Chapter 5- History 2

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Author’s POV

It took her 10 minutes before she could reach tha apartment. As she went out from the cab, she took a glance on her window and saw that the lights are still on indicating that Jimin is still inside. She runs her way up and as soon as she opened the elevator, she runs her way to open her apartment and it is unlocked.

“J-Jimin?” she calls his name. She went to the living area but he isn’t there. Then she went to the kitchen and still no one is there until she reached the bedroom and saw him standing looking out the window.

Jeongyeon went closer to him. “Jiminie… I’m sorry I didn’t have the chance to answer your call. I didn’t know you were calling me because I am with Nayeon and the other trainees.” She then went in front only to see him crying. “Hey, why are you crying?”

Jimin didn’t talk first instead he wrapped his around her and Jeongyeon rests her head on his shoulder. “What’s wrong Jimin?”

“Let’s run away Jeongyeonie. Let’s get married.” Jeongyeon’s eyes widen and suddenly broke their hug to look him on his eyes.

“J-Jim-” Jeongyeon didn’t had the chance to finish her words when Jimin press his lips against her making his kiss very emotional yet forceful. She didn’t respond to the kiss hence, she forcefully let go and break it. “Jimin what’s wrong? What is happening to you?”

“I wanted to run away Jeong. I can’t live being with them anymore.” He said crying.

“What happened? Did you have fight with your family?” Jimin nod. “Come here, take a sit and tell me everything.” She lead him to sit on the edge of the bed beside her and rub his back and wipe his tears with her thumb.

“Tell me what happened.”

“Eomma, Appa… they want me to marry their friend’s daughter. They are arranging my married and want me to meet the girl’s family this weekend.”

“H-huh?” Jeongyeon was surprised. She felt a pain on her heart hearing the burden of her boyfriend. “What did you tell them?”

“I told them I don’t want to marry that girl. I didn’t even know her. I didn’t even know her face.”

“But Jimin w-”

“I want to be married to you Jeong, not to that girl. I don’t want an arrange marriage, I want to marry the woman I love and that is you Jeong. It’s you.”
Jeongyeon just hug him to give comfort. On things like this, she has to say at all. She is expecting this to happen but she didn’t expect that it will be as early as this. “I wanted to be married to you too Jiminie.”

“Let’s run away Jeong, please?”
Jeongyeon broke their hug and cup his cheek. “I can’t. Not this time. We still didn’t reach our goal Jim, we still need to graduate, to find a job. I really wanted to be with you too but not now.”

Jimin nod his head. He understands her so well and the only reason that he is acting this way now is because of the fear that he will lost his love. “Please promise me one thing Jeongyeon-ah.”

“What is it?”

“Please, if time will come for us to choose, choose me and don’t leave me my love.”

Jeongyeon smiled and nod her head. “Of course I will. I will choose you and will never leave you. I promise.”

Jeongyeon kiss him and this time, it is more passionate and gentle. “I love you Jeong.”

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