Chapter 45 - Recovery

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A/N:  I'm back a little early this week.  This is a long chapter but I wanted to get the sad parts behind us.  After all, we have a wedding to get to.  I'm going to be moving fast over the next couple of chapters.  

There are so many places to find good stories to read.  I hope everyone is taking advantage of that as the world deals with the dreadful coronavirus.  Stories transport us into another place and help us get away.  We could all probably use some of that these days.  

Stay safe wherever you are and I wish all my readers good health.  Thanks so much for reading, voting and commenting.  I'm amazed.

As I pulled up in front of my mom's house, I was glad I had come. Paris, with her straight in your face demeanor, never held anything back. She didn't have a gentle manor but she always gave you the facts. Now that I was here I knew my mom would give me only what a mom can give.

Entering the front door I could hear her banter from the kitchen. She stopped and shouted, "hey kid, is that you?"

Standing in front of me was not what I expected. "Mom, what are you wearing?"

"This, O' brilliant daughter of mine, is what they call an apron. Did they teach you nothing at that high-priced university?"

"But, people who cook wear aprons. I haven't been gone that long, have I?"

"Sweetie,you know being around Sookie for all those years I learned a few things. One that I remember vividly is wearing an apron. Me cook? Don't be absurd. Plus, I'm just trying to please Luke. Now, what brings my wayward daughter home to mommy?"

Hearing the word mommy made me feel like a child again. A tiny tear spilled down my cheek.

"Rory, what is it?"

"Mom, I need to tell you something. Let's get a cup of coffee and go sit down."

We sat at the kitchen table and I told her about how excited Logan and I were when we found out that I was pregnant. It had been several days of bliss. Then, when we went to the doctor and got the horrible news that it was called a 'missed miscarriage'. And, I had taken the medicine that flushed everything out of my body, but before that happened I had had cramping but not like my usual period. I told her I had talked to Paris with her being a doctor and all. My OB/GYN doctor had said it would be a good idea for us to talk to others so it would help us not to get depressed.

"Mom, it was so devastating. I felt like I had done something wrong."

"Rory, sweetie, I'm so sorry you've had to go through this. You didn't do anything wrong. I guess you know that by now."

"Yeah, I did a lot of researching after it happened. And I found out most women don't know anything about this until it happens to them. It's like something from the 19th century. I told Logan I thought I might ask The New Yorker if I could write about it."

"Well, I think you should give it some time. You need to heal your body and your mind. A woman is an emotional creature and pregnancy becomes a part of you from almost the very minute it happens. You'll need time to sort it all out."

"I am Mom. But, I'm scared. You know—what if it happens again. I'm so afraid that it will that I feel myself not wanting to be intimate with Logan."

"Rory, talk to Logan and tell him how you feel. You'll get through this together. I'm sure he's hurting and having his moments of fear, too. There is nothing wrong with either one of you. If you want children in the future, you'll know when to make that happen. But, hey, kid,why don't you get married first."

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