Chapter 15- The History 6

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This chapter will be quite long since this is the end of history chapters... The next chapters will be focusing on the present time after this one..


Jeongyeon’s POV

I am on my way now to meet the empress in front of the JYP building. When I rushed out of the cab and stare at the restaurant in front of me. When I am about to enter the shop, a man with the black suit.

“Ms. Yoo… right here.” he said and pointed out the black car beside him.

I glanced on the car when the mirror slowly going down and revealed the person I am looking for inside the car.

“Come in… we can’t talk inside that restaurant. A lot of people will identify me.” the empress said.

Even though I felt nervous, I nod my head and slowly enter the car. The driver went out and leave me and the empress alone inside. I really don’t know what she is planning or thinking right now but her eyes, her look, it is so intimidating.

I remained silent and bow my head wanting her to start talking. I wanted to ask her why she wanted to see me secretly and asked me to think twice before making up my decision but I am hesitating. She is a lot scarier than the emperor.

“Ms. Yoo… perhaps you already received my letter to you last night. I asked the landlord to make sure to give it to you no matter what.”

“Ah…Yes, your highness… I already read your message.”

“So, have you made up your mind?”

I snapped my eyes on her. She really is serious from the message she left me. “Your highness… if you don’t mind, why would you like to see my boss?”

She curved a smile on her face that added to the heaviness that I feel inside me. “Ms. Yoo,  do you think I won’t discover your relationship with my son? I’m afraid you underestimated the imperial family.”

“Your highness….” My heart is really beating so fast. I wanted to end this already but she still barely started to talk.

“I know my son very well, Ms. Yoo so upon hearing from him that he is courting you and wanting to marry you instead confirmed my thoughts that he is serious to you.”

“What do you want to tell me then?” I replied improperly without respect as I plays with my fingers. I wanted to hear it from her. I don’t want some curly little talks, I want a direct and clear message.

“Leave my son alone.”
I snapped my head back to her with a wide eyes. “P-pardon, your highness?”

“I want you to break up with my son and let him marry your younger sister.” She said as she met my eyes.

“But… your highness, Jimin and I have been dating for a long time now and breaking up with him is impossible for me.  And that is the thing that I won’t do.”

“Do you think I didn’t think about that, Jeongyeonssi? I know my son and I know that he won’t leave you too. But insisting you to be the next empress will be the biggest mistake that my son will do.”

“But why? Appa said he will talk to the emperor about this. He said I can marry the prince.” My voice is becoming louder that I didn’t notice that I am yelling the empress.

“Watch your mouth young lady. Not because you are dating my son doesn’t mean you have the right to yell at me.” she said and I quickly covered my mouth.

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