~ Chapter 5: Small Talk ~

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          You slept soundly through the night and woke up the next morning to your own thoughts and questions. The show last night was incredible, and it was nothing you have seen before in your life. Though what occurred before and during it… It made your head spin. As you made yourself a cup of tea to drink for the morning as you then went downstairs to open the shop, you tried tallying up the madness you had so far. The woman from your dream who played the violin. The violin of the old lady from Dirtmouth now in the possession of her 'son'. Grimm's eyes landing on you and even the creature stalking you as you ventured back home… It was like something was guiding you, guiding you both.

          You took a seat and sat behind the counter of the shop, but even as time passed by slowly you didn't seem to get the different strange occurrences to match up. Maybe they didn't fit together, and it was only a waste to spend so much time thinking about it. Though the day was slow, and you were alone. Your mind couldn't help but wander.

          As people came and went, you didn't really seem to focus completely. It all was a blur while you would look at your cup of tea with a pondering expression. You would look up from time to time when people would enter or approach you, but even then they never entirely broke your train of thought. As of now, it was quiet. As a pair of girls looked around and used the shop as a quiet place to gossip, which you didn't mind at all. It gave you a white noise to drown out the rest of the world. They must have been at the show last night as well since they only talked about how amazing it was. They went over everything with their own opinion, even Grimm whom they jumped the bandwagon on flaunting over. You didn’t exactly see why everyone had such a large draw to him alone. Yes, he was different than any other bug you had seen before but you only saw him as just a new face in a new land anyway. Even new faces get old until you learn more about them.

          Though the girls went abruptly quiet, looking at the door which made your mind cease its thought process. Your eyes trailed up to them and you saw their look of shock as they hid behind a few shelves. When looking at what had their attention you seemed a bit shocked yourself seeing the familiar tall figure looking up at the sign of your shop.

          Grimm was there with a look of curiosity as he didn’t even look into the shop, but only the sign. He didn’t seem fazed by the people who looked at him in either pure awe or in fear. What was with this man? You hopped off of your chair and walked to the door, deciding to cut your losses and see what he wanted. When you opened the shop door and looked out and up at him, you cleared your throat,

          “Excuse me, sir, can I help you?” You asked in a simple tone, not hateful or nervous at all. Grimm's eyes landed on you with a look of simple surprise as he then blinked and smiled down at you.

          "I was just looking at the lovely shop you have here." His voice was still young sounding and kind and held a sense of power as well.

          "Oh, well thank you. We just opened it a few days ago… It's just a thrift shop. Nothing too much." You took the compliment. Grimm pulled his cloak a bit closer as he shifted his weight.

          "We? You look like you're alone now…"

          "My partner is out of town. I run the shop while he's away all day." You sighed, Grimm seemed to appreciate your relaxed aura and simple conversation. By the looks of how everyone else treated him, and how many saw him and thought of him you knew how he must have been treated by others. In a positive and negative way.

          "Well, that sounds like no fun. You seem like a familiar face though, did I catch you in my audience last night?" He tilted his head which you nodded at.

          "I was. It was a very nice show, so well and thoroughly put together."

          "Thank you, we try our best with each performance." He then said while looking back up at the sign, "I was just taking a slight break today, we all are for a while in town. Though we plan to stay in the kingdom for a bit longer. I wanted to see the town a bit more." He explained simply and you remembered the tale of the tents appearing at a kingdom's fall. If they were staying in Hallownest still, then maybe their show wasn't as innocent as it seemed. You remained indifferent about what he said.

          "Well my partner and I have just moved to the city from a different land, I still haven't gotten to see a lot of the city due to working the shop." You said simply. Grimm hummed as his soft glowing red eyes landed on you once again.

          "You seem like a kind woman with a bright head on your shoulders. Perhaps we should explore the city ourselves, sometime."

          "You don't even know my name." You scoffed and Grimm chuckled lightly,

          "But you know mine, so I suppose learning yours wouldn't be too bad." He replied which made you smirk, his personality seeped into the conversation and you didn't see him as soon high and mighty instead as someone who only needed someone to talk to normally for once. In a sense, you wanted the same thing. To have a night to talk to someone new and inviting, who even held mysterious secrets… It was another adventurous thing Yirel would never allow you to do. Though Yirel wasn't here, it was now or never to grab this opportunity by the horns.

          "Y/n… My name is Y/n." You held out your hand to shake his, which he shook lightly before giving a bow to you.

          "It is a pleasure to have met you… So will you take my offer to explore with me?" He stood back up, towering over you as you giggled softly and gave a nod.

          "Very well, Mr. Troupe Master. You and I can explore the city." Grimm's face lit up a bit to your response as if he expected you to say no.

          "Really? Amazing… How about tonight? Would you mind meeting by the tent?" He asked and you nodded again.

          "I suppose, shame on you making a lady walk in the rain just to meet up with you." You joked and his smile grew a bit more.

          "You don't need to if you do not want to."

          "Well, then you're lucky I want to." You went for the door to head back inside, the rain outside coming down extremely lightly this afternoon.

          "Till we meet tonight, Y/n." He winked at you, before making his way down the street again. A soft smile came to your lips, as you never had a male treat you as Grimm just did. You weren't sure if you liked it or loved it, but you did know it was a better gesture than Yirel ever gave.

          As you went back inside, the two girls who were watching from behind the shelves looked at you in shock. You smiled awkwardly,

          "Do you need help looking for anything ladies?" You asked them and they shook their heads silently. They must have seen your interaction with him as shocking, but you really didn't see him other than a different person. Though your mind still wondered if he had more to him then he let basically show.

          Maybe you were brought together by a guide somehow, and who were you to go against them?

AHHH. This took WAY too much time to finish, and I felt like it was awkward and rushed. Idk. Maybe it's because I'm still trying to make Grimmy/ Grimm act like his father when he really is his own character as a whole. He tries to act professional like his dad did when that isn't how he was when raised, and he's more outgoing like we see here. He seems like a flirt, but his real intentions are known/ will be shown later. For now, I need to keep planning and make sure things work out as I should have them. Sorry for such a late and sub-par chapter. Tomorrow will be better. I love you all! Ciao!


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