Chapters will be removed (a heads up)

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Hi! Geo here, we noticed some chapters are getting not so nice comments such as the Kuroo x reader lemon chapter, so that will be unpublished for good as well as other chapters that receive the same kind of comments.
Old host was much younger back then, he was just starting to write and you do see improvement, writing this was something that made him happy and it really pisses us off to see things like "what the fuck is this" or "please what is this" and just other rude comments.
You might not like something or find it weird but keep it to yourself. Some writing is old, some writing may seem weird and that's okay but it isn't right for you to make fun of it. Honestly shame on you, this book was one of old host's biggest accomplishments and he's getting shit for his OLD writing. I understand you may want it to stay up, or like all the chapters, but we refuse to allow people to mock what was so important to old host. -Geo

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