It's been a while!

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Hey guys! It's been such a long time since I've done anything to this book and decided that I might possibly edit this. Or at least make a new book of this that's exactly the same, just maybe better to read. I've read all of your comments or at least as much as I could read and I love them all! Some make me laugh, some make me realize some mistakes, and some make me realize that I should really fix this book. XD

So I guess if you want me to edit this book, just comment! I'm also making a new story at the moment called "It's all or Nothing." It's basically a Spider-Man book that I started after I watched ultimate Spider-Man and the other Spider-Man show on Disney plus.

I'm also in lockdown like everyone else because of the pandemic that's going on so I'll have more time to write! And for my one shot book, I have absolutely no ideas for it right now but if some of you could give me some suggestions that would be amazing! :)

Also note that I have a life as well. I also draw so I've been busy trying to keep up with posting my art on my art account on Instagram! But I have done quite a lot of art now and don't need to rush in making any more.

Well that's just an update on everything I guess!


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