~ Chapter 28: Nightmares and Day Dreams ~

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          They had done it. The moment she killed the King and destroyed the Nightmares heart… They all began to fade around you, including Isa. Though she could only smile. With relief? Joy? Gratefulness? Pride? It was her son that helped the new Goddess grant your son his Godliness. Your son… Grimmy. She protected him as she promised you, and in return, you too had to finally let go and trust them both. Then again, you had been waiting for this moment and you were lucky enough to obtain it so soon.

          As the fire finally died out, there was no need for any of you to stay but Isa and you lingered. Perhaps to watch the embers float into the blank sky as the scarlet fire you would gather around became nothing but a sad pile of ash, or perhaps you both didn't believe this was it. Was it that easy? Was it finally over? Though the flame never relit, thus your dreams had come true. Isa fluttered her wings a bit as her clothes had changed back to a beautiful armored set she might have worn when alive. One that made her purple body stand out and her wings seem even more powerful, while you had only turned back into clothes you would have worn when alive in Dirtmouth.

          "Well, thank you Y/n… For everything. I wish I had trusted you a bit more along the way but-."

          "No need for wishing now, our dream was met has it not been?" You gave her your usual carefree smile as you felt the weight of something on your back held up by a strap across your chest. You held the strap and felt a bit more comfort as Isa made sure her sword was in place at her side before she nodded to you.

          "I suppose you are right. We shouldn't keep our loved ones waiting, but I wish to thank you. Without your dedicated help and desire to set this wrongful act to right, we wouldn't be here. You are as much of a hero as the Goddess and your son are. I hope you rest like a true hero." She said as she placed a gentle arm on your shoulder. "Rest among your family, friends, and loved ones. I will be doing the same with my tribe. Farewell Y/n." she ended with a warm smile before you embraced each other one last time as a sign of saying goodbye. When you parted, Isa walked away and disappeared like the others, completely faded. She would be with her tribe, finally happy with her family as the hero and dedicated daughter she was. She would be treated as a warrior for eternity.

          In this realm of imprisonment, you were the last to remain. Not that you wanted to keep anyone waiting, but you had a feeling in your chest. One that reminded you of when you first entered the Grimm Troupe's tent so long ago it felt. Anxiety, perhaps? Though it wasn't the fear of facing people, no… It was the fear of possibly not getting your idea of eternity. When you entered the tent for the first time with Ghost, he was there. Then your pain slowly began to fade. What if he wasn't here now? What if…

          You hated to sound so picky, but you had made a promise. You only wished for that promise to be kept. You couldn't keep everyone waiting forever, so that was when you finally turned your gaze away from the once lit fire and began to slowly walk away. With your violin case hitting lightly against your back as you walked, you too began to fade and the realm around you died forever.


          Your eyes readjusted finally as you saw many figures standing in what looked like Dirtmouth. You didn't hesitate to approach the place you called home, and with approaching you could see the figures all so much more clearly. A woman and man paired together, two young boys running about and a child held in the arms of the woman. An elderly bug stood nearby talking to them both, as a few more bugs walked about cheerily. This was your eternity… To have a peaceful quiet life in Dirtmouth and as the female turned and saw you, you felt close to tears as you rushed up to her.

Day Dreams ~[Sequel to 'Nightmares']~Where stories live. Discover now