Father! Kuroo X Daddy's girl! Reader

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Requested by maximoff216


Ok so, when I got this request I had to make sure of a few things. So, I was told Kuroo is still in his high school years- since he is cannonly in his last year, he will remain in his last year. Since the request was a daddy's girl reader, I see it as the reader is the child. If that is not what you wanted I'm sorry and I am more than willing to rewrite this if it is not to your liking. With that out of the way, let us begin!


       Kuroo had just finished training with his volleyball team. He was a bit stressed out from having to redirect Lev. He knew he had a big test coming up so he had to study. Kenma, Yaku and Kuroo were planning to study together in hopes of preparing themselves for the test. Yaku's family were busy at the house so he couldn't go there, and Kenma had issues in the house which would not allow them to study there. They had no other choice but to go to Kuroo's house.

   Awhile back, Kuroo started living by himself. He lives inside of a small apartment complex that's being paid by his parents until he gets a job after high school and is commonly worried about what the others would think. Kuroo was different from most high school boys. He had a secret that put him apart from the rest. He had a child in his care. His daughter (y/n) was four years old. When Kuroo was in his last year of middle school he made a stupid mistake by having unprotected sex with his girlfriend at that young of an age. Even after she told him that she was pregnant with his child, Kuroo stayed by her side. Once the day finally came and she was in labor, her body slowly shut down until she passed during childbirth. She lost too much blood- and having a baby this early with her body not fully developed put her at fatal risk. Unfortunately for her, she gave birth to three children- only one surviving. With her last dying breath, she told Kuroo to take care of his daughter, before peacefully passing away.

   Kuroo knew his fellow third years well so he knew that they would not judge too harshly, but he was still in the state of worry about what they would say. If they were to say anything rude, he would side with his new family rather than his friends.
    Once they got there Kuroo took out his key and opened the door only to be greeted by small footsteps slowly approaching him. "Daddy!" The young girl said as she jumped into her father's arms. Kuroo chuckled and picked her up in his arms. Yaku was shocked while Kenma already knew. "You have a child!? But you're only a teenager!'' Yaku said to Kuroo. Kuroo knew what he did was stupid, he knew he should have waited, but things happen. "Hey (y/n), do you think you can wait in your room for a little bit?" His daughter nodded her head quickly and ran off to his room.

   Turning back to his classmates he looked at them and scratched the back on his head. ''Look, basically the whole story. In middle school, I met this girl that I loved so much. We were both in our last year of middle school when we were both at her house alone. Things kind of happened and she got pregnant. She died while giving birth. (Y/n) was the only one who survived. So now I'm trying to take care of her by myself. I know it was stupid by I was caught in the moment.'' ]

   After he told his story he looked to the side. Yaku looked at Kuroo with a sorry face. "I'm sorry that must be tough for you. I bet you're a great father.'' Kuroo softly smiles and thanks him. "(Y/n) you can come back out." After a few seconds, the sound of a door opening was followed along with footsteps. Kuroo crouched down and picked the small girl up once more and brought her to the kotatsu that was on the floor of the living room. Kenma and Yaku follow both of them. Soon they sat with their notebooks and pages of work assigned to them by their teachers.

   After they studied for what seemed like hours, it became night time quickly. With the darkening of the sky, the three friends knew they it was time to depart ways. Kenma was the first to leave after saying a quick goodbye to the two men and (y/n). Yaku stayed behind to make sure Kuroo and his daughter would be fine. "We'll be fine our own, we manage. Thank you for your concerns." Yaku nodded his head, agreeing with the dark-haired male's statement. "Of course." With that, the last friend had departed ways from the father.

     Kuroo closed the door and locked it for the night. He was about to call out to his daughter when he saw her asleep on the couch. He smiled to himself, remembering the time when his girlfriend would sleep like that. He was pained that she had to leave so soon but very happy that she could be passed on with his child. He went up to you and picked you up once more and walked into his bedroom. He placed her on the side of the bed opposite to where he sleeps, turning off the lights before tucking himself in. Before he fell asleep, he pulled her close to his chest. "I'm always going to be here for you." He whispered to her before silently falling into sleep.

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