~ Chapter 19: Bound to Scarlet Flame ~

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          The moment you woke up the next morning, Divine gave you no time to just relax to yourself. First, she wanted you to stand still while she planned which dress you would wear till the point your feet grew tired and your joints became stiff. After she and you decided on a floor-length deep red gown with gold and black embroidery she sat you down to work on a bit of makeup. You wouldn’t lie, you were wary of her doing so due to how she looked over the top with her own but soon your fears subsided as she focused on only enhancing your already captivating features. As she was picking out colors for eyeshadow you felt the need to ask her a few questions.

          “How many times have you done this before?” You asked as you watched her meticulously pick which color eyeshadows she wanted to put on you. Divine didn’t look at you as she let out a soft hum,

          “Too many to count my dear, too many to count.”

          “Well, what is it like? The ritual, what do I need to do?” You began to worry. This wasn’t what you were raised to be prepared for, you were just taught how to be wed and then live life from here. At this point, you were in an entirely new land of rituals, customs, and whatever lay ahead for you. Divine finally gave you a gentle smile as she stood in front of you to finally put your eyeshadow on.

          “You don’t need to do anything other than look gorgeous, which I know you already have down pat. Grimm knows what to do and will have everything ready and working out, so don’t worry your pretty little head.” She said with a light giggle afterward which helped to calm your nerves. As she began brushing on deep shades of red and purple carefully you then thought of another question.

          “You said the last time you did this ritual, it was with Grimm’s grandfather?” You had your eyes closed now so she could properly do your eyeshadow but you could tell how a small smile came to her.

          “Indeed it was…”

          “With who?” You added, and that was when Divine went a bit quiet, though a bit later she let out a soft sigh.

          “With a beautiful dragonfly with a shining purple color to her body.” The description of the woman caught you off guard as the image of the dragonfly with a purple body who had interrupted your actions in your dreams the other night came to your mind. If the woman who played the violin was Grimm’s mother, then that woman had to be his grandmother. What did they want with you? What was their reason? “Her name was Isa, and she was a fierce spirit. I helped her prepare for the ritual like I am preparing you…” Divine stepped away and you opened your eyes since you assumed she was done. She had a brief moment where her expression wasn’t as happy though it quickly vanished as soon as she saw your eyes land on her. “Tonight will be amazing though, I know it. Are you excited dear?”

          “I am.” You said with a giddy smile, “I couldn’t be more excited for this then I am right now.” You then added. Though deep down you began to feel a bit weary over Isa being a part of your dreams.


          As the light of day began to fade and the ritual planned to take place, you donned the long gown and Divine help to lead you to a large banquet room, far away from the normal areas of the tent. Everything was nicely decorated and the room was lit with larger and more elegant lanterns containing larger pomegranate flames. At the far end of the room, Grimm stood in a long red cloak with a train that was a foot long behind him, with gold embroidery much like yours on your gown. When his eyes landed on you, he seemed in awe. A gentle smile graced him while Divine walked you to where he stood. The Grimmkin who were there waiting watched you intently, everyone falling silent as this was where you assumed the ritual would begin. Once Grimm took you by the hand gently, Divine gave a small bow before taking a few steps back to stand by Brumm.

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