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Kenny's P.O.V

Cartman had his phone in hand. He was about to snap a picture of me with my Mysterion costume in hand. I had to stop him.

I ran up and kicked him right in the chest. He dropped his phone and staggered over. I grabbed it. The screen had gotten cracked on the left. No picture, thank god. I threw my costume out the window and jumped out.

I ran down the street. People pointed and laughed because all I was wearing were underpants. Oh well.
I kept running until I reached my destination. A green house with junk in the yard. I ran to the back and searched. There. An open window, and out it staring a brown haired girl. Karen McCormick.

Kenny: *Whispers* Karen! Down here!

Karen: Kenny? Is that you?

Kenny: Yeah. Help me up please.

Karen: Why are you in underpants?

Kenny: I..forgot to put clothes on. Now please, help me up.

Karen: *Giggles* Ok.

Karen extended out her arm and I grabbed it. She pulled me into the room. It was completely pitch black.

Karen: I'm worried.

Kenny: Why?

Karen: Mysterion hasn't come to see me yet. Do you think he's hurt?

Kenny: Uhh...I'm sure he's not. You know he's really tough.

Karen: Oh..right.

I stayed in Karen's room all night, making sure she slept well. At 2:54, I heard a noise. I looked out the window. I saw Emily standing underneath me with my clothes in her hand.

Emily: *Smirks* Looking for these?

Kenny: *Jumps down* How'd you find them?!

Emily: I saw Cartman in the hall. So I followed him. (Not trying to be a creeper or anything) And I saw him go to your room. When he said AHA! I moved away. But then I saw you knock him out, and by the time I walked in, you were gone. I went out after you, but first I picked up this. *Hands Kenny outfit*

Kenny: Oh my god..thank you! I could kiss you right now!

Emily: *Blushes*

Kenny: Oh I uh...I mean..may I? May you? May we...

Emily: *Giggles* We may.

We made out as the sun began to rise.

A/N So ya.....Frozen reference! I'm sorry I just couldn't resist! Anyways, today's been kinda busy with all the unpacking and stuff so sorry I didn't update earlier. Also, sorry if the chapters are getting really short I'll try to make them longer but I'm not trying to make them short so ya -Emily😎

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