Chapter 11

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Danny's P.O.V

     I laid on the cold, hard floor for probably more than an 2 hours. I was starting to get hungry but didn't feel like getting up. Sam and Tucker were checking on me from time to time to make sure I was okay. I always assured them I was ok, but I wasn't.

I was scared, mad, hungry. All of the worst emotions mixed together. I was too afraid to get up and see everyone because the looks on their faces were horrid. Some with scowls, some with a sad expression, and some with angry expressions. I could still see their faces. Every single one in full detail...

After about the millionth time, Sam and Tucker came in to check on me. They both slowly came in and crept to my side, trying not to bother me too much.

"Danny...?" Sam said.

"yeah?" I asked.

" you think your going to come out?" she asked.

"probably never...the looks on their faces have scarred me. I can't get rid of it!" I held my head with my hands.

"well...okay...just feel better okay? Maddie is worried about you and so is everyone else." she looked to the floor, finding it intresting.

"there not worried about me! T-they don't even care! Maddie tried to kill me for god's sake!" I screamed.

"Danny! Calm down!" Tucker yelled.

I didn't listen. I quickly got up from my spot and ran towards the door to where everyone else was sitting. I slammed the door open startling some people.

"MADDIE!" I boomed.

Maddie and Jack rushed in looking at me with surprised looks.

"D-Danny-" she was cut off.

"why? WHY!?" I screamed. I could feel my eyes turning there crimson blood red.

"Danny! Calm yourself." Mr.Lancer ordered.

"why? Why should I calm down when she tried to kill me!?" I pointed at Maddie.

"because this isn't like you, and she is your mother." he said.

"oh she is not my mother. She is nowhere near being my mother!" I argued.

"Danny! What has gotten into you!?" Jack said sternly. 

I didn't care for anymore conversation. I charged at Maddie with full speed and held her by her neck.


I was grabbed and thrown across the ship. I hit the floor with a thud. 

"what in the name of Christopher Columbus are you doing!?" Mr.Lancer fumed.

"getting rid of someone we don't need!" I tried to charge again but was held back by Sam and Tucker.

"Danny! Please don't do this. You don't want to turn into him do you!?" Sam said.

"calm down dude, deep breaths." Tucker said.

After the incident with Dan, I've been getting worried and trying to avoid anything from turning into him. I have nightmares about him, and hallucinations. There's nothing I can do to make him go away unless I never turn into him.

I took and few breaths and could feel my eyes turning to there baby blue.

"o-okay...I think I'm good." I relaxed in their grip.

"are you sure?" Tucker asked.

"yes, I'm fine." they let me out of their grip.

"hey! Y-you thing!" Maddie said.

I turned my head toward her.

"yes?" I asked, not fazed by the name she called me.

"get. Out. Of. My. Son!" she took out a dagger.

"w-what?" I asked. 

"you heard me. Don't posses my baby!" she ran towards me and tried to stab me but I quickly dodged. Apparently Maddie knew what I was doing and spun around and tripped me. I was now pinned to the ground with a dagger pointed at my neck.

"Maddie, I-I'm not possesed.

"yes you are!" she yelled.

"how would I be possesed.

"you don't call me and your father "mom" or "dad", your eyes change colors, and your not acting like the Danny I know." she said.

"I don't call you mom because you never took care of me when I was little, you and Jack would always be in the lab trying to make inventions. I almost starved myself because I couldn't feed myself but Jazz took care of me to make sure I was healthy." I explained.

"what about the change of emotions and eye color change?" she inched the dagger closer to my neck.

"if you get off of me I'll explain, and I promise not to hurt you or anyone else. Tie me up if you have to." I said.

"fine." she got off of me and grabbed some rope and tied my hands and feet together tight enough that I couldn't get out of them (unless I phased out of them).

"alright, explain yourself." she crossed her arms. 

everyone's eyes were on me, watching my every move. I looked towards Sam and Tucker. 

I'm going to tell them.

" know when you were building that portal to the Ghost Zone? I was showing Sam and Tucker the lab and they wanted me to go check out the portal. I put on the suit and went inside. When I went inside the portal I tripped and apperently pushed the "on" button that was inside of the portal. The portal electrocuted me, never before have I ever in my life felt that tremendous pain. Once the pain was gone I looked at myself and saw that there was something different. I looked in a mirror to see that my suit was black and white instead of white and black, my hair was a snow white, and my eyes were a glowing green. That's when I found out I had ghost powers...I started to help people from the ghost's from the Ghost Zone. I was very famous, I had fought the Wisconsin ghost and one day he kidnapped me and tried to clone me multiple times. He had been my arch nemises ever since. And that's when I found myself to be Danny..." I paused. "Phantom." I looked into her eyes. 

everyone's mouth had dropped, looking at me with wide eyes. Jack had tears in his eyes, Sam and Tucker weren't surprised, but were smiling at me. Mr.Lancer was astonished at a loss with words. And Maddie? She looked like she was a murderer. That's when I realized she was charging at me with her dagger in hand. I quickly phased out of the rope and dodged her. She swung the dagger back and fourth trying to stab me or scratch me.


hey guys! Wow! I wrote this within an hour! I don't really have anything to say except thank you for worrying about me. I will try to socialize more, talk to some people, and get more sleep. I'll do whatever I can. I just need to find the courage and the right time to talk to my mom. I've cut myself for stress...cried myself to sleep, even thought of suicide but quickly decided no.

I'll tell her all of it but only when the time is right. Again I'm so glad you guys care about me...I'll get through this! 

I have a lot of stress so the way I get rid of it is writing stories, listening to my favorite music, singing to my favorite music, and making art! So that has mostly stopped me from cutting.

I haven't cut in about a month. I first started to cut when I was defending myself from someone online. I was helping another person and this other person suddenly starts throwing insults at me and talking about how my mom never loved me, how I would always never have friends or be loved. It got me pretty hard, so I cut myself. Before the incident I had thought of why people cut themselves. Now I know why.

If you read all of this thank you. You didn't have to but thank you. I have to go to bed for school tomorrow so I'll see you guys next chapter



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