moving over to his desk pulling out a piece of paper, examining it.

"And what about this? The agreement which you signed?"
"I was saving Winter from a place that I knew he wasn't wanted."

"Oh? But that's not how it was. Am I not right, Mr. Keeler? You've had your eyes on my son for a long time. I could let that leak. 'Man stalks, boy from the age of twelve then takes a deal to keep him for himself' sounds good doesn't it?"

Axel frowned taking a step closer to my father seeming to get angry. I quickly move to touch his arm, afraid that he would do anything awful... Also He's liked me since I was twelve? How did he know me? Oh well. I'll ask him later.

"If I'm going down so are you, Mr. Keeler. That is unless you want to forget about this whole thing. Keep it a secret between just us... and keep him quiet... although I don't think Winter would say anything he has no back bone. Trust me I know."
I move to step around Axel, it was my turn to tell this man off... to... tell him... tell him what? I take in a deep breath ready to say the first thing that comes to mind before the door is opened quickly my mother standing there with Garson and Raed both at her side.

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