~ Chapter 24: Goddess of Dreams ~

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The entire troupe instantly had to pick up and start on an unplanned journey to the White Palace. Which made your heart race and your fears never leave. The chaos that awaited you was far beyond what you could ever imagine you were sure, but as the caravan moved along Grimm held your hand tightly. The two of you would make it through...

Though after a day of journeying almost nonstop, Brumm had to stop the steeds as they began to grow weary and restless. The shout of chaos coming from a long trail and echoing in the dark area you were currently paused in. Grimm took this sign and grabbed a cloak for himself before handing a smaller one to you. As he put his cloak on you realized that it was the one he would wear in the City of Tears when traveling at night and meeting with you. You found it funny... How from strangers to friends, to lovers, and now going on the obscure quest to save an entire kingdom together. The more you thought about it all, the more you realized how your life turned into a novel you never expected. Like a story, one you would have read when you were younger and would once dream to be a part of... Your dream had come true, now how many more would also?

Grimm hopped out of the caravan after Divine and Brumm did, which you instinctively followed after.

"Oh my Wyrm..." Grimm mumbled as you could hear the screams, the shouting, and the faint clashing of nails. Divine looked weary as she moved back to the caravan and Brumm let out a long sigh.

"I cannot get you two any closer, forgive me, Master." Brumm apologized and Grimm shook his head and found your hand to hold to keep both of you in comfort.

"There is no need to apologize, Brumm. It's dangerous up ahead... I want you guys to all stay back here."

"The two of you are going in alone?"

"That's the only feasible option." You then spoke up, your nerves never completely settling but you did your best to seem calm. "It's best if just Grimm and I go so no one else can get hurt."

"Well, in that case, the two of you better remain safe. Divine and I will stay here with the troupe." Brumm bowed to you and his master as he said this. Grimm gave a small smile to him as he nodded.

"Thank you, Brumm. Y/n, we should make our way in as quick as we ca-"

"Wait! Lady Y/n and Master!" Divine came rushing out of the Caravan as she held something long wrapped in what looked like extremely old cloth, but still cared for many years. When Divine reached the two of you she held the object out to you with a respectful bow. "This will hopefully aid you in the palace since you have no other way to defend yourself." She informed you as you took the wrapped object and removed the worn cloth to reveal a long nail with a sharp edge and slight curve to it. The hilt had a purple ribbon with silver trim to it as you looked at it in awe.

"This is incredible Divine, you had this?" Which she nodded as an answer for you.

"It belonged to Isa, Grimm's grandmother..." She smiled at her Master who then grew interested in the nail after hearing who it belonged to. You instantly knew why it then had a purple ribbon since Isa had a purple body. When you met Divine's eyes she smiled warmly. "You actually seem so much like her and Grimm's mother as well... Maybe in a sense, they rubbed off on you." She said with a giggle and you couldn't believe what she said. Did she know? The glint in her eye made her seem like she was holding a secret, but now was not the time to ask about what she meant. You took the nail handling it with care and ease before you smiled at her.

"Thank you, Divine."

"Be careful, both of you. We will be here." Divine and Brumm waved as Grimm began to lead you away. He pulled his hood over his head to hide his figure more and you did the same. Both of you quickly and quietly making your way to the palace.

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