Chapter 18 - Playing a Part

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As I exited the elevator headed for my office, a notable hush fell over the newsroom.  Looking up to assess the situation, all eyes quickly returned to their desks.

Natalie greeted me with a wide smile.  "Good morning, Rory.  Mr. Cox has requested to see you.  And a package was delivered for you this morning.  Would you like some coffee?"

"Yes, Natalie.  Do you know what the meeting is about?," I was asking when I entered my office.  A beautiful silver gift box lay in the middle of my desk.  "Hmm," I smiled thinking it was likely from Logan.  Opening the package I found a beautiful glass slipper with a small, crystal crown emblem at the toe.  The card read, "Prince Charming wants to rescue you." L

Holding the pretty decoration, I was chuckling when Natalie came in my office with my coffee.  "Is that from a special friend, too, like the flowers?"

Clearing my throat and straightening my skirt I answered, "yes, a special friend.  Thank for the coffee."

"That special friend wouldn't happen to be Logan Huntzberger, would it?"


"Well, he was in the office yesterday with that single red rose and you two were all smiles and making eyes at each other.  I think it's pretty obvious something's going on with you two."

I just stared at Natalie with a stern look and, then, with a smile I said to her, "we don't discuss our personal lives, do we Natalie?"

Now, I'm off to see Mr. Cox.


After my meeting with Mr. Cox, which took so much longer than I thought, I returned to my office.  Picking up my phone, I sent Logan a text thanking him for the gift.

Hello my prince.  You are so over the top with your charms.  I love it.  And why exactly do I need rescuing?" R

Being so far behind because of Cox's endless yammering, I needed to do some catching up on my work.  Deciding to skip going out for lunch, I asked Natalie to order me some take out.

Finally, I was able to get a handle on the magazine articles I needed to get finished before I left for the holidays the next day.

My phone rang at 5:45 and seeing it was Logan, I quickly answered.

"Hey, you."

In that gravelly, sexy voice of his, Logan said, "hi, I'm sorry I haven't been able to respond to your text until now.  I've been bombarded today.  So, you think I'm going over the top with my charms, huh?"

"You know you are."

"So, I thought you might need rescuing from a life of drudgery."

"What life of drudgery might that be?"

"Well, I bet you haven't had much adventure in the last few years.  You know, concentrating on your career and all."

"Is that right Huntzberger.  We'll just see what you think about needing to rescue me when you get home tonight."

"Ooohh, I can't wait Gilmore.  But, it looks like I'm going to be late tonight.  Hopefully, I'll be out of the office before 8 o'clock."

"Okay, I'll see you then, my prince."

Chucking, he said, "alright, I've got to go Ace.  You'll be in my thoughts until tonight.  Bye."

And, he was gone.  I sat thinking for a moment and smiling I came up with a playful scenario to pull off something special for Logan.  It would definitely benefit me, too.  Logan was going to be very surprised.

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