Burnt waffles

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I rushed downstairs as Skyler trudged after me. As we walked into the kitchen, Cartman said "Look who it is. The peace maker hippies."

Skyler: Shut up.

Emily: Just because we stopped a fight doesn't make us hippies. We just didn't want anyone to get hurt.

Clyde: Bull crap. My right knee bled after I knocked the door down to escape the room YOU locked me in.

Skyler: That was your own fault.

Clyde: Whatever

Kenny: Can I have some coffee tweek?

Tweek: S-sure. What flavor c-cream?

Kenny: Two vanilla, one hazelnut, and 7 marshmallows.

Tweek: Got I-it.

Token came downstairs, but he went to the living room instead of the kitchen. I wondered why and followed him in. He sat on the couch staring at the T.V. Watching spongebob.

Emily: Really? Isn't that show for little kids?

Token: So? I'm an immature teen. We all are.

I sighed, then went back to the kitchen.
I decided to go back to sleep for a while. I walked upstairs, climbed onto the top bunk, and fell asleep.

I awoke to the sound of a fire alarm. I hurried downstairs. Stan. He was standing there with black smoke covering his face and holding a pan full of burnt waffles.

Stan: Oopsies. *awkward chuckle* heheheh

Token walked into the kitchen. "Nice job, Stan." He said.

Skyler and Emily: *facepalm*

Later that day, Craig asked Skyler if she would watch Stripes while he went down to walmart to get some frozen waffles. ( STAN) and she said ya.

Skyler:Aww it's so cute!

Cartman: Craig has a hamster haha gay..

Skyler: No he just loves animals!

Cartman: Ya right!

Craig came back soon and Skyler didn't want to let go of his adorable hamster. But it was his, so she didn't have a choice.

The sun began to set and we all went to sleep. I dreamed about waffles which was weird but oh well. 😴

I seriously did dream about waffles last night it was so weird! But it can't mean anything..... Right? 😋😋-Emily

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