~ Chapter 23: Last Dream ~

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            As you began to hold onto their voices after drifting away from Grimm's your vision came to in the world of complete nothingness once again. It actually amazed you how neither of them seemed to get along from the outside, yet they always now appeared together. Maybe that was just their stress. How long had they been stuck with just each other? Did they have the other women as well? The ones who you had seen with many Grimm's... All dressed in the white gown flawless and pure.

Your eyes soon fullied open and you wasted no tie in your drowsy state as you soon sat up and saw the pair. Isa and Grimm's mother mumbling to one another before they saw you his mother smiled.

"You have returned to us just at the right time. I assume you have seen what is to come of Hallownest at this current state." You nodded solemnly as you rose to your feet feeling a bit different in this realm.

"The council has fallen apart, and Grimm believes it's his fault for not believing he brought the bad news." This made his mother frown a bit as her eyes filled with remorse for her own child.

"My poor Grimmy, a gentle and sweet heart he has... Though it isn't his fault. And instead, he and you will be the heroes Hallownest needs! I am certain now, and I have everything prepared as longa s the plan goes on smoothly."

"Is she really be this key you supposedly speak of?" Isa asked Grimm's mother. Their white gowns still as bright and white as ever as they seemed to catch your eye more, but the red lace that lined the trim of Grimm's mother's made her stand out. You looked down for the first time at yourself and finally noticed that you too had a gown trimmed with lace but yours was gold... It must have meant something, but what?

"She is, I am for certain this time. She's one of our last hopes, or we are trapped until the ritual repeats and by then Hallownest would be in ruins." she stepped up to you then and gave you a gentle smile. "A girl made out of pure aspirations and dreams, she will be the closest we have to gain an equal partner in this cursed dance. Grimm will hold his ancestor's Nightmares and Y/n with Dreams."

"She is but a mere common girl! Your plan is far too bold and dangerous." Isa tried to deject but she hushed her.

"Have faith in me, you too once gave me a chance to free you and the others. I see more in this young woman than you do." the woman brushed her hand against the side of your face, her hand was gentle yet slightly cold. Strange due to still how motherly and kind it felt. "Y/n, dear... The time has come to tell you your purpose. The balance that will help restore the entire kingdom." She spoke with so much hope and grand joy. You blinked and took a small step back.

"Balance I will help restore? What balance? You speak of balancing the world, but what can I do, and why?" You looked from her to Isa, to which earned a gentle sigh from the dragonfly woman.

"The story is older than life itself, but barely anyone is alive to see its evolution despite how so much has been changed. I suppose that is how evolution is meant to be looked on." She too began walking towards you so they stood side by side once more. Two completely different women, with different mindsets, and yet a common goal and dream they struggled to reach... In a weird way, you felt like you belonged with them, how you too had a dream and aspiration you wished to fill. You had filled it, had you not? Then why did you still feel empty and just as lost as when you and Yirel came to Hallownest and to your new home? So much had happened since then, and you got your wish. Though deep down you did understand you were meant for more. Grimm's mother then cleared her throat,

"Long ago, the kingdom was ruled by two extremely strong deities. The God of Nightmares and Goddess of Dreams, a brother and sister pair which many praised long ago in ancient times. They remained in a balance that brought a prosperous time that we sadly know nothing about anymore. For the goddess Radiance, growing greedy and desired more attention from her followers, challenged her brother King Grimm for full rule over the land. War broke out, and all life other than their own armies were destroyed. When the dust settled, the goddess stood triumphant and Nightmares were cast away, only dreams to remain in now an unsettled and unbalanced land. Though then the Pale King arrived the pale wyrm who created Hallownest as a whole. He ensured his kingdom was large and strong even absorbing Radiance's followers who denounced any sign of her religion, which caused her to grow angered and start the infection. She sent it out onto the people, and then we all know the story of Ghost's heroic actions which ended her tyranny and saved Hallownest. With the Goddess of Dreams completely gone, the God of Nightmares still remained. In a faraway realm forced to live from a smaller intake on the nightmares of fallen souls, the Nightmare Realm. The kingdom tried to then live without any king or even any god but..." She finally drifted off as she looked at you with deep concern and sadness in her eyes. "Now it is falling apart once again. The kingdom cannot be at peace until the balance is restored back to how it once was thousands of years ago. The God of Nightmares awaits the day he can rule equally again, but without a balance, a dream deity such as the goddess Radiance, chaos will only remain."

Day Dreams ~[Sequel to 'Nightmares']~Where stories live. Discover now