~ Chapter 16: Among the Rest ~

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          You and Grimm had gotten back to the tent but had to explain to Divine where you two had gone. The look on your faces as you glanced at one another seemed to be enough of an answer as well, since when Grimm told her you were both at the Blue Lake a smile graced her. Maybe it was also due to her catching sight of your hands being intertwined without even realizing it yourselves.

          "Blue Lake? I heard it's a very romantic spot… Hm, well as long as you two had fun. Have a nice night and you two better stay in your separate rooms." She giggled and went to her tent. Grimm looked to you with an expression that read 'well now she knows'. You didn't think of it as bad and instead knew that Divine thought of it as a sweet and loving connection. She would be supportive, and that was what you honestly needed after coming from a bad relationship to a positive one.

          As you both walked to your rooms Grimm had a smile he couldn't shake. It was actually quite adorable to see.

          "I hope we can do more things like this as we travel." You told him, which caused him to look down at you. He nodded and replied,

          "Of course! We leave tomorrow morning for another town a bit farther away. In Fog Canyon, where a bit of history took place and is now held. I think the travel there will be fun and you'll enjoy it." He seemed so excited and giddy. It was amazing how love brought out the purest joy of a person. It did have the same effects on you.

          "No matter where we go, as long as I'm with you I'll love it." You jumped up a bit to place a kiss on his cheek and he chuckled warmly before stopping to pick you up and briefly spin before kissing you deeply. When he parted he grinned at your slightly shocked expression.

          "And no matter how lovely the scenery may be, it can never be as breathtaking as you, Y/n." He spoke as he set you down. When he did so, you touched your lips with your fingertips. The lingering sensation of his kiss brought you a feeling of airiness as if you were floating. Though you didn't have all the time in the world to savor it as you both came to your rooms. Grimm looked down at you and gave a slight bow then. "Well, as much as I would want to spend the entire night with you I sadly cannot. I'll see in the morning until then, sleep well, my love." He kissed your forehead as he came up from his bow and then parted ways.

          You left for your room, and once settling into bed it didn't take long before you were completely out.


          You weren't surprised when your dreams began to manifest into something you could understand. You thought it would be the world of hazy thoughts and hushed voices, but no. Instead, everything was dark and hard to make out. No noise came to you except your own breathing as soft and quiet as it was. The only light that cast was from lanterns far above your head like the ones in the Grimm Troupe's tent. The same red flames that you knew so well, the ones that held the same burn as Grimm's eyes.

          The lanterns were placed in a linear pattern that basically asked to be followed. This must have been something important, so with no other questions asked you followed the hanging lanterns. With no noise to also guide you the only thing you heard was the sound of your own footsteps echoing off of nonexisting walls. That was until faint drumming came to you. You thought it was your own heartbeat until it began to grow louder and almost unbearable. It wasn't your heartbeat it was something else's. That was when you then came to a large room and finally could see other figures. Most of them looked identical though.

          Figures which looked like Grimm all stood motionless, strict, fearless and angered while another figure mostly female stood behind them. Back to back. The Grimm's all looked the same, and the partners all wore white knee-length gowns with nothing else on them. The only Grimm to stand alone was the one you knew. The look in his eyes was so much sweeter and so much kinder than what you saw in every other Grimm's eyes. Maybe this dream represented taking your place with Grimm, which you began to slowly walk towards him. That was what then caused the women to start to whisper again. As you walked closer to Grimm, the louder they became.

          "No... No... No…"

          As you walked up to him, a pair caught your eyes. The woman with this Grimm didn't speak, and her appearance was not new to you. She looked tired but stood strong. A look of determination in her eyes as if she had a job to be done and she couldn't rest until it was done. It was the woman from your dreams, her gown so different from the others. The red lace made her stand out and by the looks of their pair, they stood out from everyone else. The Grimm she stood with didn't look mean but instead looked just as kind as your Grimm did. Though as of now, he looked tired like the woman and everything a bit miserable. This must-have meant something, but you couldn't think straight from the beating of a heart and the whispers that filled your head.

          That was when you looked back at your Grimm. Standing idly alone with a warm smile on his face, one that invited you to step closer. Though as you reached out to touch him a figure darted away from her pair. In the corner of your eye, you saw her rush for you and it made you stop and look at her. A dragonfly woman with a purple body rushed to you and pushed you away from Grimm. You look at her shocked as she only had a fearful worried look in her eyes.

          "Isa!" called the woman who appeared in your dreams before as she walked over to you both. Isa, the dragonfly woman looked to the holder of the voice and grew enraged.

          "Your plan isn't working! She's going to just repeat the cycle!" She argued.

          "No. She. Isn't! Let it play out! Let it work! Trust me!" They looked close to killing one another, but before you could get a true answer or stop them the world began to fade away. You were waking up and you didn't want to, but that wasn't your choice.


           You awoke to the sound of light tapping at your door. This caused you to let out an audible groan as the door cracked open a bit.

          "Morning Y/n, rise and shine my sweet." Grimm's voice came to you as you saw him enter and stand by your bedside. He had not put on his cloak yet, so you saw his lean figure well. He smiled down at you and how you only rolled back over trying to continue your sleep. "Come on… We need to start going. You can rest in the caravan all you like but the Grimmkin need to start putting things away here." He shook your shoulder a bit and you groaned louder before he let out a heavy sigh. "Alright, you asked for it. Up we go." He picked you up, blanket included and you let out a shrill yelp.

          "Ah! Grimm! Fine, fine! I'm up! Put me down!" You didn't expect him to pick you up, but from his laughter, he found your reaction amusing. He compiled by setting you down on the ground. You glared up at him though he only chuckled at your pouting face and gently caressed your face.

          "Forgive me for waking you like that dear, but we need to get moving. Next stop, the Archived City! A city built around a historical site in Fog Canyon. I did say it was far, so we need to get moving quickly!" He was so cheery and energetic already this morning. Leaving your room for you to get ready but not before adding, "I love you!" Which you smiled softly and replied,

          "I love you too, Grimm." As you then began packing your few items to then get on the caravan.

I was gonna stream with my friends the first reading of Nightmares LIVE, but plans had to change. Xavier had work and with the epidemic coming so suddenly it has put us a bit in an anxious situation. Two anxious people in an epidemic don't mix, lmao. Deep down we know we'll both be fine, but what if's always come to mind. Being in a long distance also has us worried about one another more. It also doesn't help that my 18th birthday is next Thursday. So I'll be doing remote learning on my birthday! Yaaaay-. I also had rewritten this chapter 2 times until I got back into the feeling of how I wanted it to sound. Anyway, enough of my complaints. I love you all, and I hope you stay safe. Take care of yourselves and have a nice night! Ciao!


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