Cheater! Tsukishima X Reader Angst

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Requested by: EthanyAngelBlessRulo
Hope this is ok. I sorta kinda made it into a vent.
Triggering topics ahead don't read if easily triggered
Edit: i fixed a few things.

You expected something was up. Tsukishima stopped calling you often. Didn't ask if you wanted to go to his practice or his games. He didn't even ask if you were ok anymore. You started to get worried, but other than worried all you felt was regret. Recently you told him how you were depressed and suicidal. He said that it would be alright and that he'd be there to help, yet his tone when he said that was more annoyed than usual. Due to this you regretted telling him how you felt. "If only I kept acting happy and kept it to myself." you muttered to yourself.
Here you were again. Sitting on the rooftop at school during lunch. Alone. It felt like it's been years since you've talked with someone during lunch. But then again, you were used to being alone. Whether it was being alone at school or feeling alone and out of place in society. That's how you felt. Constantly. 24/7. You stopped feeling ok years ago. You were constantly suicidal and did many horrible things to yourself. Self harming. Starvation. You constantly bullied yourself. You put yourself down. "I'm not enough. I'll never be enough." You muttered more self loathing things to yourself.
You open your bento. Chopsticks. No food even. You didn't feel the need to eat. Afterall, you were gonna be leaving this world soon enough. "May 24th. Just hold out. You made a promise to her didn't you? Don't you dare break it (y/n)." You continued to mutter to yourself. They just kept getting worse and worse. You didn't care. It's not like anyone was gonna hear you anyways. "Did (g/n) die for nothing? You made the promise so you wouldn't be alone. I don't wanna be alone. I'm scared. It hurts. I'm sorry. No.....shut up....just be quiet...I already decided my fate...nobody...not even Kei can stop me now..."
Before you know it tears were falling down your face. This pissed you off. You rubbed then away in hopes that you wouldn't look weaker than you already do right now. You didn't want to show your true feelings. The world didn't deserve to know how you feel. Yet the tears kept running down. They wouldn't stop. It won't stop. It hurts. You give up. You just let them fall. You start to hug your knees and cry into them. Not caring if others saw you. Afterall, you'd be gone soon. Why would their opinion on you matter?
You calmed yourself down and told yourself to stop crying. You knew the bell would be ringing soon. You packed your bento back up and kept it on your lap. Sitting there, you let yourself slowly drown in an ocean of suicidal thoughts. You want to cry and scream out but no matter how hard you try nobody will ever be able to hear you. After thinking to yourself for a bit the bell rang and broke your train of thought. You got up and walked back to class. Instantly putting your bento back into your bag when you got to your seat. You just sat there waiting for the teacher. Yamaguchi looked at you with a worried expression. You knew this yet refused to meet his eyes. You didn't want to show anyone else this pain inside.
After dealing with the rest of the school day you decided to go home. Before you could leave the school property you were stopped by Yamaguchi who was walking side by side with your boyfriend. "Hey (y/n)! Are you ok? You usually come and watch Tsukki and the rest of us practice after school." You averted your eyes so you wouldn't have to see his expression. "Well...I'm not feeling so good right now so...I think I'm gonna just..head home for today...good luck with practice too K-kei.." You hated this. You knew he stopped caring yet why would you try to talk to him. He looked at you and clicked his tongue. "Whatever.." He said in reply to your words of encouragement. You simply turned away and walked off.
On your walk home you got a notification on your phone. You open it to see it was from Kei. It read: 'Hey, sorry (y/n) this isn't gonna work out. I stopped caring a while ago. Plus you being suicidal is stressing me out and I can't deal with you being a burden. So goodbye.' You started to quietly laugh. At the same time those tears fell down your face. You knew you should've been quiet about it. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid..... you didn't reply. You didn't want to. You loved him so much. It hurts so much...all you wanted was to love someone and be loved. You weren't surprised though. You knew it was coming. Afterall. He was hanging out with someone else. He hung out with them more than you. Talked about them more than you. You knew he was dating them yet denied it. You told yourself he was better than that. But in reality you knew that wasn't the case.
After the event you stopped talking to him. I mean, it wasn't like he was even trying to put any effort in talking to you. Yamaguchi and the others tried to open you up but you stayed tightly shut. You told yourself you would stay alone and secretive until the day. "Just until May 24th....You said under your breath. You continued going to school yet avoided everyone. If anyone tried to talk to you you would push them away. You didn't want anyone hurt. You kept this up until the final day. 5/24. The day had come.
Today at school you had been smiling and actually talked to others. Everyone became happy. Especially Yamaguchi. He missed talking with you, so you talking with him made him very happy. He walked you home. He kept asking if you were ok. You lied and said you were perfectly fine, and that you got over Tsukishima and became happier with yourself. He smiled knowing you were happy. Once you reached your house you waved goodbye to him. "See you at school tomorrow!" He said as he waved goodbye. "Yeah. Cya tomorrow." You said, waving back in response to him. You shut the door. You took your shoes off and put them aside at the front entryway. Your parents were away and you had no siblings so you were alone for now. You headed upstairs to your room. "Today's the day." You said, smiling as you grab your rope. You tied to rope to the hook that was on your ceiling. You made sure it was sturdy before making a noose with the rest of the rope. You put a stool underneath and stood on top. You took your phone out of your pocket and made one final tweet before leaving. "5/24. Make me a legend!" Then after you sent it you threw the phone onto your bed. Put the rope on your neck and pushed your hair back.
You kicked the stool away and with that you were gone. You kept your promise to her. You won't feel any pain anymore.
You were finally set free.

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