~ Chapter 9: Change ~

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I made a meme about my creative writing class. I literally took the first paragraph of the beginning, changed a bit, and handed it in-. Send help. Lmao

          The voices, they called for you but you could not find their source. Where did they come from? What were they saying? Focusing in on them, you began to hear some words.

          “Now… Here… Come… Plan… Her…” Though as they were all merged together in frantic lead over the others, one stood as clear as day. Her voice came from behind you and you knew it.

          “Patience. She has time. Just a bit longer.” It was her, the woman from your dream the other night. The violinist. Maybe if you could see her you would learn more about her, why she was talking to you and why she was here… Though when you turned to face her, you were blinded by a white light as everything faded away again.


          You slowly awoke to the sound of hushed talking, moving wheels on a wagon or such, and the sound of slow movement on four legs. They followed a constant, ca-click, ca-click, pattern in two different times. There was no rain, there was no crying, there was no Yirel snoring or shouting. Yirel…

          The thought of him brought you out of your peaceful stage of waking up as you shot up and found yourself on a small cot bed. Your breathing quickened as you looked around, though a figure rushed to your area and then your bedside. Where was Yirel? If he got to you again you were doomed.

          “Hey, hey… Y/n, it’s okay. You’re okay.” A familiar calm voice coaxed you, as you saw Grimm had rushed to your side. Grimm… His eyes held a soft comforting expression, and you thought you were dreaming until you remembered the events of last night before passing out. You had passed out in Grimm’s arms after Yirel’s attacks on you. Grimm would keep you safe, and he had through the night it seemed. You weren’t in the city though, and you had no idea where you were now.

          “Where am I? Where are we?” You asked him in a hushed voice and he didn’t hesitate to reply,

          “You’re on a caravan with my troupe and I… We’re heading somewhere else.” He pursed his lips as your expression read shock and fear. You weren’t in the City of Tears at all? You were heading away from it with his troupe, you were leaving behind your life and you didn’t even know it until now. Grimm jumped to comfort you, “Y/n, I couldn’t leave you in that city. He hurt you badly, he could have done worse… I couldn’t let him do that, he learned he couldn’t.” the last part he mumbled, though you had a feeling you knew what he meant. You knew Grimm was fuming over this, but you didn’t know what else ran through his head. You, on the other hand, were close to tears, your family would think you were nothing but a failure now and Yirel’s words still stuck and stung you.

          Grimm brushed the side of your face, making sure not to hurt you where it now bruised. A look of pity crossed his eyes as you blinked away the tears the best you could.

          “He said I was a mistake to my family, that I should rot… I am a horrible daughter.” You croaked out and Grimm swiftly jumped to go against it.

          “You’re not a mistake. You’re far from being one Y/n, you’re an intelligent and strong-willed woman. Your parents should be blessed to have a daughter such as yourself, I know I’m blessed to have you in my life. To live so passionately even in the environment you were in, you deserve freedom though.” He gave you such a kind smile, with purest intentions of care and dedication to making you smile. Grimm’s last wish was to make you doubt yourself, a true friend lifted you up in your worst times and indeed Grimm was living up to that standard.

          As you looked up to Grimm you blinked away the rest of your tears and placed your head on his shoulder, for physical and emotional support as he gave you a gentle hug.

          “Thank you.” You whispered which caused him to let out a nervous laugh. Why was he nervous? Was it how close you were? Was he still not used to having a friend much like you were with him?

          “You really don’t need to thank me. I just wanted you to be safe.” He replied it was a nice calm moment between the two of you until the sound of another figure approaching came to your ears. Grimm and you pulled away from the embrace as you looked towards a curtain that blocked off your area from the rest of the caravan. A head then peaked between the opening of the curtains and looked in at you both there.

          It was a female bug who wore a mask that only covered half of her face, which allowed you to see her facial expressions in an easier manner. She smiled cheekily at you both and Grimm sighed softly.

          “Hello, Divine. Why the intrusion of our guest’s privacy?” Grimm’s tone of voice changed to a serious and a more calm tone, instead of the lively and fun one he used when talking to you in private. The woman you remembered now as Divine from when you first went to check out the tents covered her mouth a bit with her hand and did a small gasp.

          “Oh, my bad Master. Please forgive me, I hope I didn’t intrude on anything serious.” Her voice was bubbly and yet made your skin crawl a bit. Grimm stood up and straightened his cloak.

          “No, but it is horribly rude to not knock. You know that.”

          “Yes, Master.” She responded with a soft bow before contemplating something, “Wait, how are we meant to knock when the caravan only uses curtains?” Grimm pinched the space in between his eyes as he closed them and let out a heavier sigh.

          “Just, ask before entering. Understood?” He then asked her and she nodded simply. Her eyes then fell on you with pure curiosity.

          "What happens to be your name young lady? We don't see many new faces around here."

          "My name is Y/n." You replied simply. Divine smiled widely at your answer as she giggled,

          "Such a lovely name for a lady as such, I'm glad you have joined us for our travels. Grimm, you are much like your father in many ways…" she then smirked to Grimm who looked at her with a dreadful look.

          "Divine. Now is not the time."

          "I know, I know. But we all know why he really let your mother stay in the tent while caring for you. Following in his steps I see." She placed her hands on her sides and Grimm's face tinted a light pink before he motioned her to leave the area.

          "Divine. I beg you from the deepest part of my heart and my ancestors before me, Y/n needs to relax and recover from her own trauma. Can you please go back to the front and stay with Brumm?"

          "Oh, that's no fun but alright. Rest well, deary." She waved farewell to you and when she was gone, Grimm relaxed once more. You couldn't help but smile a bit and let out a soft giggle. Grimm looked at you with a brief look of confusion, though that didn't stop him from smiling at you.

          "What's so funny?" He asked as he kneeled back by your bedside.

          "She's an interesting person… Is she always like that?"

          "No, she just… Uh. We don't get new people often, and she likes to jump to conclusions on why they're here. She did so when my mother lived with the troupe to care for me. I guess in a sense she was right since then my mother and father fell in love." Grimm reminisced and you chuckled nervously,

          "Does she think we'll do the same?" Which Grimm looked at you with shock, his face tinted light pink. He too let out a soft laugh before looking away.

          "I don't know what runs through her head, but… Um. Let me get you some tea. You rest up, Y/n. I'll be back." Grimm stated as he rose to his feet and left your area. You began relaxing more and more, and you had never felt so free already. The dread of your previous life was finally lifted from your shoulder, but the shame of your family's disappointment still lingered. Though with Grimm and his loyal troupe, you knew you were going to be safe and have a better life this way.

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