truth, pain and resolve

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It had been a week since you and Juvia started dating but in that time many things happened Laxus proposed to Mirajane and they are set to get married in a couple of weeks but right now you were helping out in the guild while you recover.

"[Fn] how you feeling" Gray asked as you smile while looking round the guild hall. "I feel better should be able to go back on mission next week oh and Gray your clothes" you say as Gray noticed he was in only his underwear.

"Hey Natsu, Freed can you guys help me in the back" you asked as they followed you into the Fairy Tail storage room before you shut the door. "What do you need help with" Natsu asked as Freed gave you the 'I think I know' look as you uncover the slime creature.

"Freed can you make an enchantment to contain it as for you Natsu your here incase it tres to escape" you tell them as Freed creates the enchantment. "There this enchantment should hold it" Freed said as you place the slime in the enchantmant before stepping back as you open the lid and the slime comes out.

It seemed to look at Natsu and Freed before rushing towards you but it is soon stopped by a invisible barrier and falls to the ground. "Ok slime thing I know you can understand me so tell me what you are" you asked as the slime begins to form a female body as it also made clothes before her bright red eyes look at you.

"Oh my your quite cute for a human and yet your not like the rest you have no magic that has piqued my interest" the female slime said as you look at her while Natsu and Freed watch. "I can tell your not human but you also seem different like you are human and not human" you tell her as she smiled before walking round inside the enchantment.

"Well looks like your brain is full of knowledge just like mine you are indeed correct I am human and not human you see my name is Ava and I was once a member of the dark guild Broken Skull" Ava said as you grab a chair and sit in front of her as she creates her own chair and does the same. "Tell me everything Ava" you tell her as she smiled before seeing your thirst for knowledge in your eyes.

"Very well" Ava said as she begins to tell her story.

Ava's past

"Ava the master wants to see you" a Broken Skull member said as she heads for the masters office. "You needed to see me master" Ava said as she bows to her guild master.

"Yes I managed to steal this piece of rare stone that had fallen from the sky I want you to use it to make weapons which will bring an end to the magic council" the master said as Ava takes the stone and heads for her lab. "This stone seems to be flexible like while retaining it's shape if humans could do this nothing would stop us" Ava says as she begins trying to enfuse lab rats the stones ability only for them all to die over and over again.

*Why won't it work if you can't enfuse the ability maybe fusion of the human and stone would work* Ava thought as she used her magic to merge herself with the stone as she became just as flexible before going to the guild hall to inform her master. "So you managed to find a use for that stone good" he said as Ava smiled before a pain shoots into her head and she begins to glow until a blast of magic power destroys the Broken Skull guild hall and she emerged with her slime body before the master stands up from the rubble and seals her in a box.

"You destroyed my guild and for that I brand you a failure and I have no need for failures" he said before tossing her in to a deep mine shaft.

Ava's past ends

"And so that's how you found me after my guild or should I say former guild abandoned me and so I swore vengance on all guilds" Ava said as you look at her with understanding in your eyes before standing up and walking over to the door with Natsu and Freed. "I know they hurt you but right now I am going to do for you what gramps did for me and that's lead you out of the darkness and into the light that's my promise as a Fairy Tail wizard and as your friend and I think Ava is a nice name" you say to her before you, Natsu and Freed all head back to the main guild hall.

*Friend huh he's strange but in a way he reminds me of you little brother* Ava thought as tears run down her face. Meanwhile your standing at the door with it open a little so you could see Ava as Makarov stood with you.

"So are you sure you want to try and help her" Makarov asked as you look at the guild laughing and smiling. "Yes even though she might not look it any more she is still human deep down and I have to give her a chance like you did for me" you tell him as you walk over to the rest of the guild to join them while Makarov smiled.

*Being born without magic you found life difficult but you never gave up and although she was your enemy your still going to help her I'm glad to see the man you have become* Makarov thought as he walks through the guild with a smile on his face.

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