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          ,,good morning, harry. please get up quickly, we are late for class." hermione spoke while she put on her uniform. living in a flat with two soulmates was no fun when you didn't have yours.

          ,,i'm assuming pansy is already ready and making breakfast, right?" hermione only nodded in response and buttoned up her shirt. harry sighed and got ready himself.

          ,,good morning, potter. love, is it alright if i invited my best friend to hang out here today? his name is draco, i told you about him a few times but he's too busy to ever hang out with me."

          ,,if he's so busy what's changed?" hermione quizzed as she stuffed her bag with books and popped a sedative inside of her mouth. harry handed her a glass of water and she gulped it down quickly.

          ,,he's moved here, started working nearby in a clothing store his mother owns. he's became a manager you see." pansy smiled and stood up.
,,we've ten minutes to leave, harry please hurry up."

          on their way to school a black, very luxurious car stopped and honked at the trio. pansy glanced at the car and noticed the blonde inside.
,,come on in, he'll take us to school."

          ,,did you plan this?" hermione questioned, her eyebrows raised.

          ,,not at all, love." pansy smirked and opened the door for hermione, while harry stood there awkwardly.

          ,,come in, potter. we're not waiting for you." pansy laughed and harry nodded, and sat down onto the very comfortable leather seat.

          the messy haired boy glanced at his surroundings. the car was obviously expensive, the leather was high quality and harry admired that such a young looking man could be the owner of it.

          ,,so, draco this beautiful woman is my soulmate, hermione granger and this awfully messy haired boy is our best pal, harry potter."

          ,,miss granger, i've heard a lot about you. it's a pleasure to meet you both. i'm malfoy, draco malfoy. i'd shake your hands, but i'm sort of unable to right now." harry chuckled at that.

          ,,so pansy has been talking about me?" hermione giggled like a twelve year old, still being flustered at all kinds of compliments or literally anything that had something to do with pansy.

          ,,never shuts up actually. must be wonderful to have your soulmate being such a loving person." draco complimented pansy in such a subtle way it amazed harry.

          ,,draco! shut up this instant!" pansy chuckled and so did he.

          ,,i've not heard much about you though, mr. potter. do tell me something about yourself. i don't like strangers in my car." draco glanced into the mirror and saw harry's green eyes.

          ,,w-well. . my name is harry james potter, i'm 21 years old, started college two years ago, i'm studying literature and languages. same as hermione here."

          ,,interesting." draco mumbled as he stopped the car in front of a candy shop. ,,i have an order ready here, spare me a minute and i'll be right back. i promise, you guys aren't late."

          they just nodded and as soon as draco left the car the two women turned his attention to harry.

          ,,why did you stutter, harry?" hermione held a smirk on her face.

          ,,i didn't expect him to ask about me." harry rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed a little.

          he saw draco coming back and the two ladies pretended as if nothing was asked. he held a big package of some sweets and a little box of chocolates.

          ,,can you please put the pink box in the back?" he asked hermione and she nodded.

          draco then handed harry the box of chocolates.
          ,,i hope you like white chocolate and expensive taste. i can get you a regular one if you'd like." draco said, buckling his seat belt in.

          ,,i'm sorry but i can't accept this, it's expensive-"

          ,,it's a gift. i'm not taking all that "i can't accept this because it's expensive" as an answer." pansy eyed hermione and both women had mischievous looks on their faces.

          ,,thank you, mr. malfoy." harry said politely.

          ,,you're welcome, well. we're here. i'll come over at five, if that's alright?" draco asked and pansy nodded. they all left his car and with one more thank you, draco took off.

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