Chapter 1- Gossip

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"Did you hear?!" One girl quietly whispered to her group. The others shook their heads no. 

"Hear what?"  another girl asked. 

"Admiral Serenity is coming back!"

"Oh yeah!  I heard about that! She's supposed to be the highest admiral ever!" A couple male friends entered the chat. 

"I heard she's more sexy than a horde of orions, male or female. And she has her own starship!" A male student stated. 

"I heard she's part demon."

"Didn't she used to teach some magic classes? Before she… did whatever it was she was doing?" Another female cadet asked.

"Yeah. My uncle once took her class. He can do actual magic, which I always wanted to learn." Said a goth female eating her sandwich in the corner.

"Well, according to the gossip train, she's coming back to teach magic. You remember Professor Spock, right?" Her brother questioned.

"Yeah. He's so hot, and yet he lacks in the emotional department. What about him?" A red headed girl asked. 

"Well, apparently she used to teach Magic 101 in that classroom." 

"Woah!  Really?! Are they gonna have to share that classroom?" A brunette inquired.

"Apparently so. She's supposed to come here tomorrow,  that why all classes are going to be cancelled."

"Finally a break!" Someone said. Several others nodded in agreement.

"Admiral Professor Valentino sounds interesting. I wonder what her classes will be like."

Star Trek AOS: Nightmare MateWhere stories live. Discover now